Android ADT 11.0.0

The sections below provide notes about successive releases of the ADT Plugin, as denoted by revision number.

ADT 11.0.0 (June 2011)
ADT 11.0.0 is designed for use with SDK Tools r11. If you haven't already installed SDK Tools r11 into your SDK, use the Android SDK and AVD Manager to do so.
Visual Refactoring:
  • "Extract Style" feature pulls out style-related attributes from your layout and extracts them as a new style defined in styles.xml (more info ).
  • "Wrap in Container" feature lets you select a group of views then surround them in a new layout (a new view group, such as a LinearLayout), and transfers namespace and layout parameters to the new parent (more info ).
  • "Change Layout" feature changes layouts from one type to another, and can also flatten a layout hierarchy (more info ).
  • "Change Widget Type" feature changes the type of the selected views to a new type. Also, a new selection context menu in the visual layout editor makes it easy to select siblings as well as views anywhere in the layout that have the same type (more info ).
  • "Extract as Include" feature finds identical collections of views in other layouts and offers to combine them into a single layout that you can then include in each layout (more info ).
  • Quick Assistant in Eclipse can be invoked from the XML editor (with Ctrl-1) to apply any of the above refactorings (and Extract String) to the current selection (more info ).
Visual Layout Editor:
  • This is the update to the layout editor you've been waiting for! It includes (almost) all the goodies demonstrated at Google I/O. Watch the video on YouTube.
  • The palette now supports different configurations for supported widgets. That is, a single view is presented in various different configurations that you can drag into your layout. For example, there is a Text Fields palette category where you can drag an EditText widget in as a password field, an e-mail field, a phone field, or other types of text boxes. Similarly, TextView widgets are preconfigured with large, normal and small theme sizes, and LinearLayout elements are preconfigured in horizontal and vertical configurations (more info ).
  • The palette supports custom views. You can pick up any custom implementations of the View class you've created in your project or from included libraries and drag them into your layout (more info ).
  • Fragments are available in the palette for placement in your layout. In the tool, you can choose which layout to show rendered for a given fragment tag. Go to declaration works for fragment classes (more info ).
  • The layout editor automatically applies a "zoom to fit" for newly opened files as well as on device size and orientation changes to ensure that large layouts are always fully visible unless you manually zoom in.
  • You can drop in an <include> element from the palette, which will pop up a layout chooser. When you select the layout to include, it is added with an <include> . Similarly, dropping images or image buttons will pop up image resource choosers (more info ).
  • The configuration chooser now applies the "Render Target" and "Locale" settings project wide, making it trivial to check the layouts for different languages or render targets without having to configure these individually for each layout.
  • The layout editor is smarter about picking a default theme to render a layout with, consulting factors like theme registrations in the manifest, the SDK version, and other factors.
  • The layout editor is smarter about picking a default configuration to render a layout with, defaulting to the currently visible configuration in the previous file. It also considers the SDK target to determine whether to default to a tablet or phone screen size.
  • Basic focus support. The first text field dropped in a layout is assigned focus, and there are Request Focus and Clear Focus context menu items on text fields to change the focus.
XML editors:
  • Code completion has been significantly improved. It now works with <style> elements, completes dimensional units, sorts resource paths in values based on the attribute name, and more. There are also many fixes to handle text replacement (more info ).
  • AAPT errors are handled better. They are now underlined for the relevant range in the editor, and a new quickfix makes it trivial to create missing resources.
  • Code completion for drawable, animation and color XML files (more info ).
  • "New Folder" action in the File Explorer.
  • The screenshot dialog will add timestamps to the filenames and preserve the orientation on snapshot refresh.
General notes:
  • TraceView supports zooming with the mouse-wheel in the timeline.
  • The New Android Project wizard now supports Eclipse working sets.

More information about tool changes are available on the Android Tools Project Site .

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