How to build giflib in the MSYS?

How to build giflib in the MSYS?


Where to download the source codes?




How to extract it?


$ tar xvjf ./giflib-4.1.4.tar.bz2


How to build and install it?


Step1: Edit /etc/profile and add three entries.

export perllibdir=.:/usr/share/aclocal:/usr/share/aclocal-1.9:/usr/share/automake-1.9:$perllibdir

alias aclocal='aclocal --acdir=/usr/share/aclocal -I /usr/share/aclocal-1.9 -I /usr/share/automake-1.9'

alias automake='automake --libdir=/usr/share/automake-1.9'

My system use automake-1.9. If readers are different, please revise this version.


Step2: Edit giflib-4.1.4/



# This script runs commands necessary to generate a Makefile for libgif.


echo "Warning: This script will run configure for you -- if you need to pass"

echo "  arguments to configure, please give them as arguments to this script."


srcdir=`dirname $0`

test -z "$srcdir" && srcdir=.




source /etc/profile



cd $srcdir




libtoolize --automake

automake --add-missing






$srcdir/configure $*


exit 0


Step3: Build and Install it

$ ./ --prefix=/mingw --disable-shared --enable-static

$ MY_CURR_PATH=`pwd`

$ make CFLAGS="-Du_int32_t=uint32_t -I$MY_CURR_PATH/lib $CFLAGS"

$ cd ./util

$ gcc -Du_int32_t=uint32_t -I$MY_CURR_PATH/lib -Du_int32_t=uint32_t -I/lib     gifclrmp.c   -o gifclrmp –L$MY_CURR_PATH/lib -L$MY_CURR_PATH/lib/.libs –lgif –lgetarg

$ gcc -Du_int32_t=uint32_t -I$MY_CURR_PATH/lib -Du_int32_t=uint32_t -I/lib     gifrotat.c   -o gifrotat -L$MY_CURR_PATH/lib -L$MY_CURR_PATH/lib/.libs -lgif –lgetarg

$ cd ..

$ make install



1. u_int32_t has not been defined in the source codes, so I use MACRO to replace it with ease.

2. The configure file utilizes relative path to indicates where the header files locate, and it will lead to compiler error. As a result, the absolute path is adopted.

3. Both gifclrmp and gifrotat don’t have a proper compiling rules, it will fail to compile lack of the relative libraries. It should be a bug of in the MSYS! As a result, I do with it manually:- (.




