操作系统开发 - BIOS常识

以下節錄自大陸的一個禁站 (http://wiki.osdev.org/BIOS)

  • BIOS calls may use interrupts, which means that you need to forward IRQs or map the PIC back to its original configuration.
  • BIOS可能會用到中斷,就是說中斷過後你要自己把PIC重新設定成原來的狀態
  • BIOS calls may access devices that you have already configured - notably the PIT and PIC
  • BIOS可能會存取一些你已經設定好的設備, 尤其是PIT和PIC
  • BIOS calls can enter protected mode on their own to access MMIO registers, which is beyond the limits of virtual 8086 mode.
  • BIOS函數能夠進入保護模式,(我相信很多人也以為BIOS函數只可以停留在實模式裏)

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