package clojure.lang; /** * A persistent, functional, sequence interface * <p/> * ISeqs are immutable values, i.e. neither first(), nor rest() changes * or invalidates the ISeq */ public interface ISeq extends IPersistentCollection, Sequential{ Object first(); ISeq next(); ISeq more(); ISeq cons(Object o); }
The Seq interface (first coll) Returns the first item in the collection. Calls seq on its argument. If coll is nil, returns nil. (rest coll) Returns a sequence of the items after the first. Calls seq on its argument. If there are no more items, returns a logical sequence for which seq returns nil. (cons item seq) Returns a new seq where item is the first element and seq is the rest.下面的操作定义了一个sequence, 然后返回第一个元素。
user=> (first (map #(print-str %) [1 2 3])) "1"返回除了第一元素之外的其余元素组成的列表:
user=> (rest (map #(print-str %) [1 2 3])) ("2" "3")注意,#(print-str %) 函数将元素转变成了字符串。
lazy sequence
只有当sequence真正被使用的时候,才会被真正填充元素。这叫做lazy sequence。前面的(map实际上返回的就是lazy sequence。只有当调用first的时候才获得包含真正数据的sequence。
不过在REPL会话环境下,lazy sequence是无效的,因为REPL会强制填充sequence,并返回。只是为了方便你看到。
xml-seq可以返回lazy sequence
user=> (use 'clojure.xml) nil user=> (parse "/home/chenshu/a.xml") {:tag :service, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :mongodb, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :uri, :attrs nil, :content ["localhost"]}]} {:tag :socket, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :port_number, :attrs nil, :content ["7777"]} {:tag :login_timeout, :attrs nil, :content ["200"]} {:tag :check_timeout, :attrs nil, :content ["200"]}]}]} user=> (xml-seq (parse "/home/chenshu/a.xml")) ({:tag :service, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :mongodb, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :uri, :attrs nil, :content ["localhost"]}]} {:tag :socket, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :port_number, :attrs nil, :content ["7777"]} {:tag :login_timeout, :attrs nil, :content ["200"]} {:tag :check_timeout, :attrs nil, :content ["200"]}]}]} {:tag :mongodb, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :uri, :attrs nil, :content ["localhost"]}]} {:tag :uri, :attrs nil, :content ["localhost"]} "localhost" {:tag :socket, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :port_number, :attrs nil, :content ["7777"]} {:tag :login_timeout, :attrs nil, :content ["200"]} {:tag :check_timeout, :attrs nil, :content ["200"]}]} {:tag :port_number, :attrs nil, :content ["7777"]} "7777" {:tag :login_timeout, :attrs nil, :content ["200"]} "200" {:tag :check_timeout, :attrs nil, :content ["200"]} "200") user=>格式化一下,再看:
( {:tag :service, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :mongodb, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :uri, :attrs nil, :content ["localhost"]}]} {:tag :socket, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :port_number, :attrs nil, :content ["7777"]} {:tag :login_timeout, :attrs nil, :content ["200"]} {:tag :check_timeout, :attrs nil, :content ["200"]}]}] } {:tag :mongodb, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :uri, :attrs nil, :content ["localhost"]}]} {:tag :uri, :attrs nil, :content ["localhost"]} "localhost" {:tag :socket, :attrs nil, :content [{:tag :port_number, :attrs nil, :content ["7777"]} {:tag :login_timeout, :attrs nil, :content ["200"]} {:tag :check_timeout, :attrs nil, :content ["200"]}]} {:tag :port_number, :attrs nil, :content ["7777"]} "7777" {:tag :login_timeout, :attrs nil, :content ["200"]} "200" {:tag :check_timeout, :attrs nil, :content ["200"]} "200" )可以看到xml-seq返回的结果第一部分就是parse返回的结果,之后就是每个xml元素单独一个list, 分别是mongodb, mongodb.uri, socket, socket.port_number, socket.login_timeout和socket.check_timeout.