
about errors, process of compiling:
1, error: stray ‘/357’ in program
answer from google:It means you have some goofy characters on that line. They are probably invisible. Try deleting the line entirely and retyping it.
仔细看代码发现报这些错误的地方都存在将英文字符弄成中文字符,比如( ““应为("。

2, vector::resize() C++ reference
void resize ( size_type sz, T c = T() );

Change size

Resizes the vector to contain sz elements.

If sz is smaller than the current vector size, the content is reduced to its first sz elements, the rest being dropped.

If sz is greater than the current vector size, the content is expanded by inserting at the end as many copies of c as needed to reach a size of sz elements. This may cause a reallocation.

Notice that this function changes the actual content of the vector by inserting or erasing elements from the vector; It does not only change its storage capacity. To direct a change only in storage capacity, use vector::reserve instead.
