JDK1.6.0_33, virgo-tomcat-server-3.0.3.RELEASE, Maven3.0.3, Eclipse Virgo Tooling(virgo.ide-, OS:Ubuntu10.10, greenpages-2.5.0.RELEASE.zip
请先安装和配置好相关环境变量,可参考本博客Linux下Java 开发环境篇!
fdc@FDC:~/workspace-sts-2.7.2-1/greenpages-2.5.0.RELEASE$ mvn package
(3) Copy 该工程需要的依赖至Virgo Tomcat Server
执行上述命令时mvn 使用dependency:copy-dependencies 插件搜集GreenPages工程所需要的所有依赖Bundle
(Virgo Tomcat Server不支持的),执行完package阶段后,这些第三方的依赖Bundle可在/home/fdc/workspace-
sts-2.7.2-1/greenpages-2.5.0.RELEASE/greenpages/target/par-provided 下找到,需要将这些JAR拷贝至
Virgo Tomcat Server下的/repository/usr 目录下。
Notice that Virgo Tomcat Server will not necessarily see these dependencies unless its repository
indexes are rebuilt. Different repositories behave differently in this respect; some are passive
(their indexes are built only once upon startup ) and some are active (they can detect new files or
files being removed dynamically ). The usr repository is active so there is no need to restart
Virgo Tomcat Server when copying these files. The next time Virgo Tomcat Server is started the
-clean option will cause Virgo Tomcat Server to re-scan the repository directories in any case.
It is always safe to start Virgo Tomcat Server with the -clean option.
启动数据库: fdc@FDC:~/workspace-sts-2.7.2-1/greenpages-2.5.0.RELEASE/db$ ./run.sh
初始化数据: fdc@FDC:~/workspace-sts-2.7.2-1/greenpages-2.5.0.RELEASE/db$ ./data.sh
复制greenpages-solution-2.5.0.RELEASE.par至Virgo Tomcat Server 下的pickup目录:
fdc@FDC:~$ cp /home/fdc/workspace-sts-2.7.2-1/greenpages-2.5.0.RELEASE/greenpages/target/greenpages-2.5.0.RELEASE.par /home/fdc/VTS-3.0.3/pickup/
(6) 启动VTS
启动Virgo Tomcat Server With "-claen":
fdc@FDC:~/VTS-3.0.3/bin$ ./startup.sh -clean
<DE0005I> Started par 'greenpages' version '2.5.0.RELEASE'.
3. 从Eclipse(STS)中运行GreenPages
(1)Import Green Pages工程
(2)配置Virgo Tomcat Server Target Runtime
在Server视图中,配置Virgo Tomcat Server,指定JDK为JAVA_HOME中的JDK;
Right click on the Virgo Tomcat Server instance in the Servers view and select the Add and
Remove… menu item;
Add greenpages-solution (which is the containing project or PAR) to the server and finish.