SmartQ7 如何使用JP108 USB网卡(买亏了,贪便宜,是个山寨货)
I have a SmartQ7, and I bought this JP108 from Taobao website.
Unfortunately, it is not recognized both by my linux host Ubuntu8.04 and SmartQ7 device at all.
By googling, I found this page,
It is said this JP108 which on WindowsXP it displays "Sunrising USB Ethernet adapter driver,SR9600" is compatiable with the dm9601 driver.
Thus I made a mod to dm9601.c in SmartQ7's kernel
by adding the following lines to structure usb_device_id products[]
USB_DEVICE(0×0fe6, 0×8101) , /* “SUNRISING USB Ethernet” */
.driver_info = (unsigned long)&dm9601_info,
After configuring this dm9601 to the linux kernel and rebuilding.
Now the JP108 works with SmartQ7.