/* Author : kj Function : analyze the char string of time ,and transform time mode to total seconds Time : 2013-12-07 14:36 Instruction : run the flow order ./ymd_to_seconds $1 $2 Notice : $1 and $2 is : $1 = 2013;12;07;14;36 $2 = 2013;12;07;14;36 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #define TIME_DATA_MAX_SIZE 8 int get_current_time(char *buf) { struct tm *tmnow; struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv,NULL); tmnow = localtime(&tv.tv_sec); sprintf(buf,"%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",tmnow->tm_year+1900, tmnow->tm_mon+1, tmnow->tm_mday,tmnow->tm_hour,tmnow->tm_min, tmnow->tm_sec); return tv.tv_sec; } int analyze_separator_num(char *src,int src_length) { char *cp_tmp; char *src_temp = NULL; char *src_temp_free = NULL; int counter = 0; src_temp = (char *)malloc((src_length+4)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(src_temp,src); src_temp_free = src_temp; cp_tmp = strtok(src_temp, ":"); if(cp_tmp) { #ifdef _DEBUG_KJ printf("%s\n",cp_tmp); #else #endif counter++; } while((cp_tmp=strtok(NULL,":"))!=NULL) { counter++; #ifdef _DEBUG_KJ printf("%s\n",cp_tmp); #else #endif } #ifdef _DEBUG_KJ printf("%s %d The string is %s !The num strtok of ':' are %d\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,src,counter-1); #else #endif src_temp = src_temp_free; free(src_temp); src_temp = NULL; src_temp_free = NULL; return counter; } void analyze_socket_data(char *dest,char *src) { char *cp_tmp; int counter = 0; int i = 1; cp_tmp = strtok(src, ":"); if(cp_tmp) { strcpy(dest,cp_tmp); #ifdef _DEBUG_KJ printf("dest is %s\n",dest); #else #endif counter++; } while((cp_tmp=strtok(NULL,":"))!=NULL) { #ifdef _DEBUG_KJ printf("the lenght of the cp_tmp is %d\n",strlen(cp_tmp)); printf("cp_tmp is %s \n",cp_tmp); #else #endif memcpy((dest+i*TIME_DATA_MAX_SIZE),cp_tmp,strlen(cp_tmp)); strcpy(((dest+i*TIME_DATA_MAX_SIZE)+strlen(cp_tmp)),"\0"); counter++; i++; } return; } int calculate_seconds(char in[6][8]) { int total_seconds = 0; struct tm tm_temp; int year; int mon; int day; int hour; int min; int sec; #ifdef _DEBUG_KJ year = atoi(in[0]); mon = atoi(in[1]); day = atoi(in[2]); hour = atoi(in[3]); min = atoi(in[4]); sec = atoi(in[5]); printf("%s %d The year is %d\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,year); printf("%s %d The mon is %d\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,mon); printf("%s %d The day is %d\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,day); printf("%s %d The hour is %d\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,hour); printf("%s %d The min is %d\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,min); printf("%s %d The sec is %d\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,sec); #else #endif tm_temp.tm_year = atoi(in[0]) - 1900; tm_temp.tm_mon = atoi(in[1]) - 1; tm_temp.tm_mday = atoi(in[2]); tm_temp.tm_hour = atoi(in[3]); tm_temp.tm_min = atoi(in[4]); tm_temp.tm_sec = atoi(in[5]); total_seconds = mktime(&tm_temp); printf("%s %d The total of seconds is %d\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,total_seconds); return total_seconds; } int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { struct tm joseph_tm; int tm_begin_separator_num = 0; int tm_end_separator_num = 0; int i_temp = 0; int tm_begin_seconds = 0; int tm_end_seconds = 0; int current_seconds = 0; int the_seconds_of_record = 0; char current_time[128] = {0}; memset(current_time,0,128); current_seconds = get_current_time(current_time); printf("%s %d The current time is %s , The total seconds is %d!\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,current_time,current_seconds); if(argc != 3) { printf("%s %d The param must be two ,please !\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); return -1; } if((strlen(argv[1]) != 20) || (strlen(argv[2]) != 20)) { printf("%s %d The length of param must be 20 ,please !\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); return -1; } for(i_temp = 1; i_temp < argc;i_temp++) { printf("%s %d The %dth content is %s \n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,i_temp,argv[i_temp]); } tm_begin_separator_num = analyze_separator_num(argv[1],strlen(argv[1])); tm_end_separator_num = analyze_separator_num(argv[2],strlen(argv[2])); char tm_begin_temp_buf[tm_begin_separator_num][TIME_DATA_MAX_SIZE]; char tm_end_temp_buf[tm_end_separator_num][TIME_DATA_MAX_SIZE]; analyze_socket_data(tm_begin_temp_buf[0],argv[1]); analyze_socket_data(tm_end_temp_buf[0],argv[2]); #ifdef _DEBUG_KJ for(i_temp = 0; i_temp < tm_begin_separator_num;i_temp++) { printf("%s %d The %dth content is %s \n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,i_temp,tm_begin_temp_buf[i_temp]); } for(i_temp = 0; i_temp < tm_end_separator_num;i_temp++) { printf("%s %d The %dth content is %s \n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,i_temp,tm_end_temp_buf[i_temp]); } #else #endif tm_begin_seconds = calculate_seconds(tm_begin_temp_buf); tm_end_seconds = calculate_seconds(tm_end_temp_buf); the_seconds_of_record = tm_end_seconds - tm_begin_seconds; printf("%s %d The begin seconds is %d,The end seconds is %d ,The length of record video is %d\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,tm_begin_seconds,tm_end_seconds,the_seconds_of_record); return 0; }
root@u12d32:/home/kongjun/work/hi_test/year_month_day_tosecond# ./ymd_to_second 2013:12:08:17:31:00: 2014:12:08:14:40:12:
main 160 The current time is 2013-12-08 17:40:59 , The total seconds is 1386495659!
main 174 The 1th content is 2013:12:08:17:31:00:
main 174 The 2th content is 2014:12:08:14:40:12:
calculate_seconds 142 The total of seconds is 1386495060
calculate_seconds 142 The total of seconds is 1418020812
main 198 The begin seconds is 1386495060,The end seconds is 1418020812 ,The length of record video is 31525752
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
int main(void)
time_t timep;
struct tm *p;
printf("time() : %d \n",timep);
timep = mktime(p);
return 0;
struct tm小常识:
#ifndef _TM_DEFINED
struct tm {
int tm_sec; /* 秒–取值区间为[0,59] */
int tm_min; /* 分 - 取值区间为[0,59] */
int tm_hour; /* 时 - 取值区间为[0,23] */
int tm_mday; /* 一个月中的日期 - 取值区间为[1,31] */
int tm_mon; /* 月份(从一月开始,0代表一月) - 取值区间为[0,11] */
int tm_year; /* 年份,其值从1900开始 */
int tm_wday; /* 星期–取值区间为[0,6],其中0代表星期天,1代表星期一,以此类推 */
int tm_yday; /* 从每年的1月1日开始的天数–取值区间为[0,365],其中0代表1月1日,1代表1月2日,以此类推 */
int tm_isdst; /* 夏令时标识符,实行夏令时的时候,tm_isdst为正。不实行夏令时的进候,tm_isdst为0;不了解情况时,tm_isdst()为负。*/
long int tm_gmtoff; /*指定了日期变更线东面时区中UTC东部时区正秒数或UTC西部时区的负秒数*/
const char *tm_zone; /*当前时区的名字(与环境变量TZ有关)*/
#define _TM_DEFINED
ANSI C标准称使用tm结构的这种时间表示为分解时间(broken-down time)。