51.you plan to move data from a flat(直接的) file to a table in your database.you decide to use SQL_LOADER direct
path load method to perform this task.the table in which you plan to load data is an important table having various
constraints will remain enabled by default during this operation ?
c.not null
d.primary key
常规加载 直接路径加载
使用commit 使用数据保存(操作速度更快)
始终生成重做条目 只在特定条件下生成重做条目
强制所有约束条件 只强制primary key,unique和not null
触发insert触发器 不触发insert 触发器
可加载到聚簇表中 不加载到聚簇表中
允许其他用户在加载操作过程中修改表 阻止其他用户在加载过程中更改表
每次插入时维护索引条目 加载结束时合并新索引条目
54.you executed the following command to audit database activities;
sql>audit drop any table by scott by session whenever successful;
c.one audit record is created for the whole session if any user scott successfully
drops one or more tables in his session;
选择使用by session字句将这些记录组成一组 以便组成一组,以便每个会话只生成一条记录
55.in your database instance,the statics_level initialization parameter is set to basic .
what is the imapact of this setting?
c.rhe snapshots fot the automatic workload repository(AWR)are not generated automatically
TYPICAL:收集数据库自我管理所需的主要统计信息。这些统计信息表示监视OracleDB 行为通常需要的信息。这包括自动搜集统计信息,以减少由于统计信息过时或无
效而导致不正确执行SQL 语句的可能性。
• ALL:捕获所有可能的统计信息。此捕获级别增加了计时操作系统统计信息和计划执行统计信息。多数情况下并不需要这些统计信息,为了获得最佳性能,不应启用这些
Oracle 建议将STATISTICS_LEVEL初始化参数设置为默认值TYPICAL。如果将该参数的值设置为BASIC,则会禁用自动搜集优化程序统计信息功能。
57.note the following functionalities of various background processeswhich option has the correct functionalities listed for a backgroud process?
c.process monitor process(PMON)
free the resources used by a user process when it fials
dynamically register database services with listrners
monitor sessions for idle session timeout
进程监视器进程(PMON) 在用户进程失败时执行进程恢复。PMON 负责清除数据库缓冲区高速缓存以及释放该用户进程使用的资源。例如,它重置活动事务处理表的状态,释放锁,并且从活动进程列表中删除该进程ID。
PMON 定期检查分派程序和服务器进程的状态,并重新启动任何已停止运行(但并非Oracle DB 故意终止)的分派程序和服务器进程。PMON 还将有关实例和分派程序进程的信息注册到网络监听程序。
58.in which situation would you use static database registation for a listener ?b.when dbas need to connect remotely to start up the database instance
59.you want to access employee details contained in flat files as part of the employee table .you plan
to add a new column to the employee table to achieve this
which data type would you use for the new clumn?
The BFILE data type enables access to binary file LOBs that are stored in file systems outside Oracle Database. A BFILE column or attribute stores a BFILElocator, which serves as a pointer to a binary file on the server file system. The locator maintains the directory name and the filename.
60.view the exhibit and examine the undo tablespace attributes.
your database instance is experiencing a large volume of transations from non_DBA users in the last one hour.the undo
tablespace undotbs1 is full with transations and no transation was commited more
than one hour ago .the databse has two more undo tablespace.
whta happens to the new DML operations in this scenario?
a.the dml commands will fail
此题,设置了undo retention的时间为60分钟。
retention guarantee 设置为yes
以上的设置,在undo表空间没有自动扩展,并且undo表空间已经满了,但是设置了retention guarantee即,保证保留时间为60分钟,新的事务不能覆盖旧的,所以后来的事务会失败。
61.which statement is true about the undo_retention parameter when retention guarantee is not enabled?c. it is the minimum time period up to which the committed undo data would be retained if free
undo space is available
当retention guarantee没有设置时,即undo数据不强制保留redo_retention所设置的时间内,如果是undo表空间是自动增长,即在足够的空闲空间下,则可能会保留到undo_retention所设置的时间。如果undo表空间是固定额,则undo_retention可能会被忽略,Undo数据可能会被覆盖
62.you want to enable archiving on your database,resently ,the database is runing in noarchivelog Mode,
given below are the staeps to accomplish the task in random order
1.shutdown the instance
3.start yo the instance and mount the database
2.execute the alter database archivelog command
5.open the database
4.set the db_recovery_file_dest initalization parameter $ORACLE_HOME/dest_1
65.you executed the command to create a password file in the database server;
$orapwd file=prapworacl entries=5 ignorecase=N
which statement describs the purpose of the above password file?
c.it is used by ORACLE to authenticate users for remote database administartion
66.view the exhitbit and examine the privileges granted to the MGR_ROLE role
the user SKD has been granted the connect and resource roles only. the database administarot
grants MGR_ROLE the the user SKD by executing the command
which statement is true about the user SKD after he/she is granted this role?
a.the user SKD can grant only the MGR_ROLE role to the other users.but not the priviledge in it.
WITH ADMIN OPTION的意思是被授予该权限的用户有权将某个权限(如MGR_ROLE)授予其他用户或角色,取消是不级联的。
A正确,可以授权给MGR_ROLE给别的用户,但不能把MGR_ROLE里面的权限如create user授权给别的用户。
67.which statement is true about a whole consistent database backup runjing in archivelog mode?b.the database must be shutdown to accomplish the backup
68.view the exhibit to observe the roles assigned to the SL_REP user.
which statement is true about the assignment of the seelct_catalog_role role to the sl_rep user?
which statement is true about the assignment of the select_catalog_role role to the SDLP_REP user?
a. the user must enable the role explicitly(明白的,明确的,显示的)
select_catalog_role是一种角色,题中默认为N,需要重新登录或者显式的set role来生效