centos6.3 安装weka


Click here to download a zip archive containing Weka
(weka-3-6-9.zip; 22.9 MB)

First unzip the zip file. This will create a new directory called weka-3-6-9. To run Weka, change into that directory and type

java -Xmx1000M -jar weka.jar

Note that Java needs to be installed on your system for this to work. Also note, that using-jar will override your current CLASSPATH variable and only use theweka.jar


Trying to add database driver (JDBC): RmiJdbc.RJDriver - Error, not in CLASSPATH?
Trying to add database driver (JDBC): jdbc.idbDriver - Error, not in CLASSPATH?
Trying to add database driver (JDBC): org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver - Error, not in CLASSPATH?
Trying to add database driver (JDBC): com.mckoi.JDBCDriver - Error, not in CLASSPATH?
Trying to add database driver (JDBC): org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver - Error, not in CLASSPATH?


(1)安装sun jdk 并设置path 参考http://blog.csdn.net/hzqnju/article/details/6779556(下载的rpm包,安装在了/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_17目录)

(2)下载相应的jar包,解压到/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_17/jre/lib/ext目录 (附下载地址http://download.csdn.net/detail/lydyangliu/5254785)



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