What's New in Dxperience 8.1.2


New Features/Changes

ASPxGridView and Editors Suite

  • S90997 - Add the ability to provide custom text for the "(all)" item displayed within a filter dropdown


  • S19117 - Documentation - describe client-side functionality in detail


  • S91009 - Add the ability to prevent end-users from selecting individual nodes
  • Q97979 - ASPxTreeList add a new mode in which it is possible to select only certain nodes
  • S19530 - Documentation - Mention that it is necessary to add a column in the "How to: Create a Tree in Code (Unbound Mode)" topic

eXpress Persistent Objects

  • S19125 - Documentation - DevExpress.Data.Filtering.CriteriaOperator - add an important note about ToString~ functions - they don't create SQL text!

XtraEditors Library

  • S19507 - An inplace editor must fire its EditValueChanged event when it's about to be closed
  • S19468 - Documentation - ToolTip vs. SuperTip appearances - add more info
  • AS6209 - MRUEdit - SelectedIndexChanged / SelectedValueChanged events are not triggered

XtraGrid Suite

  • S19615 - Documentation - the BeginDataUpdate method - add a note about the fact that the method doesn't work in master-detail mode

XtraScheduler Suite

  • AS14487 - Add an ability to define new Items in the DurationEdit control at design time
  • S90697 - Mistake in error message translation (de)
  • S19544 - Provide a more convenient way to access and use XtraScheduler services
  • S19082 - Provide an ability to perform Default Draw in CustomDraw* event handlers


  • S19547 - Consider both U+0027 and right single quotation mark U+2019 as the same symbol

XtraTreeList Suite

  • AS15514 - Documentation - the BeginUpdate / BeginUnboundLoad methods' purpose should be described in detail

Resolved Issues

All ASP.NET Components

  • B93082 - Project converter incorrectly processes the Controls tag

ASPxGridView and Editors Suite

  • B91606 - An ASPxGridView cannot be switched to edit mode when Edit buttons are represented by images
  • B93255 - An error within the Plastic Blue AutoFormat's CSS file affects the size of ASPxTextBox controls
  • B93382 - ASPxButton - A call to the client DoClick method of a disabled button initiates a postback
  • B93118 - ASPxButton - The server Click event is not fired under Firefox, if a button is used within an UpdatePanel
  • B93130 - ASPxButton: a background image is wrongly rendered (a scaling error)
  • B93478 - ASPxComboBox - client-side GotFocus event doesn't fire
  • Q96145 - ASPxComboBox - The editor is incorrectly rendered under Safari 3
  • B30516 - ASPxComboBox - The GetValue method returns an incorrect value after the PerformCallback is called
  • B30557 - ASPxEditors - The Focus method doesn't work in IE6
  • B93217 - ASPxEditors - There is a problem with validation in Netscape-family browsers
  • B93293 - ASPxEditors don't support the "display: inline" style setting
  • B92909 - ASPxGridView: the combobox dropdown gets cut off by the parent container when the ShowVerticalScrollBar option is enabled
  • B92825 - ASPxListBox - The editor ignores the CssClass property setting when the EnableDefaultAppearance property is true
  • Q99759 - ASPxMemo - Unicode symbols are not displayed properly
  • B19756 - ASPxTextBox - It is impossible to focus an editor programmatically by using the server Focus method if validation is enabled
  • B30407 - ASPxWebControl - LoadClientState and SaveClientState methods are not called on AfterRender
  • B92983 - Documentation: Improve the 'Master-Detail Relationship' help topic
  • B93397 - Header's filter popup is displayed at an inccorect position if the ShowVerticalScrollBar option is enabled
  • B93152 - The ASPxGridView is incorrectly resized
  • B30561 - The client-side GetSelectedRowCount method returns an incorrect value after the SelectAllRowsOnPage() is called for a grouped grid
  • B93448 - The GetSelectedFieldValues method returns incorrect values after SelectAll if rows are filtered and paged
  • B93109 - The gvTitleBack.gif image is wrong for all Office auto-formats in the ASPxGridView
  • B30469 - The Popup Edit Form with grouped rows is displayed at the wrong position
  • B93398 - The updates don't work in the 'Two Way Data Binding' demo if the EnableCallbacks option is disabled


  • B93414 - A link to a page can't be inserted so that to open the page in another window
  • B93338 - An additional "/" symbol is added to the location specified via the UploadImageFolder property, if a web project's type is Web Application
  • B30536 - The client SetHtml method doesn't work if the Design and Html views are hidden

ASPxperience Suite for ASP.NET v2

  • B93001 - ASPxMenu - Setting the SyncSelectionMode property to CurrentPath is not in effect, if a query string contains specific characters
  • B93306 - ASPxNavBar - Setting paddings to 0 is not in effect in Mozilla/Firefox when a navbar's width is 100%, and the ItemLinkMode property is set to TextOnly
  • B92964 - ASPxNavBar - The SaveStateToCookiesID property doesn't work when a navbar is used within a master page
  • B93121 - ASPxNewsControl - The Blue theme requests an image file, which does not exist
  • B93168 - ASPxPageControl - ContentControl Serialization issues
  • B93151 - ASPxPageControl - Duplicated IDs occur when two page controls are placed within different steps of a Wizard control
  • B93362 - ASPxSiteMapControl - Umlauts are not correctly displayed within item tooltips
  • B30553 - Documentation: ASPxUploadControl - The AllowedContentTypes property is not described thoroughly
  • B92996 - The 'Object required' Java Script error occurs on clicking anywhere on the page during a callback in IE


  • B93157 - DivideByZeroException is raised when OptionsPager.RowCount = 0
  • B93246 - Filtering hierarchy data produces incorrect grand total results
  • B30639 - The PivotGrid hides all totals, if the OptionsView.ShowTotals property value is false for the first data field
  • B93467 - Wrong field moving when the number of filter columns is greater than six

ASPxScheduler Suite

  • B93044 - AppointmentInplaceEditorFormEventArgs.Container is ReadOnly
  • Q100181 - ASPxScheduler conflicts with ASPxGridView


  • B93301 - ASPxTreeList is incorrectly rendered under FireFox (2.0 and 3.0b4)

eXpress Persistent Objects

  • B93221 - Deleting an XPCollection on a form hangs the IDE
  • Q100139 - Evaluating a null value in LINQ to XPO queries works incorrectly

XtraBars Suite

  • B93341 - A bad call to ItemLinks.Add() method is generated after running the designer
  • B92850 - Activated Mdi child gets changed incorrectly when a floating form is opened from an auto-hidden dock panel
  • B92854 - Cannot drag tabs in an inherited XtraTabbedMdiManager with custom pages
  • B93408 - Incorrect processing of the GridControl's Full Expand command when the grid is used together within a Ribbon Control
  • B92986 - The Index Out of Bounds exception is raised when hiding a pinned dock panel

XtraCharts Suite

  • B93492 - Chart Wizard - DefaultSwitchException when customizing an axes position
  • B93163 - When attempting to edit the Points field for Exploded Points, an AmbiguousMatchException occurs
  • B93160 - Wizard - ArgumentException when setting percent precision to 0
  • B93161 - Wizard - Cannot set a strip's min and max limits if a chart has string arguments
  • B93165 - Wizard - InvalidCastException when setting the filter key for exploded points
  • B30356 - XYDiagram - Automatic Range adjustment isn't effective when changing series point data directly

XtraEditors Library

  • B93311 - CheckButton - the button state is not changed when a mnemonic character is used to activate it
  • B93226 - CheckEdit - word wrapping doesn't work
  • B93356 - DateEdit does not allow navigation in the popup calendar under certain conditions
  • B93472 - Documentation - Describe new members and correct broken links
  • B93076 - Documentation - PanelControl Class - a wrong base class is described in the topic's remarks section
  • B93344 - Filter "Remove node" button isn't drawn correctly when GDI+ is forced
  • B93303 - GridLookUpEdit raises an exception in server mode using LINQ
  • B93019 - ImageListBox - vertical scroll bar is not displayed
  • B30492 - ListBoxControl tries to access data before form loading is complete
  • B93481 - XtraScrollableControl SizeGrip appears when it shouldn't

XtraGrid Suite

  • B93086 - "System.InvalidOperationException: Object is currently in use elsewhere" in a sample application
  • B93521 - Changing ImageLocation in EditorButton causes all EditorButton settings to be lost
  • Q97740 - GridLookUpEdit - the search is performed by the ValueMember field
  • B93132 - Master Detail - Null Reference Exception is raised
  • B93310 - Mouse Wheel scrolling doesn't take into account vertical scroll speed settings
  • B30606 - OptionsPrint.PrintHeader property doesn't work
  • B93182 - The application hangs when clicking the AutoFilterRow while holding down the Shift key

XtraLayout Suite

  • B93343 - Design-time - there is no possibility to resize items
  • Q99379 - Emtpy Space items are not correctly added to Layout Control
  • B93063 - It's impossible to move LayoutControlItems to the right
  • B92962 - Layout control jumps about when moving between cells in a grid it contains
  • B93200 - Layout customization window is shown outside screen bounds
  • B93334 - LayoutControl prints invisible items
  • B30514 - Print Preview - The Customize button is visible, but does nothing (the Printable Component Editor dialog isn't invoked)
  • B93210 - RebuildCustomization method throws an exception
  • B93473 - Typo in LayoutLocalization.cs
  • B93116 - UserCustomizationForm documentation is missing
  • B93120 - XtraLayoutControl design time functionality is broken


  • B93043 - Multiple issues with GetAccessibilityObjectById
  • B93098 - When a collapsed NavBar hosts a custom control, and the form is vertically resized, the control's height in "preview" is not updated

XtraPivotGrid Suite

  • B93281 - Export to HTML - Export to HTML not working with some skins
  • B93204 - Prefilter - Data area fields are absent in the prefilter's field list
  • B92772 - Problems with filtering data when the grid contains several fields in the FilterArea that refer to the same hierarchy

XtraPrinting Library

  • B93158 - Preview - The AfterMarginsChange event doesn't fire when changing margins in the Ribbon Print Preview dialog
  • B30419 - Preview - The PrintControl's ForeColor must be white by default, and shouldn't be obtained from the current set of system colors
  • B93435 - Printing - The NullReferenceException is raised when printing a Scheduler via the PrintableComonentLink

XtraReports Suite

  • B93018 - Design Time - A problem with using PrintRibbonControler and XRDesignRibbonController components together
  • B30629 - Design Time - Changing the XRCrossBandBox.BorderWidth isn't reflected in the Property Grid
  • B30425 - Design Time - Printing warnings are shown for all table cells, if the XtraReport.ReportUnit property is set to TenthsOfAMillimeter
  • B30480 - Design Time - The DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid assembly isn't found when previewing a report with an XRPivotGrid, or loading it from a REPX file
  • B93171 - Export to PDF - Bookmarks with Chinese texts are exported incorrectly
  • B92914 - Page Builder - A number of blank pages is created within a subreport
  • B30447 - Page Builder - An exception is raised if a report contains a Detail Report band, and the Visible property of the Detail band in a master report is set to False
  • B30456 - Page Builder - Extra page is produced even when the Detail band has the KeepTogether property set to False
  • B93154 - Performance - Very slow performance is some certain cases
  • Q95658 - Preview - Print Dialog - The "Select pages" option is disabled
  • B93191 - Summary - The summary value is calculated incorrectly if there are two detail reports with the same datasources, and a summary label is placed onto one of them
  • B92539 - VS2008 - An exception is raised when creating reports with resources
  • B92309 - Web - Images are not printed under Internet Explorer 7
  • Q99896 - Web - ReportToolbar - If the session's state is stored at the server, the HttpException is raised
  • B30498 - Web - When the ReportToolbar or ReportViewer controls are added to a Web page, the reference to the DevExpress.Web assembly isn't added
  • B30477 - XRPictureBox - The Image property behaves in different ways when being set via a smart tag, and via a property grid - setting it via a smart tag results in a compile error in preview
  • B93117 - XRPivotGrid - Setting the OLAP connection string to an empty string can break an existing data source
  • B93099 - XRPivotGrid - The Pivot Grid Designer's skin is always Caramel
  • B92956 - XRTable - A table row isn't shrunk even if all its cells are empty and their CanShrink property is set to True
  • B30646 - XRTable - The table row is shrunk, if it has only one cell, which has the CanShrink property set to True and Visible property set to False

XtraScheduler Suite

  • B30491 - Appointment resize behaves incorrectly in the DayView when OptionsBehavior.ClientTimeZoneId differs from the current time zone id
  • B93411 - If you hide all buttons from the Resource Navigator and change the current view to Timeline, an error occurs
  • B30453 - The null reference exception is raised when an SchedulerControl instance is not placed on the form
  • B30197 - TimeLine - Selection disappears when scrolling the view


  • B93097 - Exception is raised when the CanCheck() method is called for a non-supported editor

XtraTreeList Suite

  • B93386 - Cloned nodes are not properly restored when a tree structure is imported from an xml file (ImportFromXml)
  • B92978 - Unable to type negative values in a column with a RepositoryItemCalcEdit

XtraVerticalGrid Suite

  • B30515 - Print Preview - The Customize button is visible, but does nothing (the Printable Component Editor dialog isn't invoked)
  • B30541 - PropertyDescriptionControl - The PropertyDescriptionControl ignores the property's DisplayName attribute
  • B93034 - The VerticalGrid throws a FatalExecutionEngineError exception

DXperience v2008 vol 1 for Visual Studio 2005, 2008

  • DXperience installation (153,038,976 bytes)
  • Updated 04/09/2008
