flex NumericStepper HSlider flex 教程 flex培训 flex源码 flex实例

 flex 中的一些数据控件

flex NumericStepper HSlider flex 教程 flex培训 flex源码 flex实例_第1张图片

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" 
			   xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
		<!-- 将非可视元素(例如服务、值对象)放在此处 -->
		public function showMsg(msg:String):void
	<mx:Panel title="Profile" width="360" height="240" layout="horizontal">
			<mx:Text fontWeight="bold" text="How many kids do you have?"/>
			<mx:NumericStepper id="kids" minimum="0" maximum="15" stepSize="1"
			<mx:Text fontWeight="bold" text="How long is your commute (mins)?"/>
			<mx:HSlider id="commuteTimeRange" minimum="0" maximum="180" snapInterval="5"
						tickInterval="15" labels="[0 mins,180 mins]" thumbCount="2"
						change="showMsg(commuteTimeRange.values.toString())" />
			<!-- Shows a line every 15 mins, and let's the user select values
			in increments of 5 mins -->
			<mx:Text fontWeight="bold" text="How tall are you (cm)?"/>
			<mx:VSlider id="yourHeight" minimum="0" maximum="300" tickInterval="50"
						snapInterval="1" labels="[0,50,100,150,200,250,300]"
			<!-- We create a label for every tick -->




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