VTS 配置资源库、日志、部署

1. 配置资源库


    Local Repository Structure:

    The local provisioning repository is located at $SERVER_HOME/repository by default and consists of

    two main directories: ext and usr . The ext directory contains artifacts supplied with the Virgo and

    usr contains artifacts supplied by the user and is initially empty.

2. 网络资源库


3. 日志文件

    VTS中默认的日志配置文件位于config/ serviceability.xml 文件中, 日志文件位于:/serviceability目录下。

    (1)事务日志文件位于:$SERVER_HOME/serviceability/eventlogs/eventlog.log .


4. 部署



    (2)通过Admin Console部署

    (3)What Happens When You Deploy:

    When you deploy an artifact, either using hot-deployment or the Admin Console,  Web Server

    copies the file to its work directory (SERVER_HOME/work) and registers  it in its internal registry.

    The server then checks any dependencies the artifact  might have to see if deployment can go

    ahead, and if all dependencies are resolved,  Virgo Tomcat Server starts the artifact. Because

    of all these additional internal  activities, you should NOT simply copy the artifact into the work

    directory and  assume it will be deployed, because Virgo Tomcat Server will not do so.

    (4)Deployment Ordering:If you use hot deployment to deploy your artifacts, be sure to copy the

    corresponding files into the pickup directory one-by-one. Copying the files in one group, for

    example by using a single cp command, provides no guarantee of ordering.

    (5)Restrictions:Virgo Tomcat Server does not support deploying fragment bundles. Typically,

    fragment bundles should be placed in $SERVER_HOME/repository/ext or

    $SERVER_HOME/repository/usr so that they will be installed automatically with their host


    (6)Hot Undeploy:remove the corresponding file from the pickup directory (by default

    $SERVER_HOME/pickup ):

    prompt$ cd $SERVER_HOME/pickup
    prompt$ rm helloWorld.war

    (7)通过Admin Console取消部署

