Emacs org-mode

First-level headlines begin with one star; second-level headlines begin with two stars, and so on.
In org-mode, TODO items are always headlines. I entered a TODO item for "Start new org file for tutorial."

mark the TODO item DONE by moving the cursor onto that line and hitting C-c C-t, which runs the command org-todo

M-shift-RET to call org-insert-todo-heading to add more TODO items

Links to other places  [[link][description]],when I type the last bracket, the link "collapses" and simply shows the description.
C-c C-o org-open-at-point
C-c C-l org-insert-link

shift-TAB get a compact table

set the variable org-agenda-files so that org-mode will know which files to search for TODOs and scheduled items.

(setq org-agenda-files (list "~/org/work.org"
C-c a t    enter the global todo list. Org-mode will scan the files in org-agenda-files and present a listing of all the open TODO items. then hit 't' for finishing, RET to enter the file
C-c C-s  org-schedule. The calendar pops up, and I can either enter or click the desired date.
C-c a a  org-agenda. A display of this week's scheduled items are displayed

Emacs: org-mode Basics, Writing Outline




Emacs org mode

manual The Org Manual

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