Auto-tuning: Shutting Down Background Process GTX (Doc ID 1481153.1)

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Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 11.2]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Auto-tuning: Starting background process GTX1
Starting background process GTX1


Auto-tuning: Shutting down background process GTXi Like messages in alert log


 Auto-tuning: Starting background process GTX1..
Starting background process GTX1..


Auto-tuning: Shutting down background process GTXi Like messages in alert log in RAC database.


This message will seen only in  RAC enviornment.


 GLOBAL_TXN_PROCESSES specifies the initial number of GTXn background processes (GTX0, ... GTX9 and GTXa, ... GTXj) per instance to support global (XA) transactions in an Oracle RAC environment.

GLOBAL_TXN_PROCESSES is useful for systems that process global (XA) transactions heavily. You do not need to specify a value for this parameter since Oracle Database automatically determines the number of processes and autotunes them, as necessary. GTXn background processes are only seen in an Oracle RAC environment.

GTX (Global Transaction Process) as per definition maintains the global information about XA global transactions throughout the cluster.


 1. Its normal for the database to automatically tune the number of these processes based on the workload of XA global transactions.If any application which using XA transaction and connecting to oracle RAC database, is it required.This a normal behavior and you do not have to worry about this error messages. Ignore Them

2.  If you are sure that you are not using XA and want to stop these messages.You can disable the GTXn background processes, then you must set GLOBAL_TXN_PROCESSES to 0 in your parameter file. Setting this parameter to 0 will disable the XA support on an Oracle RAC database.

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