
When e-mails are transferred using SMTP, the SAP Web Application Server
communicates directly with a mail server. No gateway or connector is
necessary. 当电子邮件通过SMTP进行传输,SAP的WEB应用服务器直接和一台邮件服务器进行通讯,不需要任何的网关或者连接器. 邮件系统配置_第1张图片
You can use any SMTP-compatible product as a mail server. 你可以使用任何遵循SMTP协议的产品作为邮件服务器
SAPconnect administration (TCODE :SCOT)
a) Default domain( 设置默认域)
The domain of this SAP system client is defined here, for example,
hkcompass.com. It is used for the following purposes:
- The SMTP Plug-In logs on to the mail server with the domain as
ID.( SMTP插件是以这个DOMAIN做为ID登陆到邮件服务器)
- The message ID of outgoing mails is created with this domain.( 发出的邮件是以这个DOMAIN创建的)
- If an SAP user who has not entered an Internet mail address in
their user master record sends an e-mail, a sender address is
generated from the SAP user name and this domain, for example
[email protected].( 如果一个SAP用户没有在主数据维护中维护了一个EMAIL来发送邮件,发送地址就自动使用SAP用户名和这个DOMAIN生成,例如: [email protected] )
b) Nodes
There are different types of node in SAPconnect:
- SMTP nodes (for the SMTP function of the SAP application
- HTTP nodes (for paging or SMS providers using Web services, as
of 6.20)
- RFC nodes (for old RFC-compatible e-mail/fax/paging gateways)
There is always a single SMTP node in each client. It is created
automatically by the system and cannot be deleted. It is configured
as follows (double-click on the node name):
- Select "Node in use".
- Under "Mail Host" and "Mail Port", specify the mail server to
which outbound mails are to be transferred.
- Select "Set" for "Internet".
- Specify address areas of recipient addresses that are to be reached using these nodes (usually "*" if all e-mails are to be sent using SMTP).
- For "Output Formats for SAP Documents", the following is

SAPscript / Smart Forms PDF
ABAP List               HTM
Business Object / Link  HTM
RAW Text                TXT
转载自: http://blog.chinaunix.net/u/28793/showart_444847.html
