


2.获取选中行数据(json):$("#gridid").jqGrid('getRowData', id);

3.刷新列表:$(refreshSelector).jqGrid('setGridParam', { url: ''), postData: ''}).trigger('reloadGrid'); 

4.选中行:$("#jqGrid").setSelection("1", true);   (Toggles a selection of the row with id = rowid; if onselectrow is true (the default) then the event onSelectRow is launched, otherwise it is not.//true:重新加载表格数据, false:不重新加载表格数据

5.重置选中行:$("#jqgrid").resetSelection(); //Resets (unselects) the selected row(s). Also works in multiselect mode.

6.清除:$("#jqgrid").clearGridData();   //Clears the currently loaded data from grid. If the clearfooter parameter is set to true, the method clears the data placed on the footer row.

7. $("#jqgrid").setCell(rowid,colname,nData,cssp,attrp); 

//This method can change the content of particular cell and can set class or style properties. Where: 

rowid  the id of the row, 
colname  the name of the column (this parameter can be a number (the index of the column) beginning from 0 
data  the content that can be put into the cell. If empty string the content will not be changed 
class  if class is string then we add a class to the cell using addClass; if class is an array we set the new css properties via css 
properties  sets the attribute properies of the cell, 
forceup  If the parameter is set to true we perform update of the cell instead that the value is empty 


8.获取选中行ID var rowid = $("#jqgrid").jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow'); 


