
在许多的应用程序中,当我们右击时会弹出一个菜单,这个菜单就叫做“上下文菜单”,英文名称为“Context Menu”.在QT中有两种方式可以实现这种上下文菜单,一一列举如下:



void MainWindow::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event)





  filemenu->exec(QCursor::pos());         //位于鼠标点击处








void MainWindow::createContextMenu()











  enum Qt::ContextMenuPolicy

  This enum type defines the various policies a widget can have with respect to showing a context menu.

Qt::NoContextMenu        0     the widget does not feature a context menu, context menu handling is deferred to the widget's parent.

Qt::DefaultContextMenu   1     the widget's QWidget::contextMenuEvent() handler is  called.

Qt::ActionsContextMenu   2     the widget displays its QWidget::actions() as context menu.

Qt::CustomContextMenu    3     the widget emits the QWidget::customContextMenuRequested() signal.

Qt::PreventContextMenu   4     the widget does not feature a context menu, and in contrast to NoContextMenu, the handling is not deferred to the widget's parent. This means that all right mouse button events are guaranteed to be delivered to the widget itself through mousePressEvent(), and mouseReleaseEvent().



   Creating modal dialogs and context menus in QWidget::contextMenuEvent() reimplementations on the stack is a common programming pattern since we usually don't need the dialog or menu after we have used it,and it will automatically be destroyed at the end of the enclosing scope.


