I have been using iTerm in daily work for almost a year now. Along the way, I learned a few handysettings tweaks and shortcut keys to boost my productivity in command-line environment.
If you haven’t heard of iTerm, it’s a popular open source alternative to Mac OS X Terminal. Give it a try, download and install it from http://www.iterm2.com.
Launch iTerm, open iTerm > Preferences or just Cmd + ,
Under Profiles tab, go to General subtab, set Working Directory to “Reuse previous session’s directory”.
key To enable Meta key for Bash readline editing e.g. Alt + b
to move to previous word, underProfiles tab, go to Keys subtab, set Left option key acts as: to “+Esc”.
Under Keys tab, in Hotkey section, enable “Show/hide iTerm2 with a system-wide hotkey” and input your hotkey combination, e.g. I use Ctrl + Shift + L
Under Pointer, in Miscellaneous Settings section, enable “Focus follows mouse”.
Here’s a set of shortcut keys I commonly use. You can always look for other shortcut keys in the iTerm menu.
Cmd + t
Cmd + Shift + ]
Cmd + Shift + [
Cmd + d
Cmd + Shift + d
Cmd + ]
Cmd + [
Cmd + f
Cmd + g
Cmd + Alt + i
Cmd + k
Ctrl + l
Cmd + Alt + =
Cmd + Enter
Cmd + +
Cmd + -
iTerm lovers, did I miss anything out?