Debug Oracle Procedure

For example,I have a procedure





-- Call the procedure


jason_db_util_pkg.gather_table_stat(i_owner => :i_owner,

i_tabname=> :i_tablename,

o_exit_code => :o_exit_code);



Then the package name is jason_db_util_pkg ,and procedure name is gather_table_stat


1,login PL/SQL

2,In Objects view, Package bodies--->YourProcedurePackageName(jason_db_util_pkg)---right click->Debug Oracle Procedure_第1张图片


3,Click View Spec & Body ----a new widow will open---->right click YourProcedureName(gather_table_stat)---right click to debug-->Debug Oracle Procedure_第2张图片


4,input parameters needed -->start debu(F9)-->Debug Oracle Procedure_第3张图片







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