oracle 复习体系三 数据库操作

--oracle 复习体系三

show user

select * from tab


create table teacher (int number(3,2),username varchar2(50));

--alter table

alter table teacher add (password varchar(20));

alter table teacher modify (id number(5));

alter table teacher modify(id char(29));

alter table teacher drop column password;


rename teacher to xxxx;

drop table teacher;


insert into teacher (1,'xx');

--插入数据 数据来源与scott.emp(empno,ename)
conn scott/tiger

grant select on emp to tina with grant option;

conn tina/tina

insert into teacher select empno,ename from scott.emp;

select * from teacher

select * from scott.emp;
-- 查询username 为空的
select * from teacher where username is null

select * from teacher where username is not null;

savepoint a;

drop from teacher ;

truncate table teacher;

rollback to a;












exp userid=scott/tiger@orcl tables(emp) file=d:/emp.dmp


--导出其他方案的表,需要dba 的权限或者是exp_full_database

exp userid=system/manager@orcl tables(scott.emp, file=d:/emp.dmp



exp userid=scott/tiger@orcl tables(emp) file=d:emp.dmp rows=n



exp userid=scott/tiger@orcl talbes(emp,emp2,emp3) file=d:emp.dmp direct=y


exp userid=scott/tiger@orcl owner=scott file =d:/emp.dmp



exp userid=system/manager@orcl owner=(system,scott,其他方案名称) file



--full =y :导出所有

--inctype= complete 增量

exp userid=system/manager@orcl full =y inctype=complete file=d:/database.dmp




imp userid=scott/tiger@orcl tables=(emp) file=d:/xx.dmp


imp userid=scott/tiger@orcl tables=(emp) file=d:/xx.dmp touser=tina


imp userid=scott/tiger@orcl tables=(emp) file=d:/xx.dmp rows =n


imp userid=scott/tiger@orcl tables=(emp) file=d:/xx.dmp ignore=y


imp userid=scott/tiger file=xx.dmp


imp userid=system/manager fromuser=system touser=scott file=d:/xx.dmp


imp userid=system/manager full =y file=d:/xx.dmp





conn scott/tiger



select * from tab



drop table emp



show recyclebin


--恢复 恢复到删除之前

flashback table emp to before drop





drop table emp purge


purge recyclebin



purge table emp



purge tablespace xxx




purge tablespace xx user scott

