程序员面试trick + bloomberg SDE history interview


1. given a arrayList, sort it first!!!!

2. 分解大问题为小问题,取特殊情况,大事化小

整理的interview 问题:

ref: http://www.glassdoor.com/Interview/Bloomberg-L-P-Software-Developer-Interview-Questions-EI_IE3096.0,13_KO14,32.htm

1. Difference between several data structures - eg. ArrayList Vs LinkedList

2. Write a program to find pairs of numbers that sum upto a particular value.

3. The problem given was that I have an unsorted array. I need to write a simple function which returns the index of the first and second minimum element in the array.

4. The puzzle given was that if I paint a 10*10*10 cube from all sides, how many smaller cubes would remain white (unpainted).

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