Replace wild cards with all possible combinations of zeros and ones using recurs


Replace wild cards with all possible combinations of zeros and ones using recursion.

Input String: 0?1?

Output: 0010, 0011, 0110, 0111



public List<String> replaceQuestionMark(String s) {
	List<String> result = new LinkedList<String>();
	replaceQuestionMarkRecursive(result, s.toCharArray(), 0);
	return result;

private void replaceQuestionMarkRecursive(List<String> result, char[] chars, int start) {
	if(start == chars.length) {
		result.add(new String(chars));
	if(chars[start] == '?') {
		chars[start] = '0';
		replaceQuestionMarkRecursive(result, chars, start+1);
		chars[start] = '1';
		replaceQuestionMarkRecursive(result, chars, start+1);
		chars[start] = '?';
	} else {
		replaceQuestionMarkRecursive(result, chars, start+1);


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