aha, I'm safe()
第一版很快写好了,用的是条件变量通知,唤醒等待flush 缓存的线程,继续写。很快发现不是那么简单,时间差可以导致很多微妙的情况,
测试了一下,输入条件 30线程, 打印100000, buffer长度 409600
time ./lockless_buffer 30 100000 409600
real 0m2.000s
user 0m12.363s
sys 0m3.029s
time ./lockless_buffer_lock 30 100000 409600
real 0m6.158s
user 0m5.129s
sys 0m27.524s
time ./lockless_buffer_lock 30 100000 409600
real 0m4.678s
user 0m4.981s
sys 0m27.193s
time ./lockless_buffer_lock 30 100000 409600
real 0m4.103s
user 0m5.111s
sys 0m24.762s
time ./lockless_buffer 30 100000 409600
real 0m5.372s
user 0m3.792s
sys 0m37.504s
- typedef void * (* clear_buf_handle)(void *);
- typedef struct LL_buffer_t LL_buffer_t;
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- int LL_buf_create(LL_buffer_t ** pbuf, size_t buf_len, clear_buf_handle clear_callback, void * callback_arg, int fd);
- int LL_buf_write(LL_buffer_t * pbuf, char * puts, size_t put_len);
- int LL_buf_flush(LL_buffer_t * pbuf); //call in callback_func
- int LL_buf_destory(LL_buffer_t * pbuf);
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif
- #include<stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include<pthread.h>
- #include<unistd.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <sched.h> //sched_yield
- #include"atomic.h"
- #include"lockless_buffer.h"
- #include<err.h>
- //gcc -g -Wall lockless_buffer.c -o lockless_buffer -lpthread
- //gcc -g -Wall lockless_buffer.c -o lockless_buffer_lock -lpthread -DUSE_LOCK
- struct LL_buffer_t{
- size_t buf_sz;
- int fd;
- volatile int flag_run;
- atomic_t offset_at;
- atomic_t working_at;
- atomic_t done_offset_at;
- atomic_t flag_at;
- clear_buf_handle clear_callback;
- void * cb_arg;
- char buf[0];
- };
- int LL_buf_create(LL_buffer_t ** ppbuf, size_t buf_len, clear_buf_handle clear_callback, void * cb_arg, int fd)
- {
- struct stat st;
- if(fd <= 0 || fstat(fd, &st) != 0 || !(st.st_mode & (S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH)))
- return -1;
- *ppbuf = (LL_buffer_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(LL_buffer_t) + buf_len - 1);
- if(! *ppbuf)
- return -1;
- (*ppbuf)->buf_sz = buf_len;
- (*ppbuf)->fd = fd;
- (*ppbuf)->clear_callback = clear_callback;
- (*ppbuf)->cb_arg = cb_arg != NULL ? cb_arg : *ppbuf;
- atomic_set(&(*ppbuf)->offset_at, 0);
- atomic_set(&(*ppbuf)->working_at, 0);
- atomic_set(&(*ppbuf)->done_offset_at, 0);
- atomic_set(&(*ppbuf)->flag_at, 0);
- (*ppbuf)->flag_run = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- int LL_buf_write(LL_buffer_t * pbuf, char * puts, size_t put_len)
- {
- int offset;
- if(unlikely(put_len > pbuf->buf_sz))
- return -1;
- #define TEST_OVER_LEN() ((atomic_read(&pbuf->offset_at) + put_len) > pbuf->buf_sz)
- while(pbuf->flag_run)
- {
- atomic_dec(&pbuf->working_at); //设置 临界区域1 等待 标志
- if(likely(!TEST_OVER_LEN() && //条件a
- atomic_read(&pbuf->flag_at) == 0 && //条件b , 临界区域2 等待 标志
- pbuf->buf_sz >= (offset = atomic_add_return(put_len, &pbuf->offset_at)))) //条件c, 不符合则表示发生改变临界条件的冲突
- { // 可以添加后在buf范围内
- //XXX 必须完成所有写工作才能,dump,要不会打乱写的操作,比如一个在后面的写完成了,而前面的写没完成,造成了空洞
- //(因为,dump是按照done_offset写的)
- //while(atomic_read(&pbuf->flag_at) > 0); //死锁
- //XXX 临界区域1
- memcpy(&pbuf->buf[offset - put_len], puts, put_len);
- atomic_add(put_len, &pbuf->done_offset_at);
- atomic_inc(&pbuf->working_at); //通知 临界区域1 完成
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- atomic_inc(&pbuf->working_at); //解除不符合条件的等待1 的标志
- if(!TEST_OVER_LEN())
- {
- //条件b,不符合等待2 条件
- while(atomic_read(&pbuf->flag_at) != 0)
- sched_yield();
- }
- else
- {
- //不符合条件a 的 和 临界区2 条件不符合
- if(0 == atomic_xchg(&pbuf->flag_at,1)) //设置临界区2 条件b 为假
- { //double check
- {
- //XXX 临界区域2
- //等待之前的copy操作完成 , 阻止了这样的情况:比如这里有个长字符串超界后,但是又可以写一个短字符串
- while(atomic_read(&pbuf->working_at) < 0); //等待 临界区域1 完成
- if(pbuf->flag_run == 0) //must
- break;
- //只有一个线程进入
- if(pbuf->clear_callback)
- pbuf->clear_callback(pbuf->cb_arg);
- else
- LL_buf_flush(pbuf);
- //set to begin
- atomic_set(&pbuf->done_offset_at, 0);
- atomic_set(&pbuf->offset_at, 0); //条件a OK
- }
- atomic_set(&pbuf->flag_at, 0); //通知 临界区域2 完成
- }
- else
- {
- while(TEST_OVER_LEN()) //等待条件a
- sched_yield(); //must
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- #undef TEST_OVER_LEN
- }
- int LL_buf_flush(LL_buffer_t * pbuf)
- {
- return write(pbuf->fd, pbuf->buf, atomic_read(& pbuf->done_offset_at)) >= 0 ? 0 : -1;
- }
- int LL_buf_destory(LL_buffer_t * pbuf)
- {
- pbuf->flag_run = 0;
- while(atomic_read(&pbuf->working_at) != 0); //for safe
- if(atomic_read(& pbuf->done_offset_at) > 0)
- {
- write(pbuf->fd, pbuf->buf, atomic_read(& pbuf->done_offset_at));
- }
- free(pbuf);
- return 0;
- }
- #ifndef TEST
- #include<err.h>
- #include<fcntl.h>
- #include<stdio.h>
- void * flush_file(void * pvar)
- {
- LL_buf_flush((LL_buffer_t *)pvar);
- return 0;
- }
- #define THREAD_NR_MAX 100
- const char * ptext = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
- struct LL_buffer_t *lbuf ;
- int write_nr = 1000;
- int buf_len = 4096 * 4;
- pthread_t tid[THREAD_NR_MAX];
- int gfd;
- pthread_barrier_t barrier;
- void * thread_func(void * arg)
- {
- int id = *(int *)arg;
- // pthread_detach(pthread_self());
- //fprintf(stderr,"id:%d\t",id);
- pthread_barrier_wait(&barrier);
- char buf[256];
- char text[128];
- int i =0;
- strcpy(text,ptext);
- text[strlen(ptext) - id + 1] = 0;
- for(;i < write_nr; i++)
- {
- sprintf(buf,"thread %d, time %d:%s\n", id, i, text);
- LL_buf_write(lbuf, buf, strlen(buf));
- }
- //fprintf(stderr," id:%d,cmplete %d\n",id, i);
- return 0;
- }
- //use lock for test
- char *buf_for_lock;
- volatile int buf_offset;
- pthread_mutex_t mutex_for_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
- void * thread_func_for_lock(void * arg)
- {
- // pthread_detach(pthread_self());
- pthread_barrier_wait(&barrier);
- int id = *(int *)arg;
- char buf[256];
- char text[128];
- int i =0, wlen;
- strcpy(text,ptext);
- text[strlen(ptext) - id + 1] = 0;
- for(;i < write_nr; i++)
- {
- sprintf(buf,"thread %d, time %d:%s\n", id, i, text);
- wlen = strlen(buf);
- pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_for_lock);
- if((wlen + buf_offset) > buf_len)
- {
- //write in file
- write(gfd, buf_for_lock, buf_offset);
- buf_offset = 0;
- }
- memcpy(buf_for_lock + buf_offset, buf, wlen);
- buf_offset += wlen;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_for_lock);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int main(int c, char * s[])
- {
- int thr_id[THREAD_NR_MAX];
- int i, thr_nr;
- if(c != 4)
- {
- errx(-1, "usage: %s [thread_num] [write_line_num] [buf_length]", s[0]);
- }
- thr_nr = atoi(s[1]);
- write_nr = atoi(s[2]);
- buf_len = atoi(s[3]);
- buf_len = (buf_len + 4096) & ~(4096 -1);
- pthread_barrier_init(&barrier,NULL,thr_nr+1);
- if( 0 > (gfd = open("./test_llbuf.output", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC , S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH)))
- err(-1,"open");
- #ifndef USE_LOCK
- if(0 > LL_buf_create(&lbuf, buf_len, flush_file, lbuf, gfd))
- err(-1,"create LLBuffer");
- #else
- buf_for_lock = (char*)malloc(buf_len);
- #endif
- for(i= 0; i< thr_nr; i++)
- {
- thr_id[i] = i;
- #ifndef USE_LOCK
- pthread_create(tid+i, NULL, thread_func, &thr_id[i]);
- #else
- pthread_create(tid+i, NULL, thread_func_for_lock, &thr_id[i]);
- #endif
- }
- pthread_barrier_wait(&barrier);
- for(i= 0; i< thr_nr; i++)
- {
- pthread_join(tid[i],NULL);
- // warnx("join thr:%d", i);
- }
- #ifndef USE_LOCK
- LL_buf_destory(lbuf);
- #else
- write(gfd, buf_for_lock, buf_offset);
- free(buf_for_lock);
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
#ifndef __ARCH_I386_ATOMIC__
#define __ARCH_I386_ATOMIC__
//#include <linux/compiler.h>
//#include <asm/processor.h>
#define CONFIG_SMP
#define LOCK_PREFIX \
".section .smp_locks,\"a\"\n" \
" .align 4\n" \
" .long 661f\n" /* address */ \
".previous\n" \
"661:\n\tlock; "
#else /* ! CONFIG_SMP */
#define LOCK_PREFIX ""
#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0)
#define likely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 1)
* Atomic operations that C can't guarantee us. Useful for
* resource counting etc..
* Make sure gcc doesn't try to be clever and move things around
* on us. We need to use _exactly_ the address the user gave us,
* not some alias that contains the same information.
typedef struct { volatile int counter; } atomic_t;
#ifdef __cplusplus
template<typename T> struct atomic_point { volatile T * addr; };
#define atomic_point(type) typedef struct{ volatile type * addr; }atomic_p;
#define atomic_point_set(v,p) (((v)->addr) = (p))
#define atomic_point_cmpxchg(v, old, newv) cmpxchg(&((v)->addr), old, newv)
#define ATOMIC_INIT(i) { (i) }
* atomic_read - read atomic variable
* @v: pointer of type atomic_t
* Atomically reads the value of @v.
#define atomic_read(v) ((v)->counter)
* atomic_set - set atomic variable
* @v: pointer of type atomic_t
* @i: required value
* Atomically sets the value of @v to @i.
#define atomic_set(v,i) (((v)->counter) = (i))
* atomic_add - add integer to atomic variable
* @i: integer value to add
* @v: pointer of type atomic_t
* Atomically adds @i to @v.
static __inline__ void atomic_add(int i, atomic_t *v)
__asm__ __volatile__(
LOCK_PREFIX "addl %1,%0"
:"+m" (v->counter)
:"ir" (i));
* atomic_sub - subtract the atomic variable
* @i: integer value to subtract
* @v: pointer of type atomic_t
* Atomically subtracts @i from @v.
static __inline__ void atomic_sub(int i, atomic_t *v)
__asm__ __volatile__(
LOCK_PREFIX "subl %1,%0"
:"+m" (v->counter)
:"ir" (i));
* atomic_sub_and_test - subtract value from variable and test result
* @i: integer value to subtract
* @v: pointer of type atomic_t
* Atomically subtracts @i from @v and returns
* true if the result is zero, or false for all
* other cases.
static __inline__ int atomic_sub_and_test(int i, atomic_t *v)
unsigned char c;
__asm__ __volatile__(
LOCK_PREFIX "subl %2,%0; sete %1"
:"+m" (v->counter), "=qm" (c)
:"ir" (i) : "memory");
return c;
* atomic_inc - increment atomic variable
* @v: pointer of type atomic_t
* Atomically increments @v by 1.
static __inline__ void atomic_inc(atomic_t *v)
__asm__ __volatile__(
LOCK_PREFIX "incl %0"
:"+m" (v->counter));
* atomic_dec - decrement atomic variable
* @v: pointer of type atomic_t
* Atomically decrements @v by 1.
static __inline__ void atomic_dec(atomic_t *v)
__asm__ __volatile__(
LOCK_PREFIX "decl %0"
:"+m" (v->counter));
* atomic_dec_and_test - decrement and test
* @v: pointer of type atomic_t
* Atomically decrements @v by 1 and
* returns true if the result is 0, or false for all other
* cases.
static __inline__ int atomic_dec_and_test(atomic_t *v)
unsigned char c;
__asm__ __volatile__(
LOCK_PREFIX "decl %0; sete %1"
:"+m" (v->counter), "=qm" (c)
: : "memory");
return c != 0;
* atomic_inc_and_test - increment and test
* @v: pointer of type atomic_t
* Atomically increments @v by 1
* and returns true if the result is zero, or false for all
* other cases.
static __inline__ int atomic_inc_and_test(atomic_t *v)
unsigned char c;
__asm__ __volatile__(
LOCK_PREFIX "incl %0; sete %1"
:"+m" (v->counter), "=qm" (c)
: : "memory");
return c != 0;
* atomic_add_negative - add and test if negative
* @v: pointer of type atomic_t
* @i: integer value to add
* Atomically adds @i to @v and returns true
* if the result is negative, or false when
* result is greater than or equal to zero.
static __inline__ int atomic_add_negative(int i, atomic_t *v)
unsigned char c;
__asm__ __volatile__(
LOCK_PREFIX "addl %2,%0; sets %1"
:"+m" (v->counter), "=qm" (c)
:"ir" (i) : "memory");
return c;
* atomic_add_return - add and return
* @v: pointer of type atomic_t
* @i: integer value to add
* Atomically adds @i to @v and returns @i + @v
static __inline__ int atomic_add_return(int i, atomic_t *v)
int __i;
#ifdef CONFIG_M386
unsigned long flags;
goto no_xadd;
/* Modern 486+ processor */
__i = i;
__asm__ __volatile__(
LOCK_PREFIX "xaddl %0, %1;"
:"m"(v->counter), "0"(i));
return i + __i;
#ifdef CONFIG_M386
no_xadd: /* Legacy 386 processor */
__i = atomic_read(v);
atomic_set(v, i + __i);
return i + __i;
static __inline__ int atomic_sub_return(int i, atomic_t *v)
return atomic_add_return(-i,v);
struct __xchg_dummy { unsigned long a[100]; };
#define __xg(x) ((struct __xchg_dummy *)(x))
#define cmpxchg(ptr,o,n)\
((__typeof__(*(ptr)))__cmpxchg((ptr),(unsigned long)(o),\
(unsigned long)(n),sizeof(*(ptr))))
static inline unsigned long __cmpxchg(volatile void *ptr, unsigned long old,
unsigned long newv, int size)
unsigned long prev;
switch (size) {
case 1:
__asm__ __volatile__(LOCK_PREFIX "cmpxchgb %b1,%2"
: "=a"(prev)
: "q"(newv), "m"(*__xg(ptr)), "0"(old)
: "memory");
return prev;
case 2:
__asm__ __volatile__(LOCK_PREFIX "cmpxchgw %w1,%2"
: "=a"(prev)
: "r"(newv), "m"(*__xg(ptr)), "0"(old)
: "memory");
return prev;
case 4:
__asm__ __volatile__(LOCK_PREFIX "cmpxchgl %1,%2"
: "=a"(prev)
: "r"(newv), "m"(*__xg(ptr)), "0"(old)
: "memory");
return prev;
return old;
#define xchg(ptr,v) ((__typeof__(*(ptr)))__xchg((unsigned long)(v),(ptr),sizeof(*(ptr))))
static inline unsigned long __xchg(unsigned long x, volatile void * ptr, int size)
switch (size) {
case 1:
__asm__ __volatile__("xchgb %b0,%1"
:"=q" (x)
:"m" (*__xg(ptr)), "0" (x)
case 2:
__asm__ __volatile__("xchgw %w0,%1"
:"=r" (x)
:"m" (*__xg(ptr)), "0" (x)
case 4:
__asm__ __volatile__("xchgl %0,%1"
:"=r" (x)
:"m" (*__xg(ptr)), "0" (x)
return x;
//交换新旧两个值,达到原子的做一次置换, 保证了多线程只做了这个条件成立的一次
//模式:if(atomic.counter == 0 && cont_is_ok && (0 == atomic_cmpxchg(&atomic, 0, 1)))
#define atomic_cmpxchg(v, old, newv) ((int)cmpxchg(&((v)->counter), old, newv))
#define atomic_xchg(v, newv) (xchg(&((v)->counter), newv))
* atomic_add_unless - add unless the number is a given value
* @v: pointer of type atomic_t
* @a: the amount to add to v...
* @u: ...unless v is equal to u.
* Atomically adds @a to @v, so long as it was not @u.
* Returns non-zero if @v was not @u, and zero otherwise.
#define atomic_add_unless(v, a, u) \
({ \
int c, old; \
c = atomic_read(v); \
for (;;) { \
if (unlikely(c == (u))) \
break; \
old = atomic_cmpxchg((v), c, c + (a)); \
if (likely(old == c)) \
break; \
c = old; \
} \
c != (u); \
#define atomic_inc_not_zero(v) atomic_add_unless((v), 1, 0)
#define atomic_inc_return(v) (atomic_add_return(1,v))
#define atomic_dec_return(v) (atomic_sub_return(1,v))
/* These are x86-specific, used by some header files */
#define atomic_clear_mask(mask, addr) \
__asm__ __volatile__(LOCK_PREFIX "andl %0,%1" \
: : "r" (~(mask)),"m" (*addr) : "memory")
#define atomic_set_mask(mask, addr) \
__asm__ __volatile__(LOCK_PREFIX "orl %0,%1" \
: : "r" (mask),"m" (*(addr)) : "memory")
/* Atomic operations are already serializing on x86 */
#define smp_mb__before_atomic_dec() barrier()
#define smp_mb__after_atomic_dec() barrier()
#define smp_mb__before_atomic_inc() barrier()
#define smp_mb__after_atomic_inc() barrier()
//#include <asm-generic/atomic.h>