1. Using the thread context classloader(TCCL)
By default, the TCCL is the application’s classloader, it can be accessed through the
getContextClassLoader method of the current thread, as shown in the following snippet:
ClassLoader currentTccl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
To specify a different classloader, use the setContextClassLoader method of the current thread, as
shown in this snippet:
2. Using the thread context classloader with OSGi
益处:Using the TCCL within OSGi makes it possible to solve some problems without having to
export and import packages. In particular, it helps frameworks that don’t know until runtime
which classes they need to use.
ClassNotFoundExceptions :以Hibernate引擎加载映射的类为例:
Hibernate is a generic ORM framework without dependencies on user applications(如映射的类). By
default, implementation bundles for these kinds of frameworks don’t import application classes.
Hibernate can’t load the mapped classes because they’re user-defined classes and aren’t
specified in the Import-Package header of the Hibernate component. The framework tries to
discover the required classes through configuration will be throw ClassNotFoundExceptions。
the caller’s bundle has set the context classloader with its associated classloader, the framework
bundle will be capable of instantiating classes that are visible only to the caller’s bundle.
FileSystemXmlApplicationContext context = null;
try {
context = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext("resources/bundle-context.xml");
} finally {
if (context!=null) {
解决方法:Using the context classloader when creating a Spring container:
ClassLoader currentTccl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
FileSystemXmlApplicationContext context = null;
try {
context = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext("resources/bundle-context.xml");
} finally {
if (context!=null) {