
Quick tip: Avoid issues using Adobes AutoComplete Input component using Flex 3






<component:AutoComplete x="10" y="71" width="306" id="acboxClient" maxChars="100" doubleClickEnabled="true" doubleClick="doubleClick_acboxClient()"

text="" forceUpperCase="true" forceMatch="true" dataProvider="{groupModel.groupRelationshipList}"

styleName="BodyText" height="23" change="clientChange()"/>


private function doubleClick_acboxClient():void {


                                    //this.acboxClient.text = "";

                                    //this.acboxClient.selectedIndex = -1;

                                    this.acboxClient.typedText = "";



private function clientChange():void {

                                var selectedClient:PFAcctHierarchy = acboxClient.selectedItem as PFAcctHierarchy;

                                /* not use 'selectedClient != this.lastSelectedClient' is because:

                       *  every time click the right-top GroupMaintenance Tab, groupGUI will be set blank. And

                                *  if user then choose the client as the last one, GUI should reload it,

                                *  so comment out this, and 'lastSelectedClient' is no longer used.


                                //if(selectedClient != null && selectedClient != this.lastSelectedClient) {

                                if(selectedClient != null) {

                                                this.lastSelectedClient = selectedClient;

                                                addGroupBtn.enabled = true;

                                                var cid:Number = new Number(selectedClient.pfId);

                                                var pfClientAcronym:String = selectedClient.pfClientAcronym;

                                                groupModel.clientAcronym = pfClientAcronym;

                                                GroupControl.findGroup(cid, pfClientAcronym);


                                                // retain last visited group info

                                                groupModel.groupLastVisited.pfClientManagerId = cid;

                                                groupModel.groupLastVisited.pfClientAcronym = pfClientAcronym;

                                                groupModel.groupLastVisited.groupId = null;

                                                groupModel.groupLastVisited.pfGrpId = 0;


                                                groupModel.detailVisiable = false;





