Applied Software Project Management书摘之——需求

       Requirements  Discussion summary template:
  1. Project background

    1. Purpose of project

    2. Scope of project

    3. Other background information

  2. Perspectives

    1. Who will use the system?

    2. Who can provide input about the system?

  3. Project objectives

    1. Known business rules

    2. System information and/or diagrams

    3. Assumptions and dependencies

    4. Design and implementation constraints

  4. Risks

  5. Known future enhancements

  6. References

  7. Open, unresolved, or TBD issues

       software requirements specification
(SRS) Template:
  1. Introduction

    1. Purpose

    2. Scope

    3. System overview

    4. References

  2. Definitions

  3. Use cases

  4. Functional requirements

  5. Nonfunctional requirements


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