这里介绍下XMLParser的原理,XMLParser应就三个类文件 XMLParser,XMLNode,XMLNodeList,顾名思义,XMLParser就是解析XML的实现类(基于字符匹配解析的,具体细节可以看代码,我是没心思看这个了,太绕了),XMLNode就是将解析出来的“项”存储为XMLNode,其实就是一个Hashtable,XMLNodeList就不用多说了。查询的时候就是需要查询项的“路径”字符串传入XMLNode(Hashtable)查找返回。
string str = File.ReadAllText(@"config.xml", Encoding.UTF8); //读取XML文件 //MessageBox.Show(str); XMLParser xmlParser = new XMLParser(); XMLNode xn = xmlParser.Parse(str); server = xn.GetValue("items>0>server>0>_text"); database = xn.GetValue("items>0>database>0>_text"); XMLNode temp=xn.GetNode("items>0>res>0"); string basePath=temp.GetValue("@basePath");//或直接 basePath=xn.GetValue("items>0>res>0>@basePath");
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <items> <server></server> <database>world</database> <port>3306</port> <uid>wtx</uid> <password>123456</password> <res basePath="d:\Resources" language="zh_CN" /> </items>
server= ; database=world; basePath=d:\Resources
/* * UnityScript Lightweight XML Parser * by Fraser McCormick ([email protected]) * http://twitter.com/flimgoblin * http://www.roguishness.com/unity/ * * You may use this script under the terms of either the MIT License * or the Gnu Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 3. * See: * http://www.roguishness.com/unity/lgpl-3.0-standalone.html * http://www.roguishness.com/unity/gpl-3.0-standalone.html * or * http://www.roguishness.com/unity/MIT-license.txt */ /* Usage: * parser=new XMLParser(); * var node=parser.Parse("<example><value type=\"String\">Foobar</value><value type=\"Int\">3</value></example>"); * * Nodes are Boo.Lang.Hash values with text content in "_text" field, other attributes * in "@attribute" and any child nodes listed in an array of their nodename. * * any XML meta tags <? .. ?> are ignored as are comments <!-- ... --> * any CDATA is bundled into the "_text" attribute of its containing node. * * e.g. the above XML is parsed to: * node={ "example": * [ * { "_text":"", * "value": [ { "_text":"Foobar", "@type":"String"}, {"_text":"3", "@type":"Int"}] * } * ], * "_text":"" * } * */ using System.Collections; public class XMLParser { private char LT = '<'; private char GT = '>'; private char SPACE = ' '; private char QUOTE = '"'; private char QUOTE2 = '\''; private char SLASH = '/'; private char QMARK = '?'; private char EQUALS = '='; private char EXCLAMATION = '!'; private char DASH = '-'; //private char SQL = '['; private char SQR = ']'; public XMLNode Parse(string content) { XMLNode rootNode = new XMLNode(); rootNode["_text"] = ""; string nodeContents = ""; bool inElement = false; bool collectNodeName = false; bool collectAttributeName = false; bool collectAttributeValue = false; bool quoted = false; string attName = ""; string attValue = ""; string nodeName = ""; string textValue = ""; bool inMetaTag = false; bool inComment = false; bool inCDATA = false; XMLNodeList parents = new XMLNodeList(); XMLNode currentNode = rootNode; for (int i = 0; i < content.Length; i++) { char c = content[i]; char cn = '~'; // unused char char cnn = '~'; // unused char char cp = '~'; // unused char if ((i + 1) < content.Length) cn = content[i + 1]; if ((i + 2) < content.Length) cnn = content[i + 2]; if (i > 0) cp = content[i - 1]; if (inMetaTag) { if (c == QMARK && cn == GT) { inMetaTag = false; i++; } continue; } else { if (!quoted && c == LT && cn == QMARK) { inMetaTag = true; continue; } } if (inComment) { if (cp == DASH && c == DASH && cn == GT) { inComment = false; i++; } continue; } else { if (!quoted && c == LT && cn == EXCLAMATION) { if (content.Length > i + 9 && content.Substring(i, 9) == "<![CDATA[") { inCDATA = true; i += 8; } else { inComment = true; } continue; } } if (inCDATA) { if (c == SQR && cn == SQR && cnn == GT) { inCDATA = false; i += 2; continue; } textValue += c; continue; } if (inElement) { if (collectNodeName) { if (c == SPACE) { collectNodeName = false; } else if (c == GT) { collectNodeName = false; inElement=false; } if (!collectNodeName && nodeName.Length > 0) { if (nodeName[0] == SLASH) { // close tag if (textValue.Length > 0) { currentNode["_text"] += textValue; } textValue = ""; nodeName = ""; currentNode = parents.Pop(); } else { if (textValue.Length > 0) { currentNode["_text"] += textValue; } textValue = ""; XMLNode newNode = new XMLNode(); newNode["_text"] = ""; newNode["_name"] = nodeName; if (currentNode[nodeName] == null) { currentNode[nodeName] = new XMLNodeList(); } XMLNodeList a = (XMLNodeList)currentNode[nodeName]; a.Push(newNode); parents.Push(currentNode); currentNode=newNode; nodeName=""; } } else { nodeName += c; } } else { if(!quoted && c == SLASH && cn == GT) { inElement = false; collectAttributeName = false; collectAttributeValue = false; if (attName.Length > 0) { if (attValue.Length > 0) { currentNode["@" + attName] = attValue; } else { currentNode["@" + attName] = true; } } i++; currentNode = parents.Pop(); attName = ""; attValue = ""; } else if (!quoted && c == GT) { inElement = false; collectAttributeName = false; collectAttributeValue = false; if (attName.Length > 0) { currentNode["@" + attName] = attValue; } attName = ""; attValue = ""; } else { if (collectAttributeName) { if (c == SPACE || c == EQUALS) { collectAttributeName = false; collectAttributeValue = true; } else { attName += c; } } else if (collectAttributeValue) { if (c == QUOTE || c == QUOTE2) { if (quoted) { collectAttributeValue = false; currentNode["@" + attName] = attValue; attValue = ""; attName = ""; quoted = false; } else { quoted = true; } } else { if (quoted) { attValue += c; } else { if (c == SPACE) { collectAttributeValue = false; currentNode["@" + attName] = attValue; attValue = ""; attName = ""; } } } } else if (c == SPACE) { } else { collectAttributeName = true; attName = "" + c; attValue = ""; quoted = false; } } } } else { if (c == LT) { inElement = true; collectNodeName = true; } else { textValue += c; } } } return rootNode; } }
using System.Collections; public class XMLNode: Hashtable { public XMLNodeList GetNodeList(string path) { return GetObject(path) as XMLNodeList; } public XMLNode GetNode(string path) { return GetObject(path) as XMLNode; } public string GetValue(string path) { return GetObject(path) as string; } private object GetObject(string path) { string[] bits = path.Split('>'); XMLNode currentNode = this; XMLNodeList currentNodeList = null; bool listMode = false; object ob; for (int i = 0; i < bits.Length; i++) { if (listMode) { currentNode = (XMLNode)currentNodeList[int.Parse(bits[i])]; ob = currentNode; listMode = false; } else { ob = currentNode[bits[i]]; if (ob is ArrayList) { currentNodeList = (XMLNodeList)(ob as ArrayList); listMode = true; } else { // reached a leaf node/attribute if (i != (bits.Length - 1)) { // unexpected leaf node string actualPath = ""; for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) { actualPath = actualPath + ">" + bits[j]; } //Debug.Log("xml path search truncated. Wanted: " + path + " got: " + actualPath); } return ob; } } } if (listMode) return currentNodeList; else return currentNode; } }
using System.Collections; public class XMLNodeList: ArrayList { public XMLNode Pop() { XMLNode item = null; item = (XMLNode)this[this.Count - 1]; this.Remove(item); return item; } public int Push(XMLNode item) { Add(item); return this.Count; } }
就是这么简单(代码可以粘贴复制下来琢磨),我觉得最爽的是不用看C# 微软的那套api,然后使用起来还有跟剥笋一样一层一层进入,挺费事,一点快感都没有。当然XMLParser最大的缺憾是不能写入,看需求吧!
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①UnityScript Lightweight XML Parser: http://www.roguishness.com/unity/