This week I’ll post some useful AutoHotKey scripts that I use to make every-day coding easier.
If you’re not familiar with AutoHotKey yet, I’ve blogged about it before and I would recommend giving that post a read. For the rest of you I thought I would post some useful AHK scripts that I have come across.
The most important AHK script ever.
Disabling Caps-lock. I constantly fat-finger the caps-lock button. With this script, I never have to worry about it again.
SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOff
Generate a “safe” jQuery code block
This script will generate a self-calling anonymous function that scopes jQuery and protects your code from other possible interference from other javascript frameworks. You can read more about it here.
;insert a self-calling anonymous method to scope jQuery calls
(function($) {{}
$(function() {{}
// ...code to run on dom ready
Include jQuery from the Google CDN
This script will turn {jqgoog#.#.#} into a <script> tag pointing to that version of jquery, specified by the #.#.#, hosted on googles cdn.
{jqgoog1.4.2} will become: Line breaks added for readability
{jqgoog1} will become: Line breaks added for readability
; Include jQuery from google cdn
Input, UserInput, I V L13 C, {}}, jqgoog*,
if ErrorLevel = NewInput
Test := InStr( UserInput, "jqgoog" )
Len := StrLen( UserInput ) + 2
if Test > 0:
jqVer := RegExReplace( UserInput, "jqgoog", "" )
SetKeyDelay, -1 ; Most editors can handle the fastest speed.
Loop %Len%
Send, {backspace}
Send, <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Automate writing simple database connection code in C#
This script will turn {atwood}
into a block of C# that can connect to a database and issue a query.
var connString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connection"].ConnectionString;
var query = @"";
using(var conn = new SqlConnection(connString))
using( var cmd = new SqlCommand( query, conn ) )
Here’s the output:
var connString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connection"].ConnectionString;
var query = @"";
using(var conn = new SqlConnection(connString))
using( var cmd = new SqlCommand( query, conn ) )