Flips a 2D array around vertical, horizontal, or both axes.
C: void cvFlip(const CvArr*src, CvArr*dst=NULL, intflip_mode=0)
The function flip flips the array in one of three different ways (row and column indices are 0-based):
The example scenarios of using the function are the following:
(上述对函数Flip描述来自 <<The OpenCV Reference Manual,Release2.4.3>> P.130-P.131)
// CookbookMatImage.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // The cookbook: Computer Vision Programming using the OpenCV Library. // by Robert Laganiere, Packt Publishing, 2011. // Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Gavin Liu, http://blog.csdn.net/songzitea #include "stdafx.h" #include "opencv2\core\core.hpp" #include "opencv2\highgui\highgui.hpp" int main( ) { cv::Mat image; // create image cv::Mat result; image = cv::imread("monument.jpg"); // open image // check if image has been successfully read if (!image.data) return 0; cv:: cv::flip(image,result,1); cv::namedWindow("Flip Image"); // define the window cv::imshow("Flip Image", result); // display the Flip image cv::waitKey(0); // wait for key pressed }
图1 flopcode 大于0
图2 flopcode等于0
图3 flopcode小于0
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