Intent setFlag Activity 相关 1


 If set, the new activity is not kept in the history stack.  As soon as the user navigates away from it, the activity is finished. 

e.g.  MainActivity --> FirstActivity -> SecondActivity

MainActivity 在使用Intent启动FirstActivity 时setFlag,即

		Intent intent = new Intent(this, FirstActivity.class);
FirstActivity( As soon as the user navigates away from it, the activity is finished. 

也就是说如果按返回键,返回的 顺序是 SecondActivity ->MainActivity

PS: 从下图可以看出FirstActivity 触发OnDestroy的时机并不是确定的,但是在返回的时候,都是会做destroy

Intent setFlag Activity 相关 1_第1张图片Intent setFlag Activity 相关 1_第2张图片


If set, the activity will not be launched if it is already running
     * at the top of the history stack.

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