web url:http://jattenberg.github.io/PDS-Fall-2013/assets/GitInstallationGuide.pdf
Git Installation Guide on Windows to work with Cygwin
1. Download Git from http://gitscm.com/download/win and click on the setup.
2. You might have to click on run and yes, if prompted.
3. Click next twice.
4. You can choose the installation location. Default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Git and click
5. Click next twice.
6. Click on the second option “Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt” and click
7. Click next again.
8. Uncheck the checkbox and click Finish.
9. Open your Cygwin prompt and type git. If you do not get an error message saying
“command not found” you are good.
10. You should not get the error if you follow all the instructions exactly. But if you do get the
error, open .bashrc (the same file you had to modify for Anaconda installation) and at the
end of the file, add this line:
PATH=/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files\ (x86)/Git/bin:$PATH