mysql where条件中的判断语句
<if test="categoryId != null">
AND CASE 1 WHEN "Y"=(SELECT is_open from category as oca where oca.category_id=#{categoryId,jdbcType=VARCHAR})
THEN (cat.category_id = #{categoryId,jdbcType=VARCHAR} OR cat.parent_id = #{categoryId,jdbcType=VARCHAR})
ELSE (cat.category_id = #{categoryId,jdbcType=VARCHAR})
<!-- 根据条件分页查询媒体文件信息(用于栏目专题) --> <select id="selectMedias" parameterType="map" resultType=""> SELECT c.course_id AS courseId, c.category_id AS categoryId, c.school_id AS schoolId, c.course_type AS courseType, c.title, c.subtitle,c.summary, c.keywords, c.objectives, c.audiences, c.requirements, c.cover_image AS coverImage, c.promo_video_id AS promoVideoId, c.promo_video_url AS promoVideoUrl, c.privacy, c.passwd, c.is_free AS isFree,c. price, c.validity, c.user_id AS userId, c.status, c.is_recommended AS isRecommended, c.date_recommended AS dateRecommended,c.is_recommended_cetagory AS isRecommendedCetagory, c.ce_date_recommended AS ceDateRecommended, c.index_order AS indexOrder,c.special_order AS specialOrder, c.date_added AS dateAdded, c.last_modified AS lastModified, c.published_start_millis AS publishedStartMillis, c.published_end_millis AS publishedEndMillis, c.duration, u.nickname, u.avatar, As categoryName FROM course AS c LEFT JOIN user AS u ON(c.user_id = u.user_id) LEFT JOIN category AS cat ON(cat.category_id = c.category_id) WHERE c.school_id="wxj" <if test="categoryId != null"> AND CASE 1 WHEN "Y"=(SELECT is_open from category as oca where oca.category_id=#{categoryId,jdbcType=VARCHAR}) THEN (cat.category_id = #{categoryId,jdbcType=VARCHAR} OR cat.parent_id = #{categoryId,jdbcType=VARCHAR}) ELSE (cat.category_id = #{categoryId,jdbcType=VARCHAR}) END </if> <if test="courseType != null"> AND c.course_type=#{courseType,jdbcType=VARCHAR} </if> <if test="currTimeMillis != null"> <![CDATA[ AND c.published_start_millis <= ${currTimeMillis} AND c.published_end_millis >= ${currTimeMillis} ]]> </if> <if test="orderByClause != null"> ORDER BY ${orderByClause} </if> <if test="limitClause != null"> LIMIT ${limitClause} </if> </select>