本文是应在ASP.NET里创建Microsoft Word文档之需而写的。这篇文章演示了在ASP.NET里怎么创建和修改Microsoft Word文档。
自动化是一种能让各种语言编写的(如:Visual Basic.NET或C#)应用程序在程序级别上控制其他应用程序。
对于Word的自动化允许你执行诸如创建新的文档,向文档里添加文本,邮件合并和格式化文档这些操作。在Word和其他的Microsoft Office程序里,那些通过用户接口进行的可视化操作也可以通过程序级别的自动化来实现。
在.NET里操作Word的第一步就是添加COM引用到你的工程里,通过右键点击Solution Explorer的Reference,Add Reference。选择COM选项卡,查找Microsoft Word 10.0 Object Library。点击选择,OK。
Word.ApplicationClass oWordApp = new Word.ApplicationClass(); |
学习如何使用Word,Excel,Powerpoint的对象模型最好的途径就是使用在这些Office应用里使用Macro Recorder:
1.在Tools菜单的Macro选项里选择 Record New Macro ,并且执行你有兴趣的任务。
2.在Tools菜单的Macro选项里选择 Stop Recording。
object fileName = "c://database//test.doc"; object readOnly = false; object isVisible = true; object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; Word.ApplicationClass oWordApp = new Word.ApplicationClass(); Word.Document oWordDoc = oWordApp.Documents.Open(ref fileName, ref missing,ref readOnly, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref isVisible,ref missing,ref missing,ref missing); oWordDoc.Activate(); oWordApp.Selection.TypeText("This is the text"); oWordApp.Selection.TypeParagraph(); oWordDoc.Save(); oWordApp.Application.Quit(ref missing, ref missing, ref missing); |
Word.ApplicationClass oWordApp = new Word.ApplicationClass(); Word.Document oWordDoc = oWordApp.Documents.Add(ref missing, ref missing,ref missing, ref missing); oWordDoc.Activate(); oWordApp.Selection.TypeText("This is the text"); oWordApp.Selection.TypeParagraph(); oWordDoc.SaveAs("c://myfile.doc"); oWordApp.Application.Quit(ref missing, ref missing, ref missing); |
在C#里,Word文档类的打开方法是这样定义的:Open(ref object, ref object, ref object, ref object, ref object, ref object, ref object, ref object, ref object, ref object, ref object, ref object, ref object, ref object, ref object)。在C#里的打开方法需要15个参数,并且每个参数必须被ref关键字所描述,而且是object类型。
第一个参数是文件,名,在Visual Basic.NET里通常是一个String,但是在在C#里,它必须是一个包含有String的object,代码是这样的:
object fileName = "c://database//test.doc"; |
Word.ApplicationClass oWordApp = new Word.ApplicationClass(); object oTemplate = "c://MyTemplate.dot"; oWordDoc = oWordApp.Documents.Add(ref oTemplate, ref Missing,ref Missing, ref Missing); |
object oBookMark = "MyBookmark"; oWordDoc.Bookmarks.Item(ref oBookMark).Range.Text = "Some Text Here"; |
object oStyleName = "MyStyle"; oWordDoc.Bookmarks.Item(ref oBookMark).Range.set_Style(ref oStyleName); |
public class CCWordApp { //it's a reference to the COM object of Microsoft Word Application private Word.ApplicationClass oWordApplic; // it's a reference to the document in use private Word.Document oWordDoc; // Activate the interface with the COM object of Microsoft Word public CCWordApp(); // Open an existing file or open a new file based on a template public void Open( string strFileName); // Open a new document public void Open( ); // Deactivate the interface with the COM object of Microsoft Word public void Quit( ); // Save the document public void Save( ); //Save the document with a new name as HTML document public void SaveAs(string strFileName ); // Save the document in HTML format public void SaveAsHtml(string strFileName ); // Insert Text public void InsertText( string strText); // Insert Line Break public void InsertLineBreak( ); // Insert multiple Line Break public void InsertLineBreak( int nline); // Set the paragraph alignment // Possible values of strType :"Centre", "Right", "Left", "Justify" public void SetAlignment(string strType ); // Set the font style // Possible values of strType :"Bold","Italic,"Underlined" public void SetFont( string strType ); // Disable all the style public void SetFont( ); // Set the font name public void SetFontName( string strType ); // Set the font dimension public void SetFontSize( int nSize ); // Insert a page break public void InsertPagebreak(); // Go to a predefined bookmark public void GotoBookMark( string strBookMarkName); // Go to the end of document public void GoToTheEnd( ); // Go to the beginning of document public void GoToTheBeginning( ); |
CCWordApp test ; test = new CCWordApp(); test.Open ("c://database//test.doc"); test.InsertText("This is the text"); test.InsertLineBreak; test.Save (); test.Quit(); |