BULK INSERT时发生错误 异常的EOF,原因是有空行!

BULK INSERT时发生错误 异常的EOF,原因是有空行!




long ll_rows,i,ll_read_len,ll_linecount,j
string ls_path

long ll_filehandle
blob{10485760} bl
byte bt[10485760]

ll_rows = dw_2.rowcount()

if ll_rows <1 then return
for i = 1 to ll_rows
 if ib_stop then return
 ls_path = dw_2.getitemstring(i,6)      //filepath
 ll_filehandle = FileOpen(ls_path, &
        StreamMode!, read!,shared!, append!)
 if ll_filehandle < 1 then continue
 FileSeek64 (ll_filehandle,-2,FromEnd!)
 if byte(blobmid(bl,1,1)) <> 13 or byte(blobmid(bl,2,1)) <> 10 then
  dw_2.setitem(i,2,dw_2.getitemstring(i,2) + "---结尾不为/r/n")
//  messagebox("异常","文件:~n" + ls_path + "~n结尾不为/r/n")
 end if


 FileSeek64 (ll_filehandle,1,FromBeginning!)
 DO while(true)
  ll_read_len = filereadex(ll_filehandle,bl,10485760)
  bt = GetByteArray(bl)           //这里很关键,用blobmid去逐个取字符很慢。
  if ll_read_len <4 then exit
  ll_read_len -=3
  for j = 1 to ll_read_len
   if ib_stop then
   end if
   if mod(j,100000) = 0 then
    st_odoa.text = "0x0D0A:"  +  string(ll_linecount)
    st_ij.text = "J: " + string(j)
   end if

   if bt[j]<>13 then continue
   if bt[j + 1] = 10 then
    ll_linecount ++
   end if   
   if bt[j + 2] = 13 and bt[j + 3] = 10 then
    dw_2.setitem(i,2,dw_2.getitemstring(i,2) + "---存在空行,在" + string(ll_linecount) + "行处!")
//    messagebox("异常","文件:~n" + ls_path +&
//         "~n在中间存在空行~n位置: 第:" + string(ll_rowcount) +&
//         "行处!",question!,yesno!)
   end if
  FileSeek64 (ll_filehandle,-3,FromCurrent!)      //回退
