【 声明:版权所有,欢迎转载,请勿用于商业用途。 联系信箱:feixiaoxing @163.com】
/* * (C) Radim Kolar 1997-2004 * This is free software, see GNU Public License version 2 for * details. * * Simple forking WWW Server benchmark: * * Usage: * webbench --help * * Return codes: * 0 - sucess * 1 - benchmark failed (server is not on-line) * 2 - bad param * 3 - internal error, fork failed * */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> int Socket(const char *host, int clientPort) { int sock; unsigned long inaddr; struct sockaddr_in ad; struct hostent *hp; memset(&ad, 0, sizeof(ad)); ad.sin_family = AF_INET; inaddr = inet_addr(host); if (inaddr != INADDR_NONE) memcpy(&ad.sin_addr, &inaddr, sizeof(inaddr)); else { hp = gethostbyname(host); if (hp == NULL) return -1; memcpy(&ad.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length); } ad.sin_port = htons(clientPort); sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sock < 0) return sock; if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&ad, sizeof(ad)) < 0) return -1; return sock; } #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <rpc/types.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <strings.h> #include <time.h> #include <signal.h> /* values */ volatile int timerexpired=0; int speed=0; int failed=0; int bytes=0; /* globals */ int http10=1; /* 0 - http/0.9, 1 - http/1.0, 2 - http/1.1 */ /* Allow: GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, TRACE */ #define METHOD_GET 0 #define METHOD_HEAD 1 #define METHOD_OPTIONS 2 #define METHOD_TRACE 3 #define PROGRAM_VERSION "1.5" int method=METHOD_GET; int clients=1; int force=0; int force_reload=0; int proxyport=80; char *proxyhost=NULL; int benchtime=30; /* internal */ int mypipe[2]; char host[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; #define REQUEST_SIZE 2048 char request[REQUEST_SIZE]; static const struct option long_options[]= { {"force",no_argument,&force,1}, {"reload",no_argument,&force_reload,1}, {"time",required_argument,NULL,'t'}, {"help",no_argument,NULL,'?'}, {"http09",no_argument,NULL,'9'}, {"http10",no_argument,NULL,'1'}, {"http11",no_argument,NULL,'2'}, {"get",no_argument,&method,METHOD_GET}, {"head",no_argument,&method,METHOD_HEAD}, {"options",no_argument,&method,METHOD_OPTIONS}, {"trace",no_argument,&method,METHOD_TRACE}, {"version",no_argument,NULL,'V'}, {"proxy",required_argument,NULL,'p'}, {"clients",required_argument,NULL,'c'}, {NULL,0,NULL,0} }; /* prototypes */ static void benchcore(const char* host,const int port, const char *request); static int bench(void); static void build_request(const char *url); static void alarm_handler(int signal) { timerexpired=1; } static void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "webbench [option]... URL\n" " -f|--force Don't wait for reply from server.\n" " -r|--reload Send reload request - Pragma: no-cache.\n" " -t|--time <sec> Run benchmark for <sec> seconds. Default 30.\n" " -p|--proxy <server:port> Use proxy server for request.\n" " -c|--clients <n> Run <n> HTTP clients at once. Default one.\n" " -9|--http09 Use HTTP/0.9 style requests.\n" " -1|--http10 Use HTTP/1.0 protocol.\n" " -2|--http11 Use HTTP/1.1 protocol.\n" " --get Use GET request method.\n" " --head Use HEAD request method.\n" " --options Use OPTIONS request method.\n" " --trace Use TRACE request method.\n" " -?|-h|--help This information.\n" " -V|--version Display program version.\n" ); }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int opt=0; int options_index=0; char *tmp=NULL; if(argc==1) { usage(); return 2; } while((opt=getopt_long(argc,argv,"912Vfrt:p:c:?h",long_options,&options_index))!=EOF ) { switch(opt) { case 0 : break; case 'f': force=1;break; case 'r': force_reload=1;break; case '9': http10=0;break; case '1': http10=1;break; case '2': http10=2;break; case 'V': printf(PROGRAM_VERSION"\n");exit(0); case 't': benchtime=atoi(optarg);break; case 'p': /* proxy server parsing server:port */ tmp=strrchr(optarg,':'); proxyhost=optarg; if(tmp==NULL) { break; } if(tmp==optarg) { fprintf(stderr,"Error in option --proxy %s: Missing hostname.\n",optarg); return 2; } if(tmp==optarg+strlen(optarg)-1) { fprintf(stderr,"Error in option --proxy %s Port number is missing.\n",optarg); return 2; } *tmp='\0'; proxyport=atoi(tmp+1);break; case ':': case 'h': case '?': usage();return 2;break; case 'c': clients=atoi(optarg);break; } } if(optind==argc) { fprintf(stderr,"webbench: Missing URL!\n"); usage(); return 2; } if(clients==0) clients=1; if(benchtime==0) benchtime=60; /* Copyright */ fprintf(stderr,"Webbench - Simple Web Benchmark "PROGRAM_VERSION"\n" "Copyright (c) Radim Kolar 1997-2004, GPL Open Source Software.\n" ); build_request(argv[optind]); /* print bench info */ printf("\nBenchmarking: "); switch(method) { case METHOD_GET: default: printf("GET");break; case METHOD_OPTIONS: printf("OPTIONS");break; case METHOD_HEAD: printf("HEAD");break; case METHOD_TRACE: printf("TRACE");break; } printf(" %s",argv[optind]); switch(http10) { case 0: printf(" (using HTTP/0.9)");break; case 2: printf(" (using HTTP/1.1)");break; } printf("\n"); if(clients==1) printf("1 client"); else printf("%d clients",clients); printf(", running %d sec", benchtime); if(force) printf(", early socket close"); if(proxyhost!=NULL) printf(", via proxy server %s:%d",proxyhost,proxyport); if(force_reload) printf(", forcing reload"); printf(".\n"); return bench(); } void build_request(const char *url) { char tmp[10]; int i; bzero(host,MAXHOSTNAMELEN); bzero(request,REQUEST_SIZE); if(force_reload && proxyhost!=NULL && http10<1) http10=1; if(method==METHOD_HEAD && http10<1) http10=1; if(method==METHOD_OPTIONS && http10<2) http10=2; if(method==METHOD_TRACE && http10<2) http10=2; switch(method) { default: case METHOD_GET: strcpy(request,"GET");break; case METHOD_HEAD: strcpy(request,"HEAD");break; case METHOD_OPTIONS: strcpy(request,"OPTIONS");break; case METHOD_TRACE: strcpy(request,"TRACE");break; } strcat(request," "); if(NULL==strstr(url,"://")) { fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: is not a valid URL.\n",url); exit(2); } if(strlen(url)>1500) { fprintf(stderr,"URL is too long.\n"); exit(2); } if(proxyhost==NULL) if (0!=strncasecmp("http://",url,7)) { fprintf(stderr,"\nOnly HTTP protocol is directly supported, set --proxy for others.\n"); exit(2); } /* protocol/host delimiter */ i=strstr(url,"://")-url+3; /* printf("%d\n",i); */ if(strchr(url+i,'/')==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"\nInvalid URL syntax - hostname don't ends with '/'.\n"); exit(2); } if(proxyhost==NULL) { /* get port from hostname */ if(index(url+i,':')!=NULL && index(url+i,':')<index(url+i,'/')) { strncpy(host,url+i,strchr(url+i,':')-url-i); bzero(tmp,10); strncpy(tmp,index(url+i,':')+1,strchr(url+i,'/')-index(url+i,':')-1); /* printf("tmp=%s\n",tmp); */ proxyport=atoi(tmp); if(proxyport==0) proxyport=80; } else { strncpy(host,url+i,strcspn(url+i,"/")); } // printf("Host=%s\n",host); strcat(request+strlen(request),url+i+strcspn(url+i,"/")); } else { // printf("ProxyHost=%s\nProxyPort=%d\n",proxyhost,proxyport); strcat(request,url); } if(http10==1) strcat(request," HTTP/1.0"); else if (http10==2) strcat(request," HTTP/1.1"); strcat(request,"\r\n"); if(http10>0) strcat(request,"User-Agent: WebBench "PROGRAM_VERSION"\r\n"); if(proxyhost==NULL && http10>0) { strcat(request,"Host: "); strcat(request,host); strcat(request,"\r\n"); } if(force_reload && proxyhost!=NULL) { strcat(request,"Pragma: no-cache\r\n"); } if(http10>1) strcat(request,"Connection: close\r\n"); /* add empty line at end */ if(http10>0) strcat(request,"\r\n"); // printf("Req=%s\n",request); } /* vraci system rc error kod */ static int bench(void) { int i,j,k; pid_t pid=0; FILE *f; /* check avaibility of target server */ i=Socket(proxyhost==NULL?host:proxyhost,proxyport); if(i<0) { fprintf(stderr,"\nConnect to server failed. Aborting benchmark.\n"); return 1; } close(i); /* create pipe */ if(pipe(mypipe)) { perror("pipe failed."); return 3; } /* not needed, since we have alarm() in childrens */ /* wait 4 next system clock tick */ /* cas=time(NULL); while(time(NULL)==cas) sched_yield(); */ /* fork childs */ for(i=0;i<clients;i++) { pid=fork(); if(pid <= (pid_t) 0) { /* child process or error*/ sleep(1); /* make childs faster */ break; } } if( pid< (pid_t) 0) { fprintf(stderr,"problems forking worker no. %d\n",i); perror("fork failed."); return 3; } if(pid== (pid_t) 0) { /* I am a child */ if(proxyhost==NULL) benchcore(host,proxyport,request); else benchcore(proxyhost,proxyport,request); /* write results to pipe */ f=fdopen(mypipe[1],"w"); if(f==NULL) { perror("open pipe for writing failed."); return 3; } /* fprintf(stderr,"Child - %d %d\n",speed,failed); */ fprintf(f,"%d %d %d\n",speed,failed,bytes); fclose(f); return 0; } else { f=fdopen(mypipe[0],"r"); if(f==NULL) { perror("open pipe for reading failed."); return 3; } setvbuf(f,NULL,_IONBF,0); speed=0; failed=0; bytes=0; while(1) { pid=fscanf(f,"%d %d %d",&i,&j,&k); if(pid<2) { fprintf(stderr,"Some of our childrens died.\n"); break; } speed+=i; failed+=j; bytes+=k; /* fprintf(stderr,"*Knock* %d %d read=%d\n",speed,failed,pid); */ if(--clients==0) break; } fclose(f); printf("\nSpeed=%d pages/min, %d bytes/sec.\nRequests: %d susceed, %d failed.\n", (int)((speed+failed)/(benchtime/60.0f)), (int)(bytes/(float)benchtime), speed, failed); } return i; } void benchcore(const char *host,const int port,const char *req) { int rlen; char buf[1500]; int s,i; struct sigaction sa; /* setup alarm signal handler */ sa.sa_handler=alarm_handler; sa.sa_flags=0; if(sigaction(SIGALRM,&sa,NULL)) exit(3); alarm(benchtime); rlen=strlen(req); nexttry:while(1) { if(timerexpired) { if(failed>0) { /* fprintf(stderr,"Correcting failed by signal\n"); */ failed--; } return; } s=Socket(host,port); if(s<0) { failed++;continue;} if(rlen!=write(s,req,rlen)) {failed++;close(s);continue;} if(http10==0) if(shutdown(s,1)) { failed++;close(s);continue;} if(force==0) { /* read all available data from socket */ while(1) { if(timerexpired) break; i=read(s,buf,1500); /* fprintf(stderr,"%d\n",i); */ if(i<0) { failed++; close(s); goto nexttry; } else if(i==0) break; else bytes+=i; } } if(close(s)) {failed++;continue;} speed++; } }
/* Redis benchmark utility. * * Copyright (c) 2009-2012, Salvatore Sanfilippo <antirez at gmail dot com> * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Redis nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "fmacros.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <signal.h> #include <assert.h> #include "ae.h" #include "hiredis.h" #include "sds.h" #include "adlist.h" #include "zmalloc.h" #define REDIS_NOTUSED(V) ((void) V) #define RANDPTR_INITIAL_SIZE 8 static struct config { aeEventLoop *el; const char *hostip; int hostport; const char *hostsocket; int numclients; int liveclients; int requests; int requests_issued; int requests_finished; int keysize; int datasize; int randomkeys; int randomkeys_keyspacelen; int keepalive; int pipeline; long long start; long long totlatency; long long *latency; const char *title; list *clients; int quiet; int csv; int loop; int idlemode; int dbnum; sds dbnumstr; char *tests; char *auth; } config; typedef struct _client { redisContext *context; sds obuf; char **randptr; /* Pointers to :rand: strings inside the command buf */ size_t randlen; /* Number of pointers in client->randptr */ size_t randfree; /* Number of unused pointers in client->randptr */ unsigned int written; /* Bytes of 'obuf' already written */ long long start; /* Start time of a request */ long long latency; /* Request latency */ int pending; /* Number of pending requests (replies to consume) */ int selectlen; /* If non-zero, a SELECT of 'selectlen' bytes is currently used as a prefix of the pipline of commands. This gets discarded the first time it's sent. */ } *client; /* Prototypes */ static void writeHandler(aeEventLoop *el, int fd, void *privdata, int mask); static void createMissingClients(client c); /* Implementation */ static long long ustime(void) { struct timeval tv; long long ust; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); ust = ((long)tv.tv_sec)*1000000; ust += tv.tv_usec; return ust; } static long long mstime(void) { struct timeval tv; long long mst; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); mst = ((long long)tv.tv_sec)*1000; mst += tv.tv_usec/1000; return mst; } static void freeClient(client c) { listNode *ln; aeDeleteFileEvent(config.el,c->context->fd,AE_WRITABLE); aeDeleteFileEvent(config.el,c->context->fd,AE_READABLE); redisFree(c->context); sdsfree(c->obuf); zfree(c->randptr); zfree(c); config.liveclients--; ln = listSearchKey(config.clients,c); assert(ln != NULL); listDelNode(config.clients,ln); } static void freeAllClients(void) { listNode *ln = config.clients->head, *next; while(ln) { next = ln->next; freeClient(ln->value); ln = next; } } static void resetClient(client c) { aeDeleteFileEvent(config.el,c->context->fd,AE_WRITABLE); aeDeleteFileEvent(config.el,c->context->fd,AE_READABLE); aeCreateFileEvent(config.el,c->context->fd,AE_WRITABLE,writeHandler,c); c->written = 0; c->pending = config.pipeline; } static void randomizeClientKey(client c) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < c->randlen; i++) { char *p = c->randptr[i]+11; size_t r = random() % config.randomkeys_keyspacelen; size_t j; for (j = 0; j < 12; j++) { *p = '0'+r%10; r/=10; p--; } } } static void clientDone(client c) { if (config.requests_finished == config.requests) { freeClient(c); aeStop(config.el); return; } if (config.keepalive) { resetClient(c); } else { config.liveclients--; createMissingClients(c); config.liveclients++; freeClient(c); } } static void readHandler(aeEventLoop *el, int fd, void *privdata, int mask) { client c = privdata; void *reply = NULL; REDIS_NOTUSED(el); REDIS_NOTUSED(fd); REDIS_NOTUSED(mask); /* Calculate latency only for the first read event. This means that the * server already sent the reply and we need to parse it. Parsing overhead * is not part of the latency, so calculate it only once, here. */ if (c->latency < 0) c->latency = ustime()-(c->start); if (redisBufferRead(c->context) != REDIS_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: %s\n",c->context->errstr); exit(1); } else { while(c->pending) { if (redisGetReply(c->context,&reply) != REDIS_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: %s\n",c->context->errstr); exit(1); } if (reply != NULL) { if (reply == (void*)REDIS_REPLY_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr,"Unexpected error reply, exiting...\n"); exit(1); } freeReplyObject(reply); if (c->selectlen) { size_t j; /* This is the OK from SELECT. Just discard the SELECT * from the buffer. */ c->pending--; sdsrange(c->obuf,c->selectlen,-1); /* We also need to fix the pointers to the strings * we need to randomize. */ for (j = 0; j < c->randlen; j++) c->randptr[j] -= c->selectlen; c->selectlen = 0; continue; } if (config.requests_finished < config.requests) config.latency[config.requests_finished++] = c->latency; c->pending--; if (c->pending == 0) { clientDone(c); break; } } else { break; } } } } static void writeHandler(aeEventLoop *el, int fd, void *privdata, int mask) { client c = privdata; REDIS_NOTUSED(el); REDIS_NOTUSED(fd); REDIS_NOTUSED(mask); /* Initialize request when nothing was written. */ if (c->written == 0) { /* Enforce upper bound to number of requests. */ if (config.requests_issued++ >= config.requests) { freeClient(c); return; } /* Really initialize: randomize keys and set start time. */ if (config.randomkeys) randomizeClientKey(c); c->start = ustime(); c->latency = -1; } if (sdslen(c->obuf) > c->written) { void *ptr = c->obuf+c->written; int nwritten = write(c->context->fd,ptr,sdslen(c->obuf)-c->written); if (nwritten == -1) { if (errno != EPIPE) fprintf(stderr, "Writing to socket: %s\n", strerror(errno)); freeClient(c); return; } c->written += nwritten; if (sdslen(c->obuf) == c->written) { aeDeleteFileEvent(config.el,c->context->fd,AE_WRITABLE); aeCreateFileEvent(config.el,c->context->fd,AE_READABLE,readHandler,c); } } } /* Create a benchmark client, configured to send the command passed as 'cmd' of * 'len' bytes. * * The command is copied N times in the client output buffer (that is reused * again and again to send the request to the server) accordingly to the configured * pipeline size. * * Also an initial SELECT command is prepended in order to make sure the right * database is selected, if needed. The initial SELECT will be discarded as soon * as the first reply is received. * * To create a client from scratch, the 'from' pointer is set to NULL. If instead * we want to create a client using another client as reference, the 'from' pointer * points to the client to use as reference. In such a case the following * information is take from the 'from' client: * * 1) The command line to use. * 2) The offsets of the __rand_int__ elements inside the command line, used * for arguments randomization. * * Even when cloning another client, the SELECT command is automatically prefixed * if needed. */ static client createClient(char *cmd, size_t len, client from) { int j; client c = zmalloc(sizeof(struct _client)); if (config.hostsocket == NULL) { c->context = redisConnectNonBlock(config.hostip,config.hostport); } else { c->context = redisConnectUnixNonBlock(config.hostsocket); } if (c->context->err) { fprintf(stderr,"Could not connect to Redis at "); if (config.hostsocket == NULL) fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: %s\n",config.hostip,config.hostport,c->context->errstr); else fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s\n",config.hostsocket,c->context->errstr); exit(1); } /* Suppress hiredis cleanup of unused buffers for max speed. */ c->context->reader->maxbuf = 0; /* Build the request buffer: * Queue N requests accordingly to the pipeline size, or simply clone * the example client buffer. */ c->obuf = sdsempty(); if (config.auth) { char *buf = NULL; int len = redisFormatCommand(&buf, "AUTH %s", config.auth); c->obuf = sdscatlen(c->obuf, buf, len); free(buf); } /* If a DB number different than zero is selected, prefix our request * buffer with the SELECT command, that will be discarded the first * time the replies are received, so if the client is reused the * SELECT command will not be used again. */ if (config.dbnum != 0) { c->obuf = sdscatprintf(c->obuf,"*2\r\n$6\r\nSELECT\r\n$%d\r\n%s\r\n", (int)sdslen(config.dbnumstr),config.dbnumstr); c->selectlen = sdslen(c->obuf); } else { c->selectlen = 0; } /* Append the request itself. */ if (from) { c->obuf = sdscatlen(c->obuf, from->obuf+from->selectlen, sdslen(from->obuf)-from->selectlen); } else { for (j = 0; j < config.pipeline; j++) c->obuf = sdscatlen(c->obuf,cmd,len); } c->written = 0; c->pending = config.pipeline; c->randptr = NULL; c->randlen = 0; if (c->selectlen) c->pending++; /* Find substrings in the output buffer that need to be randomized. */ if (config.randomkeys) { if (from) { c->randlen = from->randlen; c->randfree = 0; c->randptr = zmalloc(sizeof(char*)*c->randlen); /* copy the offsets. */ for (j = 0; j < (int)c->randlen; j++) { c->randptr[j] = c->obuf + (from->randptr[j]-from->obuf); /* Adjust for the different select prefix length. */ c->randptr[j] += c->selectlen - from->selectlen; } } else { char *p = c->obuf; c->randlen = 0; c->randfree = RANDPTR_INITIAL_SIZE; c->randptr = zmalloc(sizeof(char*)*c->randfree); while ((p = strstr(p,"__rand_int__")) != NULL) { if (c->randfree == 0) { c->randptr = zrealloc(c->randptr,sizeof(char*)*c->randlen*2); c->randfree += c->randlen; } c->randptr[c->randlen++] = p; c->randfree--; p += 12; /* 12 is strlen("__rand_int__). */ } } } aeCreateFileEvent(config.el,c->context->fd,AE_WRITABLE,writeHandler,c); listAddNodeTail(config.clients,c); config.liveclients++; return c; } static void createMissingClients(client c) { int n = 0; while(config.liveclients < config.numclients) { createClient(NULL,0,c); /* Listen backlog is quite limited on most systems */ if (++n > 64) { usleep(50000); n = 0; } } } static int compareLatency(const void *a, const void *b) { return (*(long long*)a)-(*(long long*)b); } static void showLatencyReport(void) { int i, curlat = 0; float perc, reqpersec; reqpersec = (float)config.requests_finished/((float)config.totlatency/1000); if (!config.quiet && !config.csv) { printf("====== %s ======\n", config.title); printf(" %d requests completed in %.2f seconds\n", config.requests_finished, (float)config.totlatency/1000); printf(" %d parallel clients\n", config.numclients); printf(" %d bytes payload\n", config.datasize); printf(" keep alive: %d\n", config.keepalive); printf("\n"); qsort(config.latency,config.requests,sizeof(long long),compareLatency); for (i = 0; i < config.requests; i++) { if (config.latency[i]/1000 != curlat || i == (config.requests-1)) { curlat = config.latency[i]/1000; perc = ((float)(i+1)*100)/config.requests; printf("%.2f%% <= %d milliseconds\n", perc, curlat); } } printf("%.2f requests per second\n\n", reqpersec); } else if (config.csv) { printf("\"%s\",\"%.2f\"\n", config.title, reqpersec); } else { printf("%s: %.2f requests per second\n", config.title, reqpersec); } } static void benchmark(char *title, char *cmd, int len) { client c; config.title = title; config.requests_issued = 0; config.requests_finished = 0; c = createClient(cmd,len,NULL); createMissingClients(c); config.start = mstime(); aeMain(config.el); config.totlatency = mstime()-config.start; showLatencyReport(); freeAllClients(); } /* Returns number of consumed options. */ int parseOptions(int argc, const char **argv) { int i; int lastarg; int exit_status = 1; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { lastarg = (i == (argc-1)); if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-c")) { if (lastarg) goto invalid; config.numclients = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-n")) { if (lastarg) goto invalid; config.requests = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-k")) { if (lastarg) goto invalid; config.keepalive = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-h")) { if (lastarg) goto invalid; config.hostip = strdup(argv[++i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-p")) { if (lastarg) goto invalid; config.hostport = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-s")) { if (lastarg) goto invalid; config.hostsocket = strdup(argv[++i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-a") ) { if (lastarg) goto invalid; config.auth = strdup(argv[++i]); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-d")) { if (lastarg) goto invalid; config.datasize = atoi(argv[++i]); if (config.datasize < 1) config.datasize=1; if (config.datasize > 1024*1024*1024) config.datasize = 1024*1024*1024; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-P")) { if (lastarg) goto invalid; config.pipeline = atoi(argv[++i]); if (config.pipeline <= 0) config.pipeline=1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-r")) { if (lastarg) goto invalid; config.randomkeys = 1; config.randomkeys_keyspacelen = atoi(argv[++i]); if (config.randomkeys_keyspacelen < 0) config.randomkeys_keyspacelen = 0; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-q")) { config.quiet = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--csv")) { config.csv = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-l")) { config.loop = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-I")) { config.idlemode = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-t")) { if (lastarg) goto invalid; /* We get the list of tests to run as a string in the form * get,set,lrange,...,test_N. Then we add a comma before and * after the string in order to make sure that searching * for ",testname," will always get a match if the test is * enabled. */ config.tests = sdsnew(","); config.tests = sdscat(config.tests,(char*)argv[++i]); config.tests = sdscat(config.tests,","); sdstolower(config.tests); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--dbnum")) { if (lastarg) goto invalid; config.dbnum = atoi(argv[++i]); config.dbnumstr = sdsfromlonglong(config.dbnum); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--help")) { exit_status = 0; goto usage; } else { /* Assume the user meant to provide an option when the arg starts * with a dash. We're done otherwise and should use the remainder * as the command and arguments for running the benchmark. */ if (argv[i][0] == '-') goto invalid; return i; } } return i; invalid: printf("Invalid option \"%s\" or option argument missing\n\n",argv[i]); usage: printf( "Usage: redis-benchmark [-h <host>] [-p <port>] [-c <clients>] [-n <requests]> [-k <boolean>]\n\n" " -h <hostname> Server hostname (default\n" " -p <port> Server port (default 6379)\n" " -s <socket> Server socket (overrides host and port)\n" " -a <password> Password for Redis Auth\n" " -c <clients> Number of parallel connections (default 50)\n" " -n <requests> Total number of requests (default 10000)\n" " -d <size> Data size of SET/GET value in bytes (default 2)\n" " -dbnum <db> SELECT the specified db number (default 0)\n" " -k <boolean> 1=keep alive 0=reconnect (default 1)\n" " -r <keyspacelen> Use random keys for SET/GET/INCR, random values for SADD\n" " Using this option the benchmark will expand the string __rand_int__\n" " inside an argument with a 12 digits number in the specified range\n" " from 0 to keyspacelen-1. The substitution changes every time a command\n" " is executed. Default tests use this to hit random keys in the\n" " specified range.\n" " -P <numreq> Pipeline <numreq> requests. Default 1 (no pipeline).\n" " -q Quiet. Just show query/sec values\n" " --csv Output in CSV format\n" " -l Loop. Run the tests forever\n" " -t <tests> Only run the comma separated list of tests. The test\n" " names are the same as the ones produced as output.\n" " -I Idle mode. Just open N idle connections and wait.\n\n" "Examples:\n\n" " Run the benchmark with the default configuration against\n" " $ redis-benchmark\n\n" " Use 20 parallel clients, for a total of 100k requests, against\n" " $ redis-benchmark -h -p 6379 -n 100000 -c 20\n\n" " Fill with about 1 million keys only using the SET test:\n" " $ redis-benchmark -t set -n 1000000 -r 100000000\n\n" " Benchmark for a few commands producing CSV output:\n" " $ redis-benchmark -t ping,set,get -n 100000 --csv\n\n" " Benchmark a specific command line:\n" " $ redis-benchmark -r 10000 -n 10000 eval 'return redis.call(\"ping\")' 0\n\n" " Fill a list with 10000 random elements:\n" " $ redis-benchmark -r 10000 -n 10000 lpush mylist __rand_int__\n\n" " On user specified command lines __rand_int__ is replaced with a random integer\n" " with a range of values selected by the -r option.\n" ); exit(exit_status); } int showThroughput(struct aeEventLoop *eventLoop, long long id, void *clientData) { REDIS_NOTUSED(eventLoop); REDIS_NOTUSED(id); REDIS_NOTUSED(clientData); if (config.liveclients == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"All clients disconnected... aborting.\n"); exit(1); } if (config.csv) return 250; float dt = (float)(mstime()-config.start)/1000.0; float rps = (float)config.requests_finished/dt; printf("%s: %.2f\r", config.title, rps); fflush(stdout); return 250; /* every 250ms */ } /* Return true if the named test was selected using the -t command line * switch, or if all the tests are selected (no -t passed by user). */ int test_is_selected(char *name) { char buf[256]; int l = strlen(name); if (config.tests == NULL) return 1; buf[0] = ','; memcpy(buf+1,name,l); buf[l+1] = ','; buf[l+2] = '\0'; return strstr(config.tests,buf) != NULL; } int main(int argc, const char **argv) { int i; char *data, *cmd; int len; client c; srandom(time(NULL)); signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); config.numclients = 50; config.requests = 10000; config.liveclients = 0; config.el = aeCreateEventLoop(1024*10); aeCreateTimeEvent(config.el,1,showThroughput,NULL,NULL); config.keepalive = 1; config.datasize = 3; config.pipeline = 1; config.randomkeys = 0; config.randomkeys_keyspacelen = 0; config.quiet = 0; config.csv = 0; config.loop = 0; config.idlemode = 0; config.latency = NULL; config.clients = listCreate(); config.hostip = ""; config.hostport = 6379; config.hostsocket = NULL; config.tests = NULL; config.dbnum = 0; config.auth = NULL; i = parseOptions(argc,argv); argc -= i; argv += i; config.latency = zmalloc(sizeof(long long)*config.requests); if (config.keepalive == 0) { printf("WARNING: keepalive disabled, you probably need 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_tw_reuse' for Linux and 'sudo sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.msl=1000' for Mac OS X in order to use a lot of clients/requests\n"); } if (config.idlemode) { printf("Creating %d idle connections and waiting forever (Ctrl+C when done)\n", config.numclients); c = createClient("",0,NULL); /* will never receive a reply */ createMissingClients(c); aeMain(config.el); /* and will wait for every */ } /* Run benchmark with command in the remainder of the arguments. */ if (argc) { sds title = sdsnew(argv[0]); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { title = sdscatlen(title, " ", 1); title = sdscatlen(title, (char*)argv[i], strlen(argv[i])); } do { len = redisFormatCommandArgv(&cmd,argc,argv,NULL); benchmark(title,cmd,len); free(cmd); } while(config.loop); return 0; } /* Run default benchmark suite. */ do { data = zmalloc(config.datasize+1); memset(data,'x',config.datasize); data[config.datasize] = '\0'; if (test_is_selected("ping_inline") || test_is_selected("ping")) benchmark("PING_INLINE","PING\r\n",6); if (test_is_selected("ping_mbulk") || test_is_selected("ping")) { len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"PING"); benchmark("PING_BULK",cmd,len); free(cmd); } if (test_is_selected("set")) { len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"SET key:__rand_int__ %s",data); benchmark("SET",cmd,len); free(cmd); } if (test_is_selected("get")) { len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"GET key:__rand_int__"); benchmark("GET",cmd,len); free(cmd); } if (test_is_selected("incr")) { len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"INCR counter:__rand_int__"); benchmark("INCR",cmd,len); free(cmd); } if (test_is_selected("lpush")) { len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"LPUSH mylist %s",data); benchmark("LPUSH",cmd,len); free(cmd); } if (test_is_selected("lpop")) { len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"LPOP mylist"); benchmark("LPOP",cmd,len); free(cmd); } if (test_is_selected("sadd")) { len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd, "SADD myset element:__rand_int__"); benchmark("SADD",cmd,len); free(cmd); } if (test_is_selected("spop")) { len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"SPOP myset"); benchmark("SPOP",cmd,len); free(cmd); } if (test_is_selected("lrange") || test_is_selected("lrange_100") || test_is_selected("lrange_300") || test_is_selected("lrange_500") || test_is_selected("lrange_600")) { len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"LPUSH mylist %s",data); benchmark("LPUSH (needed to benchmark LRANGE)",cmd,len); free(cmd); } if (test_is_selected("lrange") || test_is_selected("lrange_100")) { len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"LRANGE mylist 0 99"); benchmark("LRANGE_100 (first 100 elements)",cmd,len); free(cmd); } if (test_is_selected("lrange") || test_is_selected("lrange_300")) { len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"LRANGE mylist 0 299"); benchmark("LRANGE_300 (first 300 elements)",cmd,len); free(cmd); } if (test_is_selected("lrange") || test_is_selected("lrange_500")) { len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"LRANGE mylist 0 449"); benchmark("LRANGE_500 (first 450 elements)",cmd,len); free(cmd); } if (test_is_selected("lrange") || test_is_selected("lrange_600")) { len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"LRANGE mylist 0 599"); benchmark("LRANGE_600 (first 600 elements)",cmd,len); free(cmd); } if (test_is_selected("mset")) { const char *argv[21]; argv[0] = "MSET"; for (i = 1; i < 21; i += 2) { argv[i] = "key:__rand_int__"; argv[i+1] = data; } len = redisFormatCommandArgv(&cmd,21,argv,NULL); benchmark("MSET (10 keys)",cmd,len); free(cmd); } if (!config.csv) printf("\n"); } while(config.loop); return 0; }