ubuntu gedit出错:Failed to connect to the session manager

ubuntu gedit出错:Failed to connect to the session manager


刚才用su到root后,用命令gedit发现会出错:** (gedit:2976): WARNING **: 连接已关闭(gedit:2976): EggSMClient-WARNING **: Failed to connect to the session manager:None of the authentication protocols specified are supported** (gedit:2976): WAR

刚才用su到root后,用命令gedit发现会出错:  ** (gedit:2976): WARNING **: 连接已关闭  (gedit:2976): EggSMClient-WARNING **: Failed to connect to the session manager: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported  ** (gedit:2976): WARNING **: Could not connect to session bus

  原因是: su   只能切换到管理员用户权限,不使用管理员的登陆脚本和搜索路径 

 su - 不但能切换到管理员权限而且使用管理员登陆脚本和搜索路径 
 解决方法:使用sudo gedit 或者su -后再gedit就没错误了!

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