--ORACLE发邮件 declare SendorAddress VARCHAR2(50) := '[email protected]'; ReceiverAddress VARCHAR2(30) := '[email protected]'; EmailServer VARCHAR2(30) := 'smtp.163.com'; Port NUMBER := 25; conn UTL_SMTP.CONNECTION; crlf VARCHAR2(2) := CHR(13) || CHR(10); mesg VARCHAR2(4000); mesg_body VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN conn := utl_smtp.open_connection(EmailServer, Port); utl_smtp.helo(conn, EmailServer); UTL_SMTP.COMMAND(conn, 'AUTH LOGIN'); UTL_SMTP.COMMAND(conn, UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2(UTL_ENCODE.BASE64_ENCODE(UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_RAW('3edcvf')))); UTL_SMTP.COMMAND(conn, UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2(UTL_ENCODE.BASE64_ENCODE(UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_RAW('&pwd')))); utl_smtp.mail(conn, '<'||SendorAddress||'>'); utl_smtp.rcpt(conn, '<'||ReceiverAddress||'>'); mesg := 'Content-Type: text/plain; Charset=GB2312' || crlf || 'Date:' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'dd Mon yy hh24:mi:ss') || crlf || 'From:' || SendorAddress || crlf || 'Subject: Test Mail From OracleDatabase' || crlf || 'To: ' || ReceiverAddress || crlf || 'Content-Type: text/plain; Charset=GB2312' || crlf || '' || crlf || '你好啊,cry' || crlf; utl_smtp.open_data(conn); utl_smtp.write_raw_data(conn, utl_raw.cast_to_raw(mesg)); utl_smtp.close_data(conn); --utl_smtp.data(conn, mesg); utl_smtp.quit(conn); exception when others then utl_smtp.quit(conn); raise; END;
注:支持中文,不支持附件! 需要在SYS权限下执行,否则可能会报下面的421 service not available错误.
1.ORA-29279: SMTP 永久性错误: 550 Invalid User
解决: utl_smtp.mail和utl_smtp.rcpt发送和接收的地址前后需要加上'<'和'>'
2. ORA-29278: SMTP 临时性错误: 421 service not available
解决:邮件服务器地址不对,这里要填SMTP服务器地址。163的邮箱填 'smtp.163.com'
注:如做成存储过程,需要使用调用者权限,即加上AUTHID CURRENT_USER
System status, or system help reply |
Help message [Information on how to use the receiver or the meaning of a particular non-standard command; this reply is useful only to the human user] |
Requested mail action okay, completed |
User not local; forwards to |
OK, pending messages for node |
OK, |
Start mail input; end with |
Octet-offset is the transaction offset |
Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable [for example, mailbox busy] |
Requested action terminated: local error in processing |
Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage |
You have no mail. |
TLS not available due to temporary reason. Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism. |
Unable to queue messages for node |
Node |
Syntax error, command unrecognized (This may include errors such as command line too long.) |
Syntax error in parameters or arguments |
Command not implemented |
Bad sequence of commands |
Command parameter not implemented |
Must issue a |
Authentication mechanism is too weak. |
Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism. |
Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable [for, mailbox not found, no access] |
User not local; please try |
Requested mail action terminated: exceeded storage allocation |
Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed [for example, mailbox syntax incorrect] |
Transaction failed |