Download or Upload an SAP Script form, Style and Standard Text

Download or Upload an SAP Script form, Style and Standard Text

By Sheeba Gandhi A, Novozymes South Asia Pvt Ltd

In real-time scenario, we might have to develop a style, or a SAP Script form or a standard text in sandbox and then move it to the development, quality and production systems. During such instances, we can download those objects from the sandbox system and then upload them in the appropriate systems. This would help us in saving time doing it all again in the development system.

1.       Use TCode SE38

2.       Execute Program RSTXSCRP

Download or Upload an SAP Script form, Style and Standard Text_第1张图片

3.       Choose Form if you want to Download or Upload a SAP Script form Or

Choose Style if you want to Download or Upload a style Or

Choose Standard Text if you want to Download or Upload a standard text. 

4.       Put in the name of the object you want to upload/download as the object name.

Download or Upload an SAP Script form, Style and Standard Text_第2张图片

5.       To download, the mode should be EXPORT and To Upload, the mode should be IMPORT. Execute it.

6.       Choose the location to download the file or choose the file from the location to upload.

Download or Upload an SAP Script form, Style and Standard Text_第3张图片

7.       For a Standard Text you need to put in the Text ID and the Language to download or upload.

8.       Once it is Uploaded or Downloaded successfully, you will find this message.

Download or Upload an SAP Script form, Style and Standard Text_第4张图片
