
            ( 有“*”是同时被《EI》收录的期刊)
1 738B0006 ISSN 0018-8646 IF 2 560 *
    IBM Journal of Research and Development. 《国际商用机器公司研究
    与开发杂志》, 1957. 4/yr. IBM Corp.
    Old Orchard Rd, Armonk, NY, 10504.
2 738B0008-1 ISSN 0004-5411 IF 1 078 *
    Journal of the Association for Computiong Machinery. 《美国计算机学
    会志》, 4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery, 1515Broadway,
    17 th FL., New York, NY 10036-5701, USA
    Tel: 212 869 7440
    Fax: 212 944 1318
3 738B0008-2 ISSN 0001-0782 IF 2 238 *
    Communications of the ACM. 《美国计算机学会通讯》, 1958. 12/yr.
    Association for Computing Machinery. 1515 Broadway, 17 th FL.,
    New York, NY 10036-5701, USA.
    Tel: 212 869 7440
4 738B0012 ISSN 0022-0000 IF 0 661 *
    Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 《计算机与系统科学杂志》,
    1967. 6/yr. Academic Press Inc., Journal Subseription Fulfillment Dept.,
    6277 Sea Harbor Drive.
    Tel: 407 345 4040
    Fax: 407 363 9661
    E-mail: [email protected]
5 738B0018 ISSN 0360-0333 IF 0 641 *
    ACM Computing Surveys. 《美国计算机学会计算概观》, 1969. 4/yr.
    Association for Computing Machinery, 1515 Broadway. 17 th FL.,
    New York, NY 10036-5701, USA.
    Tel: 212 869 7440
    Fax: 212 944 1318
6 738B0029-2 ISSN 1077-3142 IF 1 298
    Computer Vision and Image Undwestanding. 《计算机视觉与图像理解》
    1969. Academic Press Inc., Journal Subscription Fulfillment Dept.,
    6227 Sca Harbor Drive, Orlando,
    FL 32887-4900, USA.
    Tel: 407 345 4040
    Fax: 407 363 9661
    E-mail: [email protected]
7 738B0031 ISSN 0362-5915 IF 1 20 *
    ACM Transactions on Database System. 《美国计算机学会数据库系统汇
    刊》, 1976. 4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery. 1515 Broadway,
    17 th FL., New York, NY 10036-5701. USA.
    Tel: 212 869 7440
    Fax: 212 944 1318
8 738B0033 ISSN 0164-0925 IF 0 950 *
    ACM Transactions on Programming Languages & Systems. 《美国计算
    机学会程序设计语言与系统汇刊》, 1979. 6/yr.
    Association for Computing Machinery. 1515 Broadway, 17 th FL.,
    New York NY 10036-5701. USA.
    Fax: 212 944 1318
9 738B0040 ISSN 0730-0301 IF 1 88 *
    ACM Transactions on Graphics. 《美国计算机学会图形学汇刊》,
    1982. 4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery.
    1515 Broadway, 17 th FL., New York, NY 10036-5701, USA.
    Fax: 212 944 1318
10 738B0045 ISSN 1046-8188 IF 2 036 *
    ACM Transactions on Information Systems. 《美国计算机学会信息系统
    汇刊》, 1983. 4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery. 1515 Broadway.
    17 th FL. New York. NY 10036-5701 USA.
      Fax: 212 944 1318
11 738B0046 ISSN 0734-2071 IF 1 238 *
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems. 《美国计算机学会计算机系统
汇刊》, 1983. 4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery. 1515 Broadway.
17 th FL. New York. NY 10036-5701 USA.
      Fax: 212 944 1318
12 738B0224 ISSN 0098-3500 IF 0 649 *
ACM Transations on Mathematical Software. 《美国计算机学会数学软件
汇刊》, 1975. 4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery. 1515 Broadway.
17 th FL. New York. NY 10036- 5701 USA.
      Tel: 212 869 7440
      Fax: 212 944 1318
13 738B0488 ISSN 0743-7315 IF 0 353
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 《并行与分布式计算杂
志》, 1984. 12/yr. Academic Press Inc., Journal Subscription
Fulfillment Dept., 6277Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, FL32887-4900, USA
Tel: 407 345 4040
Fax; 407 363 9661
E-mail: [email protected]
14 738B0494 ISSN 0743-1066 IF 0 819 *
Journal of Logic Programming. 《逻辑程序设计杂志》, 1984. 12/yr.
Elsevier Science Inc., Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department,
Po Box 945, New York, NY 10159-0945, USA.
Fax: 212 633 3680
E-mail: [email protected]
15 738B0514 ISSN 0738-4602 IF 1 286 *
AI Magazine. ( Artificial Intelligence ). 《人工智能杂志》, 1979. 4/yr.
American Association For Artificial Intelligence, 445 Burgess Dr.,
Menlo Park, CA94025, USA.
Fax: 415 321 4457
16 738B0547 ISSN 0884-8173 IF 0 398 *
International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 《国际智能系统杂志》,
1986. 12/yr. John Wiley & Sons Inc., Subscription Department,
605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158-0012, USA.
Fax: 212 850 6021
E-mail: [email protected]
17 738B0548 ISSN 0178-4617 IF 0 477 *
Algorithmica: A International Journal in Computer Science. 《算法》,
1986. 12/yr. Springer-Verlag New York Inc.,
175 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10010, USA.
Fax: 212 473 6272
E-mail: [email protected]
18 723B0578 ISSN 1094-3420 IF 0 833
International Journal of High Performance Computing Application. 《高
性能计算应用国际杂志》, 1987. 4/yr. Sage Publications Inc.,
2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320, USA.
Tel: 805 499 0721
Fax: 805 499 0871
E-mail: [email protected]
19 738B0663 ISSN 0899-7667 IF 2 727
Neural Computation. 《神经计算》, 1989. 8/yr. MIT Press Journal
      Department, 5 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142-1399, USA.
      Tel: 617 253 2889
      Fax: 617 577 1545
      E-mail: [email protected]
20 738B0703 ISSN 0896-8438 IF 0 886 *
Journal of Object-Oriented Programming. 《面向对象程序设计杂志》,
1988. 9/yr. Sigs Publications Inc., 71 W. 23 rd St.,
New York, NY 10010-4102, USA.
Tel: 212 242 7447
Fax: 212 242 7574
E-mail: [email protected]
21 738B0705 ISSN 1044-7318 IF 0 359
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 《国际人与计算
机相互作用杂志》, 1989. 4/yr. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc., Journal
Customer Service Dept., 10Industrial Ave., Mahwah, NJ 07430-2262 USA.
Tel: 201 236 9500
Fax: 201 236 0072
E-mail: [email protected]
22 738B0780 ISSN 0028-3045 IF 0 368
Networks. 《网络》, 1971. 8/yr. John Wiley & Sons Inc,
605 Third Ave, New York, NY, 10158-0012.
23 738B0788 ISSN 1054-7460 IF 1 544
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 《存在:远程操作设
备与虚拟环境》, 1992. 6/yr. MIT Press, Journals Department,
5 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142-1399, USA.
Tel: 617 253 2889
Fax: 617 577 1545
E-mail: [email protected]
24 738B0798 ISSN 1049-331X IF 0 889 *
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology. 《美国
计算机学会软件工程与方法论汇刊》, 1992. 4/yr. Association for Computing
Machinery, 1515 Broadway, 17 th FL., New York, NY 10036-5701, USA.
Tel: 212 869 7440
Fax: 212 944 1318
25 738B0899 ISSN 1063-293X IF 0 353 *
Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications. 《并行工程研究与应
用》, 4/yr. Managing Editor: Biren Prasad, Ph. D.,
International Institute of Concurent Engineering, CETEAM Journal
Department, Po Box, 3882, Tustin, CA 92782, USA.
Tel: (714) 389 2662
Fax: (714) 389 2662
E-mail: [email protected]
26 738C0017 ISSN 0305-0548 IF 0 031
Computers & Operations Research. 《计算机与运筹学研究》, 14/yr.
Editor: G. Laporte, HEC, Montreal, Canada.
E-mail: [email protected]
27 738C0019 ISSN 0097-8485 IF 1 632 *
Computer & Chemistry. 《计算机与化学》, 1974. 6/yr.
Elsevier Science, Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department,
Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Tel: (31) 20 485 3757
Fax: (31) 20 485 3432
E-mail: nlinfo-f@elsevier
28 738C0022 ISSN 0098-3004 IF 0 424 *
Computers & Geosciences. 《计算机与地学》, 1957. 10/yr. Customer
Support Department, Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Tel: (31) 20 485 3757
Fax:(31) 20 485 3432
E-mail: [email protected]
29 738C0028 ISSN 1367-4803 IF 3 421
Bioinformatics. 《生物信息学》, 1984. 12/yr.
Oxford University Press. Journal Subscriptions
Department, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP, UK.
Fax: (01865) 267 485
E-mail: [email protected]
Barbara Cox, Embl-Ebi, Hinxlon, Cambridge Cb10 1sd, UK.
30 738C0030 ISSN 0747-7171 IF 0 525
Journal of Symbolic Computation. 《符号与计算 杂志》,
1985. 12/yr. Harcourt Brace & CO. Ltd.,
Foots Cray High Street, Sidcup, Kent DA14 5HP, UK
Fax: (0181) 309 0807
E-mail: [email protected]
31 738C0065 ISSN 0031-3203 IF 1 353 *
Pattern Recognition. 《图形识别》, 1969. 12/yr. Elsevier Science,
Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department,
Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Tel: (31) 20 485 3757
E-mail: [email protected]
32 738C0067 ISSN 0010-4485 IF 1 048
Computer-Aided Design. 《计算机辅助设计》, 1968. 14/yr.
Elsevier Science, Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department,
Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Tel: (31) 20 485 3757
33 738C0070 ISSN 0045-7949 IF 0 418 *
Computers & Structures. 《计算机与结构》, 1971. 24/yr.
K. J. Bathe, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA.
Tel: 1 617 923 3407
Fax: 1 617 923 3408
      1. H. V. Topping, Department of Mechanics and Chemical Engineering,
      Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK.
      Fax: 44 (0) 131 451 3593
34 738C0073 ISSN 0045-7906 IF 0 105 *
Computers & Electrical Engineering. 《计算机与电工》, 1973. 6/yr.
Elsevier Science, Regional Sales Office, Customer Support
      Department, Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
      Tel: (31) 20 485 3757
      Fax: (31) 20 485 3432
      E-mail: [email protected]
35 738C0074 ISSN 0045-7930 IF 0 679 *
Computers & Fluids. 《计算机与流体》, 1973. 8/yr.
Elsevier Science, Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department,
Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Tel: (31) 20 485 3757
Fax: (31) 20 485 3432
E-mail: [email protected]
36 738C0081 ISSN 0898-1221 IF 0 383 *
Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 《计算机与数学及其应用》
1974. 24/yr. Elsevier Science, Regional Sales Office,
Customer Support Department, Po Box 211,
      1. AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
      Tel: (31) 20 485 3757
      Fax: (31) 20 485 3432
      E-mail: [email protected]
37 738C0093 ISSN 0306-4379 IF 3 018 *
Information System. 《信息系统》, 1975. 8/yr. Elsevier Science,
Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department, Po Box 211,
1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Fax: (31) 20 485 3432
E-mail: [email protected]
38 738C0153 ISSN 0950-7051 IF 0 275 *
Knowledge-Based Systems. 《知识库系统》, 1987. 4/yr.
Elsevier Science Bv, Po Box 211, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1000 Ae.
39 738C0164 ISSN 0269-8889 IF 0 707 *
Knowledge Engineering Review. 《知识工程评价》, 1986. 4/yr.
118. 00/GBP Cambridge University Press,
The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK.
Fax: (0223) 315 052
E-mail: journals [email protected]
40 738C0177 ISSN 0954-0091 IF 0 964
Connection Science. 《连接科学》, 1989. 4/yr Carfax Publishing Ltd.,
Po Box 25, Abingdon, Oxford Shire, OX14 3UE, UK.
Fax: (01235) 401 550
E-mail: [email protected]
41 738C0181 ISSN 0954-898X IF 1 333
Network: Computation in Neural Systems. 《网络:神经系统计算》,
1990. 4/yr. Iop Publishing Ltd, Dirac House,
Temple Back, Bristol, England, Bs1 6be.
42 738C0192 ISSN 1045-926X IF 0 431
Journal of Visual Languages and Computing. 《视觉语言与计算杂志》,
1990. 6/yr. Harcourt Brace & Co. Ltd.,
Foots Cray High Street, Sidcup, Kent DA14 5HP, UK.
Fax: (0181) 309 0807
E-mail: [email protected]
43 738C0199 ISSN 1049-8907 IF 0 487
Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation. 《显像与计算机动画
片制作杂志》, 1990. 4/yr. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Journal Administration,
1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, West Sussex PO22 9SA, UK.
E-mail: [email protected]
44 738E0032 ISSN 0943-4962 《多媒体系统》, IF 1 290
Multimedia Systems. (Text in English). 1993. 6/yr.
Spring-Verlag, Heidelberger Platz 3, D-14197 Berlin, Germany.
Fax: (030) 827 87 448
E-mail: [email protected]
45 738GL069 ISSN 0217-5959 IF 0 031
ASIA-PACIFIC Journal of Operational Research. 《亚太操作研究杂志》
2/yr. Editors: Assoc. Prof. G. Y. Zhao Department of Mathematics,
National University of Singapore, Singapore.
46 738KA001 ISSN 0332-7353 IF 0 500
Modeling Identification and Control. 《建模、识别与控制》, 1980. 4/yr.
Mic, Div Eng Cybernetics, Trondheim, Norway, 7034.
47 738LB002 ISSN 0010-4655 IF 1 082
Computer Physics Communications. 《计算机物理学通讯》, 1969. 15/yr.
Elsevier Science Bv, Po Box 211, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1000 Ae
48 738LB003 ISSN 0004-3702 IF 1 683
Artificial Intelligence. 《人工智能》, 1970. 18/yr.
Elsevier Science B. V., Trade Relations Department,
Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Fax: 31 20 6854171
E-mail: [email protected]
49 738LB004 ISSN 0304-3975 IF 0 468 *
Theoretical Computer Science. 《理论计算机科学》, 1975. 40/yr.
Elsevier Science B. V., Trade Relations Department,
Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Tel: 31 20 5153210
Fax: 31 20 6854171
E-mail: [email protected]
50 738LB017 ISSN 0924-9907 IF 0 780 *
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. 《数学成像与显示杂志》
1991. 6/yr. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Journals Department,
Distribution Centre, Po Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Tel: 31 78 6392392
Fax: 31 78 6546474
E-mail: [email protected]
51 738LB061 ISSN 0166-5316 IF 0 629 *
Performance Evaluation. 《性能评价》, 1981. 16/yr. Elsevier Science
B. V., Trade Relations Department,
Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Tel: 31 20 5153210
Fax: 31 20 6854171
E-mail: [email protected]
52 738LB073 ISSN 0167-9236 IF 0 781 *
Decision Support Systems. 《决策支持系统》, 11/yr.
Editor-in-Chief: A. Whinston, MSIS Department,
CBA 5-202, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712-1175, USA.
53 738LB076 ISSN 0167-8396 IF 0 929 *
Computer-Aided Geometric Design. 《计算机辅助几何设计》, 1984.
9/yr. Elsevier Science B. V., Trade Relations Department,
Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Tel: 31 20 5153210
E-mail: [email protected]
54 738LB087 ISSN 0885-6125 IF 1 476 *
Machine Learning. 《机器学习》, 1986. 12/yr.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Journals Department, Distribution Centre,
Po Box 322, 3300 AH Dorderecht, The Netherlands.
Tel: 31 78 6392392
E-mail: [email protected]
55 738LB088 ISSN 0920-5691 IF 1 600 *
International Journal of Computer Vision. 《国际计算机视觉杂志》,
1987. 15/yr. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Journals Department,
Distribution Centre, Po Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Fax: 31 78 6546474
E-mail: [email protected]
56 738LB092 ISSN 0921-8542 IF 0 130 *
Journal of Supercomputing. 《高超速计算机杂志》, 1987. 4/yr.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Journals Department, Distribution Centre,
Po Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Tel: 31 78 6392392
Fax: 31 78 6546474
E-mail: [email protected]
57 738LB100 ISSN 0924-669X IF 0 493 *
Applied Intelligence. 《应用智能》, 1991. 6/yr. 900. 00/NLG Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Journals Department, Distribution Centre,
Po Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Tel: 31 78 6546471
E-mail: [email protected]
58 738LB122 ISSN 0262-8856 IF 0 893
Image and Vision Computing. 《图像与视觉计算》, 1983. 14/yr.
Elsevier Science B. V., Trade Relations Department,
Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Tel: 31 20 5153210
E-mail: [email protected]
59 738LB128 ISSN 1384-5810 IF 1 407
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. 《数据挖掘与知识发现》, 1997.
4/yr. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Journals Department, Distribution Centre,
Po Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Fax: 31 78 6546474
E-mail: [email protected]
60 738LE051 ISSN 0010-485X IF 0 667 *
Computing. (Text in English). 《计算》, 8/yr. Springer-Verlag
Wien, Sachsenplatz 4-6, Postfach 89, A-1201 Wien, Austria.
Fax: (0043/1) 3 30 24 26
61 738 ISSN 0004-5411 IF 1 078
Journal of the ACM. 《美国计算机学会志》, 4/yr.
Assoc Computing Machinery, 1515 Broadway, New York, NY, 10036.
62 738 ISSN 0018-9162 IF 1 062
Computer. IEEE 计算机杂志》, 12/yr.
IEEE Computer Soc, 10662 Los Vaqueros Circle,
Po Box 3014, Los Alamitos, CA, 90720-1314.
1 738B0029-1 ISSN 1049-9652
CVGIPGraphical Models and Image Processing. 《计算机视觉、图示与
图像处理:制图模型与图像处理》, 1969. 6/yr. Academic Press, Inc.,
Journal Subscription Fulfillment Dept., 6277 Sea Harbor Drive,
Orlando, FL 32887-4900, USA.
Fax: 407-363-9661
2 738B0029-2 ISSN 1077-3169
Graphical Models and Image Processing. 《制图模型与图像处理》, 1969.
6/yr. Academic Press Inc., USA.
Editors-in-Chief: Norman I. Badler and Rama Chellappa.
E-mail: [email protected]
(as CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing. 1049-9652)
3 738B0052 ISSN 0011-6963
Datamation. 《数据处理》, 1955. 24/yr.
275 Washington St., Newton, MA 02158, USA.
Fax: 303-398-7691.
4 738B0067 ISSN 0010-4566
Computer Design. 《计算机设计》, 1962. 12/yr. Computer Design,
Circulation Department, Box 3466, Tulsa, OK 74101, USA.
5 738B0079 ISSN 0018-8670
IBM Systems Journal. 《国际商用机器公司系统杂志》, 1962. 4/yr.
International Busimess Machines Corp., USA. Editor: Cene Hofinagle.
E-mail: [email protected]
6 738B0100 ISSN 0037-5497
Simulation. 《仿真》 1963. 12/yr. Society for Computer Simulation,
Box 17900, San Diego, CA 92117, USA.
Editor:Vice-President, SCS Publications, Robert Judd, PhD, Ohio University.
E-mail: [email protected]
7 738B0223 ISSN 0882-1666
Systems and Computers in Japan. 《日本系统与计算机》,
1970. 14/yr. 1229. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., P. O. Box 836,
Bound Brook, NJ 08805, USA.
Fax: 03-3556-9763.
E-mail: [email protected]
8 738B0288 ISSN 0360-5280
Byte. 《字节》, 1975. 12/yr. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., P. O. 1221
Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, USA.
9 738B0100 ISSN 0037-5497
Simulation. 1963. 12/yr. Society for Computer Simulation, Box 17900, San
Diego, CA 92117, USA. Editor: Vice-President, SCS Publications, Robert
Judd, PhD, Ohio University.
E-mail: [email protected]
10 738B0291 ISSN 0146-5422
Online. 《联机》 6/yr. Online Inc.
462 Danbury Road, Wilton, CT 06897-2126, USA.
11 738B0292 ISSN 0363-6399
Data Communications. 《数据通信》, 1972. 12/yr.
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., P. O.
    1. Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, USA.
12 738B0309 ISSN 0162-4105
Database. 《数据库》, 1978. 6/yr. 1970. Bonanza Drive,
Suite 219, P. O. Box 70, Park City, UT 84060, USA.
13 738B0318 ISSN 0164-1212
Journal of Systems & Software. 《系统与软件杂志》, Elsevier Science
Inc.,655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010, USA.
Fax: 212-633-3764
14 738B0325 ISSN 0702-0481
International Journal of Mini and Microcomputers. 《国际小型与微计算
机杂志》, 1979. 3/yr. Editor-in- Chief: Dr. B. Furht,
Dep. Of Computer Sci. & Eng. Florida Altantic
University, Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA.
15 738B0337 ISSN 0820-0750
Microcomputer Applications. 《微机应用》, 1982. 3/yr.
ISMM, P. O. Box 2481, Anaheim, CA 92814, USA.
16 738B0346 ISSN 0277-0865
Computer Security Journal. 《计算机安全杂志》, 1981. 2/yr. Computer
Security Institute, 600 Harrisan St., San Francisco, CA 94107, USA.
E-mail: [email protected]
17 738B0360 ISSN 1044-789X
Dr. Dobb’s Journal. 《多布氏杂志》, 1976. 12/yr. M & T Publishing,
Inc., 501 Galveston Dr., Redwood City, CA 94063, USA.
18 738B0405 ISSN 0737-8939
PC World. 《个人计算机世界》, 1982. 12/yr. PCW Communications, Inc.,
501 Second St., 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA.
19 738B0407 ISSN 0271-4159
Computer Graphics World. 《计算机图学界》, 1978. 12/yr.
PennWell Publishing Co., 1421 South Sheridan,
P. O. Box 1260, Tulsa, OK 74101, USA.
20 738B0485 ISSN 0740-6797
Transactions of the Society for Computer Simulation. 《计算机仿真学会
汇刊》, 1984. 4/yr. Society for Computer Simulation.
Box 17900, San Diego, CA 92117, USA.
21 738B0513 ISSN 0278-9647
Computer Technology Review; The Systems Integration Sourcebook.
《计算机技术评论》, 1981. 16/yr. West World Pioductions, Inc.
924 Westwood Blvd., 650, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA.
22 738B0536 ISSN 0742-3136
UNIX Review. 《UNIX评论》 1983. 12/yr. 1 Miller Freeman
Publication Co., 600 Harrison St., San Francisco, CA 94107, USA.
23 738B0556 ISSN 0883-9514
Applied Artificial Intelligence. 《应用人工智能》, 1986. 4/yr. Taylor &
Francis / Hemisphere,
    1. Frost Rd., Suite 101, Bristol, PA 19007, USA.
24 738B0557 ISSN 0885-7474
Journal of Scientific Computing. 《科学计算杂志》 1986. 4/yr.
Plenum Publishing Corp., 233 Spring St.,
New York, NY 10013-1578, USA.
Fax: 212-807-1047
25 738B0584 ISSN 1094-3420
International Journal of High Performance Computing Application.
《高性能计算应用国际杂志》, 1987. 4/yr. 96pp. 12k.
282.00/USD Sage Publications Inc., USA.
26 738B0589 ISSN 0894-9077
International Journal of Expert Systems. 《国际专家系统杂志》 1987.
4/yr. JAI Press, Inc., 55 Old Post Rd.,
No. 2, P. O. Box 1678, Greenwich, CT 06836, USA.
Fax: 203-661-0792
27 738B0604 ISSN 0895-6340
Computing Systems. 《计算系统》 1988. 4/yr. University of California
Press,Periodical Dept., 2120 Berkeley Way,
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.
Fax: 415-643-7127.
Edit: Usenix Association & EUUG.
28 738B0658 ISSN 1045-389X
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 《智能材料系统
与结构杂志》 1990 4/yr. Technomic Publishing Co., Inc.,
851 New Holland Ave., Box 3535, Lancaster, PA 17604, USA.
Fax: 717-295-4538
29 738B0702 ISSN 1043-6464
Journal of End User Computing. 《最后用户计算杂志》 1989. 4/yr.
112. 00/USD Idea Group Publishing, Olde Liberty Square, Suite 230,
4811 Jonestown Rd., Harrisburg, PA 17109, USA.
Edit: Information Resources Management Association.
30 738B0736 ISSN 1050-1827
International Journal of Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Computer-
Aided Engineering.
《国际微波与毫米波计算机辅助工程杂志》, 1991. 4/yr.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., P. O. Box 836, Bound Brook, NJ 08805, USA.
Fax: 212-850-6088
31 738B0741 ISSN 1049 3301
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation. 《美国计算机
学会模型建立与计算机仿真汇刊》, 1991. 4/yr. Association for
Computing Machinery, P. O. Box 12105, Church Street
Station, New York, NY 10249, USA.
Fax: 212-944-1318
32 738B0766 ISSN 0748-0016
Personal Engineering and Instrumentation News. 《个人计算机工程与
设备新闻》, 1984. 12/yr. PEC Inc., Sales Office,
Box 152, Pine Brook, NJ 07058, USA.
Fax: 201-808-0167
33 738B0778 ISSN 0228-6203
International Journal of Modeling & Simulation. 《国际模式与仿真杂
志》, 1981. 4/yr. IASTED,
    1. O. Box 2481, Anaheim, CA 92814-2481, USA.
34 738B0779 ISSN 1058-9244
Scientific Programming: Tools & Techniques. 《科学程序设计》, 1991.
4/yr.John Wiley & Sons, Inc., P. O. Box 836,
Bound Brook, NJ 08805, USA.
Fax: 212-850-6088
35 738B0782 ISSN 0824-7935
Computational Intelligence. 《计算智能》 1985. 4/yr.
Blackwell Scientific Publications, Inc., Three Cambridge Center,
Cambridge, MA 02142, USA.
36 738B0826
Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings. 《冬季仿真会议录》, 1/yr.
125. 00/USD Society for Computer Simulation,
Box 17900, San Diego, CA 92117, USA.
37 738B0851 ISSN 1064-7570
Journal of Network and Systems Management. 《网络与系统管理杂
志》, 1993. 4/yr. Plenum Publishing Corp.,
233 Spring St., New York, NY10013-1578, USA.
Fax: 212-807-1047
38 738B0918 ISSN 1042-0711
Mainframe Computing. 《主机计算》 1988. 12/yr.
E-mail: [email protected]
39 738C0005 ISSN 0010-4531
Computer Bulletin. 《计算机通报》, 4/yr. The British Computer Society
1 Sanfrod Street Swindon SN1 1HJ, UK
40 738C0011 ISSN 1351-3249
Natural Language Engineering. 《自然语言工程》, 1995. 4/yr.
Cambridge University Press,UK
41 738C0017 ISSN 0305-0548
Computers & Operations Research. 《计算机与运筹学》 1974. 8/yr.
Editor: Jesus R. Arralejo Faculatad de Matematics,
Dept de Estadistica e I. O., Universidad Complutense de Madrid,
Madrid 28040, Spain.
Editor: Samuel J. Raff, 8312 Snug Hill Lane, Potomac, MD 20854, USA.
E-mail: [email protected]
42 738C0018 ISSN 0038-0644
Software: Practice & Experience. 《软件;实践与经验》 1974. 15/yr.
575. 00/USD John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
1 Oklands Way, Bognor Regis, West Sussex P. O. 22, 9SA, UK.
43 738C0020 ISSN 0098-1354
Computers & Chemical Engineering. 《计算机与化工》 1977. 12/yr.
Editor-in-Chief: G. V. Reklaitis, School of Chemical Engineering,
CHME Building 1283, West Lafayette, Purdue University, IN 47907, USA.
E-mail: [email protected]
44 738C0023 ISSN 0360-8352
Computers & Industrial Engineering. 《计算机与工业工程》 1976. 8/yr.
Editor: Mohamed I. Dessouky,
Ph. D., P. E. Research Professor, Dept. Of Industrial & Systems Eng’g.,
University of Southem California, University Park-MC 0193, Los
Angeles, CA, 90089-0193. USA.
E-mail: [email protected]
45 738C0026 ISSN 0275-9136
Engineering Simulation. 《工程模拟》, 6/yr. STBS Ltd.,
Order Department, P. O. Box 90, Rerkshire Rg1 8JL, UK.
Fax: 0734-568211.
46 738C0029 ISSN 0747- 5632
Computers in Human Behavior. 《计算机在人类行为中的应用》 1985.
4/yr. 18k, 180. 00/GBP Editorial Office: Robert D Tennyson Dept.
Of Educational Psychology, 211A Burton Hall, 178 Pillsbury
Dr., S. E., University of Minnesot Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA.

47 738C0031 ISSN 0267-6192
Computer Systems Science and Engineering. 《计算机系统科学与工程》,
1985. 6/yr. Editor: Wil van Der Aalst,
Department of Mathematics and Computing Science, Eindhoven
University of Technology, P. O. Box 513, NL-5600 MB, Eindhoven,
The Netherlands.
E-mail: [email protected]
48 738C0033 ISSN 0167-7055
Computer Graphics Forum. 《计算机图形学论坛》 1982. 4/yr.
Editor: David Duke, Department of Mathematical Sciences,
University of Bath, UK.
E-mail: [email protected]
49 738C0034 ISSN 1077-2014
Real-Time Imaging. 《实时成像》 1995. 6/yr.
Harcourt Brace & Co. Ltd., UK. Editors: Phillip A.
Laplant and Alrxander D. Stoyenko.
E-mail: [email protected]
50 738C0089 ISSN 0096-0551
Computer Languages. 《计算机语言》 1976. 8/yr.
c/o National Biomedical Foundation, Georgetown University Medical Center,
    1. Resservoir Road, N. W., Washington, DC20007, USA.
51 738C0092 ISSN 0198-9715
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 《计算机、环境与城市
系统》, 1975. 6/yr. Editor: P. Longley,
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London,
    Torrington Place, London, WCIE 6BT.
E-mail: [email protected]
52 738C0103 ISSN 0141-9331
Microprocessors and Microsystems. 《微处理机与微型系统》 1978, 10/yr.
Hardware Systems and North American Editor: A. K. Somani,
Dept. Of Electrical & Computer Engineering, 223 Coover Hall,
Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA.
E-mail: [email protected]
Software Editor: J. E. Cooling, 35 Croftway, Markfield,
Leicestershire, LE67 9UG, UK.
E-mail: [email protected]
Section Coordinating Editor Chip ARCHITECTURES: p. W. Thompson,
Degree 2 Innovations Ltd. University Gate, Park Row, Bristol BS1 5UB. UK.
E-mail: [email protected]
53 738C0106 ISSN 0140-3664
Computer Communications. 《计算机通讯》 1978. 12/yr.
Editor: J. B. Thompson, Troubador Publishing Ltd.,
12 Manor Walk, Coventry Road, Market Harborough,
Leicester LE16 9PB, UK.
E-mail: [email protected]
54 738C0109 ISSN 0965-9978
Advances in Engineering Software. 《工程软件进展》 1978. 8/yr.
Editors: R. A. Adey, Wessex Institute of Technology,
Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton SO40 7AA,UK.
Fax: 44-1703-292-853
E-mail: [email protected]
N. Kamiya, Department of Informatics & Natural Sciences, School of
Informatics and Sciences, Nagoya University, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-01,
    1. K. Noor, University of Virginia, Mail Stop 369, NASA Langley Research
    Center, Hampton, VA 23681, USA.
    Fax: 1-804-864-8089
    E-mail: [email protected]
55 738C0113 ISSN 0963-8687
Journal of Strategic Information Systems. 《战略信息系统杂志》
1978. 4/yr. Editor-in-Chief/ European and African Editor:
R. D. Galliers, Warwick Business School,
University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK. Editor-in-Chief: S.
Jarvenpaa, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712-1175, USA.
E-mail: [email protected]
56 738C0117 ISSN 0141-9382
Disolays. 《显示》 1979. 4/yr.
Human Factors Editor: D. Travis, Daisy Cottage,
Bramford, Suffolk. IP8 4AT. UK.
E-mail: [email protected]
Technology Editor: S. Morozumi, Prime View International Co., Ltd, 1,
Science-Based Industrial Park, 3, Li-Shin Rd. Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Fax: 886-3-579-8699; 886-3-578-8339
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
57 738C0131 ISSN 1352-2642
Online and CD-ROM Review. 《联机与只读光盘评论》 1977 6/yr.
Learned Information Europe Ltd., UK. ( as Online Review )
58 738C0133 ISSN 0268-6961
Software Engineering Journal. 《软件工程杂志》 1982. 6/yr.
Institution of Electrical Engineers, Michael Farady House,
Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Herts SG1 2AY, UK.
Fax: 0438-313465
59 738C0137 ISSN 0262-8836
Image and Vision Computing. 《图像与视觉计算》, 1983. 10/yr.
General Editor: K. D. Baker, University of Reading,
Department of Computer Science, Whiteknights,
Reading, Berks, RG6 6AY, UK.
E-mail: [email protected]
Editors for North America: D. B. Goldgof, University of South Florida,
Tampa, Florida, USA.
E-mail: [email protected]
    1. K. Tsotsos, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
    E-mail: [email protected]
    1. Medioni, University of Southem California, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
    E-mail: [email protected]
60 738C0140 ISSN 0264-4401
Engineering Computations. 1984. 6/yr. 《工程计算》
Editors: D. R. J. Owen and E. Hinton Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Wales, Swansea, West Glamorgan, UK SA2 8PP.
E-mail: [email protected]
61 738C0158 ISSN 1364-8152
Environmental Modelling & Software. 《环境软件》 1986. 4/yr.
Editor-in-Chief: A. J. Jakeman, Centre for Resource and Environmental
Studies, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia.
Fax: 61-6-249-0757
E-mail: [email protected]
62 738C0160 ISSN 0885-2308
Computer Speech & Language. 《计算机语音与语言》 1986. 4/yr.
Harcout Brace Jovanovich Ltd.,
Foot Cray High Street, Sidcup, Kent DA14 5HP, UK
63 738C0161 ISSN0954-1810
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering. 《工程中人工智能》 1985. 4/yr.
Editors: J. C. Kunz, Stanford University,
Center for Integrated Facility Engineering, Building 550,
Stanford, CA 94305-4020, USA.
  E-mail: [email protected]
I. Smith, IMAC-ISS, DGC ( Ecublens ), EPFL, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland.
    E-mail: [email protected]
    1. Tomiyama, RACE ( Research into Artifacts Center for Engineering ),
    University of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8904, Japan.
    Fax: 81-3-3467-0648.
    E-mail: [email protected]
64 738C0165 ISSN 0890-0604
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing
( AI EDAM). 《工程设计、分析与制造业用人工智能》 1987. 3/yr.
Swets Backsets Service, P. O. Box 810, 2160 SZ Lisse, The Netherlands.
Fax: 31-0-252-415-888.
E-mail: [email protected]
65 738C0172 ISSN 0951-5240
Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Systems. 《计算机集成制造系统》
1988. 4/yr. Butterworth- Heinemann Turpin Transactions Ltd.,
The Distribution Centre, Blackhorse Road,
Letchworth, Herts SG6 1HN, UK.
Fax: 0462-480947
66 738C0174 ISSN 0952-1976
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 《人工智能的工程应
用》 1988. 6/yr. Editor-in- Chief: R. A. Vingerhoeds,
34 rue de Martini, 31500 Toulouse, France.
E-mail: [email protected]
Dequty Editor: B. Grabot, ENTT-LGP, Avenued’ azereix, BP 1629, 65016
Tarbes, France.
Consultant Editor: L. Motus, Department of Computer Control, Tallinn
Technical University, Ehitajate tee 5, Tallinn 19086, Estonia.
Fax: 372-6-202-096
E-mail: [email protected]
67 738C0175 ISSN 0167-4048
Computers & Security. 《计算机与安全》 1982. 8/yr.
Managing Editor: J. Meyer, Elsevier Trends Division, Kidlington,
Oxford, UK.
E-mail-in-Chief: W. Hancock, Network-1 Security Solutions Inc., DFW
Research Centre, 878 Greenview Drive, Grand Prairie, Texas 75650, USA.
Academic Editor: E. Spafford, Department of Computer Science, 1398
Computer Sciences Building, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-
1398, USA.
68 738C0176 ISSN 0953-5438
Interacting with Computers. 《与计算机相互作用》 1989. 4/yr.
General Editor: D. Murray,
( Independent Consultant, Kings College London ), 59 Cambridge Road,
Teddington, Middlesex TW11 8DT, UK
E-mail: [email protected]
Deputy Editor: G. Cockton, University of Sunderland, School of Computing,
Engineering and Technology, P. O. Box 299, Sunderland, SR6 0YN, UK.
Fax: 44-191-515-2781
E-mail: [email protected]
69 738C0179 ISSN 1042-8143
Knowledge Acquisition. 《知识获得》 1989. 4/yr. Harcourt Brace & Co.
Ltd., UK. Pub: Academic Press London.
70 738C0183 ISSN 1040-3108
Concurrency: Practice and Experience. 《并行学:实践与经验》 1989.
8/yr. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Baffins Lane,
Chichester, Sussex P. O. 19 1UD, UK
71 738C0184 ISSN 1040-550X
Journal of Software Maintenance: Research and Practice. 《软件维护杂
志:研究与实践》 1989. 4/yr. Editor: Ned Chapin, InfoSci Inc.,
Box 7117, Menlo Park, CA 94026-7117, USA.
http://www.interscience.wiley.com/jpages/1040-550X/ .
72 738C0186 ISSN 0955-792X
Journal of Logic and Computation. 《逻辑与计算杂志》 1991. 6/yr.
73 738C0187 ISSN 0957-4174
Expert Systems with Applications. 《专家系统及其应用》 1990. 4/yr.
Editor-in-Chief: j. Lidbowitz, Robert W. Deutsch
Distinguished Professor of IS, Dept. Of Information
Systems, University of Maryland-Baltimore County ( UMBC ),
1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250, USA.
Fax: 1-310-455-1073
E-mail: [email protected]
74 738C0188 ISSN 0956-0521
Computing Systems in Engineering. 《工程学中的计算系统》 1990. 6/yr.
Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill hall, Oxford 0X3 0BW, UK
Fax: 0865-743911
75 738C0193 ISSN 1367-5788
Annual Reviews in Control. 《控制年评》 1960. 1/yr.
Editor-in-Chief: J. J. Gertler, George Mason University,
School of Information Technology & Engineering,
    1. Science & Technology 1, Fairfax, VA 22030-4444, USA.
    E-mail: [email protected]
76 738C0198 ISSN 1049-8915
Internetworking: Resrarch & Experience. 《网络联按:研究与经验》
1990. 4/yr. Swets Backsets Service, Heereweg 347-B,
2161 CA Lisse, The Netherlands.
Fax: 31-0-252-415-888
E-mail: [email protected]
77 738C0205 ISSN 0956-5515
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 《智能制造业杂志》 1009. 6/yr.
Editor: Andrew Kusiak, Department of Industrial Engineering,
4132 Engineering Building University Of Iowa City, IA 52242, USA;
U. Rembold Institut f. Prozessrechentechnik.
    1. Rembotik, Universitat Karlsruhe, Germany; H. Yamashina Dept. Of
      Precision Mechanics, Kyoto University, Japan.
78 738C0215 ISSN 0263-4759
Engineering Computers. 《工程计算机》 1982. 6/yr.
Findlay Pub;ications Ltd., Franks Hall, Horton Kirby, Kent DA4 9LL, UK.
Fax: 0322-289577
79 738C0224 ISSN 0960-0833
Software Testing, Verification and Relialibility. 《软件测试、验证与可靠
性》, 1991. 4/yr. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
Baffins Lane, Chichester, Sussex P. O. 19 1UD, UK.
http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jtoc ?
      Computer. 《计算机》,
81 738E0020 ISSN 0177-0667
Engineering with Computers. 《计算机在工程中的应用》
( Text in English ) 1985. 4/yr. Editor:
Professor Mark S. Shephard.
E-mail: shephard@scorec,rpi.edu
82 738E0021 ISSN 0178-2789
Visual Computer. 《视觉计算机》
( Text in English ) 1985. 10/yr. Editor-in-Chief: Tosiyasu
L. Kunii Computational Science Research Center, Hosei University, c/c
Editorial Coordinator.
E-mail: [email protected]
83 738E0022 ISSN 0178-2770
Distributed Computing. 《分布式计算》,
( Text in English ) 1986. 4/yr. 261.00/DEM
Managing Editor: F. B. Schneider, Cornell University, Department of
Computer Science, Upson Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-7501, USA.
84 738E0024 ISSN 0932-8092
Machine Vision and Applications. 《计算机视觉与应用》, 1988. 4/yr.
Editor-in-Chief: Mohan M. Triyedi,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of
California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0407, USA.
Fax: 619-534-0415
E-mail: [email protected]
85 738E0026 ISSN 0934-5043
Formal Aspects of Computing. 《计算形式问题》, 1989. 4/yr.
Springer-Verlag, GERMANY
86 738E0084 ISSN 0288-3635
New Generarion Computing. 《新一代计算机》
( Text in English ) 1983. 4/yr. Editor: Hidehiko Tanaka,
The University of Tokyo Adess: Ohmsha, Ltd. 3-1 Kanda
Nishikicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8460 Japan.
Fax: 03-3233-2426
E-mail: [email protected]
      Computer Journal. 《计算机》 ( 朝文 ) 1976. 12/yr. 韩国
88 738GL061 ISSN 0129-6264
Paralled Processing Letters. 《并行处理快报》 1991. 4/yr.
World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd.,
Farrer Road, P. O. Box 128, Singapore 9128, Singapore.
89 738HA059 ISSN 0971-0469
Journal of the Institution of Engineers ( India ) Computer Engineering
《印度工程师学会志:计算机工程辑》 2/yr.
Institution of Engineers ( India), 8 Gokhale Rd., Calcutta-700020, India.
90 738JC051 ISSN 0334-1860
Journal of Intelligent Systems. 《智能系统杂志》 1987. 4/yr.
125.00/USD Freund Publishing House Ltd., P. O. Box 35010,
61 Nachmani St.,
Tel-Aviv 61350, Israel.
Fax: 972-3-5605335
91 738LB002 ISSN 0010-4655
Computer Physics Communications. 《计算机物理学通讯》 1969. 21/yr.
Editor: Donald G. Trunlar University of Minnesota,
Department of Chemistry and Supercomputer Institute,
207 Pleasant S. E., Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA.
92 738LB003 ISSN 0004-3702
Artificial Intelligence. 《人工智能》 1970. 12/yr.
Editor-in-Chief: Daniel G. Bobrow, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center.
E-mail: [email protected]
93 738LB005 ISSN 0169-7552
Computer Networks and Systems. 《计算机网络和综合业务数据网络
系统》, 1976. 12/yr. Editors-in-Chief: I. F. Akyildiz,
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA.
E-mail: [email protected]
    H. Rudin, Vordere Bergstrasse 1, CH-8942 Oberrieden, Switzerland.
    E-mail: [email protected]
94 738LB012 ISSN 0169-023X
Data and Knowledge Engineering. 《数据与知识工程》 1985. 9/yr.
Editor-in-Chief: P. P. Chen, Louisiana State University,
Department of Computer Science, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4020, USA.
E-mail: [email protected]
      IFIP Transactions, A: Computer Sciencem and Technology; B:
      Computer Applications in Technology; C: Systems Communication.
( Combined Subscription ) 《国际信息处理联合会会报,A,B,C辑(合
刊)》 1992. 35/yr. Elsevier Science Publishers, Journal Division,
      P. O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
      Fax: 31-20-5803598
      E-mail: [email protected]
96 738LB013-A ISSN 0926-5473
IFIP Transactions, A: Computer Science and Technology. 《国际信息处
理联合会会报,A辑:计算机科学与技术》, 1992. 19/yr.
Elsevier Science B. V., P. O. Box 1991, 1000 BZ Amsterdam,
The Netherlands.
Fax: 31-20-5803598
Edit: International Federation for Information Processing ( IFIP ).
97 738LB015 ISSN 0925-9902
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems. 《智能信息系统杂志》, 1992.
6/yr. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
http://elib.cs.sfu.ca/Collections/CMPT/cs-journals/P-Kluwer/J-Kluwer-JIIS.html .
98 738LB018 ISSS 0926-227X
Journal of Computer Security. 《计算机安全性杂志》 1991. 4/yr.
Editor-in-Chief: Professor Sushil Jajodia, Dept.
Of Information and Software Engineering, Geirge Mason
University, 4400 Univrtsity Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030-4444.
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Jonathan K. Millen, SRI International Computer Science Laboratory
EL233,333 Ravenswood Ave. Menlo Park, CA 94025.
E-mail: [email protected]
99 738LB019 ISSN 0925-9856
Formal Methods in System Design. 《系统设计中的形式方法》,
1992. 4/yr. Editor-in-Chief: Edmund
      1. Clarke, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
100 738LB021 ISSN 0926-8782
Distributed and Parallel Databases. 《分布式与并行数据库》, 1992.
4/yr. Editor-in-Chief: Ahmed k. Elmagarmid,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
101 738LB023 ISSN 0169-2968
Fundamenta Informaticae. 《信息科学基础》 1977. 16/yr.
Editor: European Association for Theoretical Computer Science.
E-mail: [email protected]
102 738LB024 ISSN 0928-8910
Autonmated Software Engineering. 《自动软件工程》 1994. 4/yr.
Editor-in-Chief: Bashar Nuseibeh,
Dept. Of Computing. Imperial College, London, UK.
103 738LB026 ISSN 1381-0551
Ada User Journal. 《Ada用户杂志》, 1980. 4/yr.
Editor: Dr Jim Briggs, University of Portsmouth, UK.
E-mail: [email protected]
104 738LB054 ISSN 0020-0190
Information Processing Letters. 《信息处理快报》, 1971. 24/yr.
Editors: S. Albers, University Of Dortmund,
FB4-LS II, D-44221, Dortmund, Germary.
Fax: 49-231-755-2047
E-mail: [email protected] ,
    R. Backhouse, The University of Nottingham, School of Computer Science
    And Intormation Technology, Jubilee Campus, Wollaton Road, Nottingham
NG8 1BB, UK.,
Fax: 44-115-951-4254
E-mail: [email protected]
105 738LB057 ISSN 1383-7621
Journal of Systems Architecture. 《体系结构杂志》 1975. 12/yr.
Elsevier Science B. V., The Netherlands.
( as Euromicro News Letter, 1975-1977; Euromicro Journal,
1978-1980 ). ( as Microprocessing and Microprogramming, 1980-1995)
Uday K. Chakraborty, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Jadavpur University, Calcutta 700032, India.
Fax: 91-33-473-4266
E-mail: [email protected]
106 738LB060 ISSN 0166-3615
Computers in Industry. 《工业用计算机》 1980. 9/yr.
Editor-in-Chief: J. C. Wortmann, Eindhoven University of Technology,
Industrial Engineering Department,
      1. O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
      Fax: 040-2451275
      E-mail: [email protected]
107 738LB063 ISSN 0167-6423
Science of Computer Programming. 《计算机程序设计科学》,
1981. 6/yr. Editors-in-Chief: E. Astesiano, Universita’ di Genova,
DISI-Dipartimento di Informatica e Scienze dell’ Informazione,
Via Dodecaneso 35, 16146 Genova, Italy.
Fax: 39-10-3536699
E-mail: [email protected] ,
      1. Bergstra, University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Math., Comp. Sci., Phys.
      & Astro., Dept. Of Computer Science, Kruislaan 403, 1098 SJ Amsterdam,
      The Netherlands.
      Fax: 31-20-5257490
      E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]
108 738LB072 ISSN 0167-8655
Pattern Recognition Letters. 《模式识别快报》, 1983. 12/yr.
Managing Rditor: E. Backer, Delft University of Technology,
Department of Electrical Engineering, Mekelweg 4,
2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands.
Fax: 31-15-2626738
E-mail: [email protected]
109 738LB075 ISSN 0167-739X
Future Generation Computer Sciences. 《下代计算机系统》, 1985. 6/yr.
Editor-in-Chief on Computer Systems:
L. O. Hertzberger, University of Amsterdam, Department
Of Computer Systems, Kruislaan 403, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The
E-mail: [email protected]
110 738LB077 ISSN 0167-8191
Parallel Computing. 《并行计算》, 1984. 12/yr.
Editor-in-Chief: G. R. Joubert,
( Technology University of Clausthal ), Aquariuslaan 60, 5632 BD
Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
E-mail: [email protected] .
111 738LB086 ISSN 0168-7433
Journal of Automated Reasoning. 《自动推理杂志》, 1985. 6/yr.
Editor: Peter Andrews, Department of Mathematical Science,
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890, USA.
E-mail: [email protected]
112 738LB090 ISSN 0921-0296
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems. 《智能和机器人系统杂志》
1988. 6/yr. Editor-in0Chief: Spyros G. Tzafestas,
Dept. Of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
National Technical University of Athens, Greece.
113 738LB093 ISSN 0892-4635
LISP and Symbolic Computation. 《表面处理程序和符号计算》 1987.
4/yr. Editor-in-Chief: Olivier Danvy, BRICS, University of Aarhus,
Carolyn L. Talcott, Dept. Of Computer Science, Stanford University,
E-mail: [email protected]
114 738LB094 ISSN 0922-6567
Machine Translation. 《机器翻译》 1986. 4/yr.
Editor: Harold Somers, Centre for Computational Linguistics, UMIST,
Manchester, UK.
E-mail: [email protected]
115 738LB096 ISSN 0922-6443
Real-Time Systems. 《实时系统》 1989. 4/yr. Editor-in-Chief:
John A. Stankovic, University of Virginis, Charlottesville, USA.
E-mail: [email protected]
116 738LB101 ISSN 0921-7126
AI Communications. 《人工智能通讯》 1988. 4/yr.
G. Gottlob, Institut fur Informationssysteme Technische
Universitat Wien, Favoritenstrae 9/3/3 A-1040 Vienna, Austria.
E-mail: [email protected]
117 738LB103 ISSN 0925-4676
Journal of Systems Integration. 《系统综合杂志》 1991. 4/yr.
Editor-in-Chief: Peter A. Ng, University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA.
118 738LB104 ISSN 0924-6495
Minds and Machines. 脑与计算机》 1991. 4/yr.
Editor: James H. Fetzer, Dept. Of Philosophy,
University of Minnesota, Duluth, USA.
119 738LB106 ISSN 0924-8463
Artificial Intelligence and Law. 《人工智能与法律》, 1992. 4/yr.
Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, Distribution Center,
P. O. Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Fax: 0-78-524474
120 738LB107 ISSN 0925-2312
Neurocomputing. 《神经计算》 1989. 6/yr.
Editor-in-Chief: V. David Sunchez A., Advanced Comp.
Intelligent Systems, Neurocomputing, P. O. Box 60130,
Pasadena, CA 91116-6130, USA.
Fax: 1-626-793-5120
E-mail: [email protected]
121 738LB109 ISSN 0926-6801
Journal of High Speed Networks. 《高速网络杂志》 1992. 4/yr.
IOS Press, Van Diemenstraat 94,
1013 CN Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Fax: 31-20-620-34-19
122 738LB110 ISSN 0925-9724
Computer Supported Cooperative Work. 《计算机支持协同工作》
1992. 4/yr. Kluwer Academic Publishers,
The Netherlands. Editor-in-Chief: Kjeld Schmidt, Center for Tele-
Infornation, Technoical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark.
123 738LB112
Neural Network World. 《神经网络界》 1991. 6/yr.
Editor-in-Chief: De. Mirko Novak,
Institute of Computer Science, Czech Academy of Science, Pod
Vodarenskou xezi 2 18207 Prague 8, Czech Republic.
E-mail: [email protected]
124 738LB113 ISSN 1380-7501
Multimedia Tools and Applications. 《多媒体工具和应用》 1995. 6/yr.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
125 738LB116 ISSN 1382-3256
Empirical Softwsre Engineering. 《经验软件工程》 1996. 4/yr.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
Editor-in-Chief: Victor R. Basili, Institute for Advanced
Computer Studies, University of Maryland, College Park, USA.
126 738LB119 ISSN 0950-5849
Infornation and Software Technology. 《信息与软件技术》 1959. 15/yr.
Co-Editors: M. Shepperd, Bournemouth University,
Department of Computing, Talbot Campus,
Farn Barrow, Poole, Dorset BH12 5BB, UK.
Tel: 44-0-1202-595503
Fax: 44-0-1202-595314
E-mail: [email protected]
127 738LD057 ISSN 0920-5489
Computer Standards and Interfaces. 《计算机标准和接口》 1986. 6/yr.
Editor-in-Chief: H. Schumny, Kilgerstr. 15, 93167 Falkenstein.
Fax: 449-9462-910-841
E-mail: [email protected]
128 738UA052 ISSN 0004-8917
Australian Computer Journal. 《澳大利亚计算机杂志》 1967. 4/yr.
Associated Business Publications Pty. Ltd.,
3 Smail St., Rm 104, Ultimo, NSW 2007, Australia.
  1. 《计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)》,总被引频次:310,影响因子:0。843,
2、 《计算机学报》 ,总被引频次:729,影响因子:0。699,主编:高文,
      地址:中国科学院计算技术研究所,北京市 2704 信箱,邮编: 100080
      TEL 010-62620695
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    地址:北京市 2704 信箱 CAD 分箱,邮编: 100080
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  1. 《软件学报》,总被引频次:704,影响因子:0624,主编:冯玉琳,
  2. 《中国图像图形学报》,总被引频次:379,影响因子:0574
地址:北京市 2704 信箱,邮编: 100080
TEL 010-82611834
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    地址:合肥市 1130 信箱,邮编: 230031
    TEL 0551-5591176
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    地址:重庆市渝中区胜利路 132 号,邮编: 400013
    TEL 023-63517021
  1. 《物探化探计算技术》,总被引频次:150,影响因子:0542
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地址:成都市人民南路四段(成都 237 信箱),邮编: 610041
TEL 028-5224283
12 《中文信息学报》 ,总被引频次: 134 ,影响因子: 0 414 ,主编:黄昌宁,
地址:北京市中关村南四街 4 号,中国科学院软件所,北京市 8718 信箱,
TEL 010-62562916 邮编: 100080
13 《计算机与应用化学》 ,总被引频次: 192 ,影响因子: 0 387
北京市中关村北 2 1 号,邮编: 100080
TEL 010-62558482
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地址:北京市北四环中路 211 号,北京市 619 信箱 26 分箱,
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      地址:成都市人民南路四段 11 号附 1 号,邮编: 610041
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16 《计算机仿真》 ,总被引频次: 125 ,影响因子: 0 323 ,主编:吴连伟,
      地址:北京市阜成路 14 号,邮编: 100037
      TEL 010-68767186
17 《小型微型计算机系统》 ,总被引频次: 298 ,影响因子: 0 281
      地址:沈阳市和平区三好街 100 号,邮编: 110004
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地址:长沙市砚瓦池正街 47 号,邮编: 410073
TEL 0731-4573689
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地址:上海市浦东大道 1550 号,邮编: 200135
TEL 021-58855200
20、 《数值计算与计算机应用》 ,总被引频次: 59 ,影响因子: 0 169
      地址:北京市中关村 2719 信箱,邮编: 100080
      TEL 010-62555115
21、 《计算机工程与设计》 ,总被引频次: 58 ,影响因子: 0 167
      主编:刘恩德,主办单位:中国航天科工集团二院 706 所,邮编: 100854
      地址:北京市永定路 51 号,北京市 142 信箱 406 分箱,
      TEL 010-68389884
22 《计算机工程》 ,总被引频次: 309 ,影响因子: 0 160 ,主编:林建民,
      主办单位:华东计算技术研究所,邮编: 200233
      地址:上海市桂林路 418 10319 室(原上海 800-209 信箱 201800
      TEL 021-64704678
23、 《微型电脑应用》 ,总被引频次: 104 ,影响因子: 0 146
      地址:上海市华山路 1954 号,上海交通大学仓图 15 1504 室,
      TEL 021-62933230 ,邮编: 200030
24 《微型机与应用》 ,总被引频次: 104 ,影响因子: 0 140 ,主编:阎兵,
地址:北京市清华东路 25 号,北京 927 信箱,邮编: 100083
TEL 010-62311179
25 《计算机应用与软件》 ,总被引频次: 64 ,影响因子: 0 079
主编:朱三元,主办单位:上海市愚园路 546 号,邮编: 200040
TEL 021-62520070
26、 《微计算机应用》 ,总被引频次: 40 ,影响因子: 0 075 ,主编:洪樱,
      主办单位:中国科学院声学研究所,邮编: 100080
      地址:北京市中关村路 17 号,
      TEL 010-62554573
27、 J.COMPUT. SCI. & TECH. ,总被引频次: 28 ,影响因子: 0 034
      地址:北京市海淀区科学院南路 6 号,邮编: 100080
      TEL 010-62610746
  1. 计算机学报
  2. 软件学报
  3. 计算机研究与发展
  4. 自动化学报
  5. 计算机科学
  6. 控制理论与应用
  7. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报
  8. 计算机工程与应用
  9. 模式识别与人工智能
  10. 控制与决策
  11. 小型微型计算机系统
  12. 计算机工程
  13. 计算机应用
  14. 信息与控制
  15. 机器人
  16. 中国图象图形学报. A
  17. 计算机应用研究
  18. 系统仿真学报
  19. 计算机集成制造系统CIMS
  20. 遥感学报
  21. 中文信息学报
  22. 微计算机信息
  23. 数据采集与处理
  24. 微型机与应用
  25. 传感器技术
  26. 传感技术学报
  27. 计算机工程与设计
  28. 计算机应用与软件
  29. 微型计算机
  30. 微电子学与计算机
