
A PL/SQL procedure queries only those columns of a redefined table that were unchanged by the
online table redefinition. What happens to the PL/SQL procedure after the online table redefinition?
A. It remains valid.
B. It becomes invalid for all options of online table redefinition but automatically gets revalidated the next
time it is used.
C. It becomes invalid for all options of online table redefinition and is automatically recompiled during
online redefinition of the table.
D. It becomes invalid only if the storage parameters have been modified and it automatically gets
revalidated the next time it is used.
Correct Answer: A

PL/SQL 程序查询只有列一个表,不变的重新定义
在线重定义表。会发生什么的PL / SQL程序的在线表格重定义后?

A. 失效了
