0348 POR & SMS-PP Response 数据分析


3GPP TS 03.48 V8.8.0.doc 这份文档中的东西很多,分量很足!(published in 2001-12)



  • Response Package structure:






Response Packet Identifier (RPI)

1 octet

Identifies a Response Packet.(响应报文标识)

Response Packet Length (RPL)


Indicates the number of octets from and including RHI to the end of Additional Response data, including any padding octets required for ciphering. (响应报文长度)

Response Header Identifier (RHI)

1 octet

Identifies the Response Header.(响应报头标识)

 Response Header Length (RHL)


Indicates the number of octets from and including TAR to the end of the RC/CC/DS. (响应报头长度)

Toolkit Application Reference (TAR)

3 octets

This shall be a copy of the contents of the TAR in the Command Packet. (命令包中的TAR

Counter (CNTR)

5 octets

This shall be a copy of the contents of the CNTR in the Command Packet. (命令包中的CNTR

Padding counter (PCNTR)

1 octet

This indicates the number of padding octets used for ciphering at the end of the Additional Response Data.()

Response Status Code Octet

1 octet

Codings defined in Table 5.(响应状态值)

Redundancy Check (RC冗余验证), Cryptographic Checksum (CC密码验证) or Digital Signature (DS数字签名)


Length depending on the algorithm indicated in the Command Header in the incoming message. A typical value is 4 to 8 octets, or zero if no RC/CC/DS is requested.Request命令报头中密钥长度)

Additional Response Data


Optional Application Specific Response Data, including possible padding octets used for ciphering.(响应内容)


Data length + 0A+ 1   RPL

0A                           RHL

B0 00 01                 TAR

00 00 00 00 00       CNTR

00                           PCNTR

00             RSC (Response Status Code)

00 11 22    Additional Response Data


  •  MO Response Structure:



SMS-REPORT specific elements

Generalised Response Packet Elements (Refer to Table 3)




Indicates the length of the entire SMS



The first octet of the content of the SMS itself. Length of the total User Data Header, in this case, includes the length of IEIa + IEIDLa + IEDa.


RPI= '71'

Identifies this element of the UDH as the Response Packet Identifier. This value is reserved in TS 23.040 [3].



Length of this object, in this case the length of IEDa alone, which is zero, indicating that IEDa is a null field.



Null field.

SM (8 bit data)

Length of Response Packet

Length of the Response Packet (RPL), coded over 2 octets, and shall not be coded according to ISO/IEC  7816-6 [8]. (see note)


Response Header Identifier

(RHI) Null field.


Length of the Response Header

Length of the Response Header (RHL), coded over one octet, and shall not be coded according to ISO/IEC 7816-6 [8].


TAR to RC/CC/DS elements in the Response Header

The remainder of the Response Header.


Secured Data

Additional Response Data (optional), including padding octets.


02 71 00           UDHL_IEIa_IEIDLA

00 11                CPL

0D                     CHL

00 00                 SPI

00 00                  KIC_KID

03 3F 4E             TAR

00 00 00 00 00    CNTR

00                        PCNTR

00 11 22         Additional Response Data


