下面这些类是 WordPress 开发者创建的。可以在这些文件中找到: capabilities.php, classes.php, class-snoopy.php, locale.php, query.php, rewrite.php, script-loader.php, wp-db.php:
- WP - 通用请求处理
- WP_Ajax_Response - AJAX 处理
- WP_Object_Cache (formerly WP_Cache) - 对象缓存 (函数 wp_cache_add, wp_cache_close, wp_cache_delete, wp_cache_flush, wp_cache_get, wp_cache_init, wp_cache_replace, wp_cache_set)
- WP_Error - 错误处理 (函数 is_wp_error)
- WP_Locale - 处理时间日期本地化
- WP_Query - 请求分析处理,文章匹配(函数 get_query_var, query_posts, have_posts, in_the_loop, rewind_posts, the_post, wp_old_slug_redirect, setup_postdata, as well as the Conditional Tags is_*)
- WP_Rewrite - Rewrite rules (and functions add_rewrite_rule, add_rewrite_tag, add_feed, add_rewrite_endpoint, url_to_postid)
- WP_Roles, WP_Role, WP_User - Users and capabilities - map_meta_cap, current_user_can, get_role, add_role, remove_role
- WP_Scripts - JavaScript 加载 (函数 wp_print_scripts, wp_register_script, wp_deregister_script wp_enqueue_script)
- WP_Styles - CSS 样式表加载 (函数 wp_print_styles, wp_register_style, wp_deregister_style, wp_enqueue_style )
- 树形数据显示 - Walker, Walker_Page, Walker_PageDropdown, Walker_Category, Walker_CategoryDropdown
- wpdb - Database interface
下面的类由外部开发者创建,可以在这些文件中找到 class-IXR.php, class-pop3.php, class-snoopy.php, gettext.php, rss.php, streams.php:
- IXR - XML-RPC 类,包括 IXR_Value, IXR_Message, IXR_Server, IXR_IntrospectionServer, IXR_Request, IXR_Client, IXR_ClientMulticall, IXR_Error, IXR_Date, IXR_Base64
- Snoopy - HTTP client
- gettext_reader (part of PHP-gettext) - Localization Class
- RSS Classes (MagpieRSS and RSSCache) (函数 fetch_rss, is_info, is_success, is_redirect, is_error, is_client_error, is_server_error, parse_w3cdtf, wp_rss, get_rss)
- POP3: SquirrelMail wrapper
- StreamReader, StringReader, FileReader, CachedFileReader