JSP 动态树


function Node(id, pid, name, url, title, target, icon, iconOpen, open, appendedStr) { 
this.id = id; 
this.pid = pid; 
this.name = name; 
this.url = url; 
this.title = title; 
this.target = target; 

this.icon = icon; 
this.iconOpen = iconOpen; 

this.appendedStr = appendedStr; 

this._io = open || false; 
this._is = false; 
this._ls = false; 
this._hc = false; 
this._ai = 0; 
// Tree object 
function tree(objName,path) { 
this.path = path; 
this.config = { 
target : null, 
folderLinks : true, 
useSelection : true, 
useCookies : true, 
useLines : true, 
useIcons : true, 
useStatusText : false, 
closeSameLevel : false, 
inOrder : false 

this.icon = { 
root : path + 'TreeDemo/images/tree_base.gif', 
folder : path + 'TreeDemo/images/tree_folder.gif', 
folderOpen : path + 'TreeDemo/images/tree_folderopen.gif', 
node : path + 'TreeDemo/images/tree_folder.gif', 
empty : path + 'TreeDemo/images/tree_empty.gif', 
line : path + 'TreeDemo/images/tree_line.gif', 
join : path + 'TreeDemo/images/tree_join.gif', 
joinBottom : path + 'TreeDemo/images/tree_joinbottom.gif', 
plus : path + 'TreeDemo/images/tree_plus.gif', 
plusBottom : path + 'TreeDemo/images/tree_plusbottom.gif', 
minus : path + 'TreeDemo/images/tree_minus.gif', 
minusBottom : path + 'TreeDemo/images/tree_minusbottom.gif', 
nlPlus : path + 'TreeDemo/images/tree_nolines_plus.gif', 
nlMinus : path + 'TreeDemo/images/tree_nolines_minus.gif' 
this.obj = objName; 
this.aNodes = []; 
this.aIndent = []; 
this.root = new Node(-1); 
this.selectedNode = null; 
this.selectedFound = false; 
this.completed = false; 
// Adds a new node to the node array 
tree.prototype.add = function(id, pid, name, url, title, target, icon, iconOpen, open, appendedStr) { 
this.aNodes[this.aNodes.length] = new Node(id, pid, name, url, title, target, icon, iconOpen, open, appendedStr); 
// Open/close all nodes 
tree.prototype.openAll = function() { 
tree.prototype.closeAll = function() { 
// Outputs the tree to the page 
tree.prototype.toString = function() { 
var str = '<div class="tree">\n'; 
if (document.getElementById) { 
if (this.config.useCookies) this.selectedNode = this.getSelected(); 
str += this.addNode(this.root); 
} else str += 'Browser not supported.'; 
str += '</div>'; 
if (!this.selectedFound) this.selectedNode = null; 
this.completed = true; 
return str; 
// Creates the tree structure 
tree.prototype.addNode = function(pNode) { 
var str = ''; 
var n=0; 
if (this.config.inOrder) n = pNode._ai; 
for (n; n<this.aNodes.length; n++) { 
if (this.aNodes[n].pid == pNode.id) { 
var cn = this.aNodes[n]; 
cn._p = pNode; 
cn._ai = n; 
if (!cn.target && this.config.target) cn.target = this.config.target; 
if (cn._hc && !cn._io && this.config.useCookies) cn._io = this.isOpen(cn.id); 
if (!this.config.folderLinks && cn._hc) cn.url = null; 
if (this.config.useSelection && cn.id == this.selectedNode && !this.selectedFound) { 
cn._is = true; 
this.selectedNode = n; 
this.selectedFound = true; 

str += this.node(cn, n); 
if (cn._ls) break; 

return str; 
// Creates the node icon, url and text 
tree.prototype.node = function(node, nodeId) { 
var str = '<div class="treeNode">' + this.indent(node, nodeId); 
if (this.config.useIcons) { 
if (!node.icon) node.icon = (this.root.id == node.pid) ? this.icon.root : ((node._hc) ? this.icon.folder : this.icon.node); 
if (!node.iconOpen) node.iconOpen = (node._hc) ? this.icon.folderOpen : this.icon.node; 
if (this.root.id == node.pid) { 
node.icon = this.icon.root; 
node.iconOpen = this.icon.root; 

str += '<img id="i' + this.obj + nodeId + '" src="' + ((node._io) ? node.iconOpen : node.icon) + '" src="' + ((node._io) ? node.iconOpen : node.icon) + '" alt="" />'; 

if (node.url) { 
str += '<a id="s' + this.obj + nodeId + '" class="' + ((this.config.useSelection) ? ((node._is ? 'nodeSel' : 'node')) : 'node') + '" href="' + node.url + '" href="' + node.url + '"'; 
if (node.title) str += ' title="' + node.title + '"'; 
if (node.target) str += ' target="' + node.target + '"'; 
if (this.config.useStatusText) str += ' onmouseover="window.status=\'' + node.name + '\';return true;" onmouseout="window.status=\'\';return true;" '; 
if (this.config.useSelection && ((node._hc && this.config.folderLinks) || !node._hc)) 
str += ' onclick="javascript: ' + this.obj + '.s(' + nodeId + ');"'; 
str += '>'; 

else if ((!this.config.folderLinks || !node.url) && node._hc && node.pid != this.root.id) 
str += '<a href="javascript: ' + this.obj + '.o(' + nodeId + ');" href="javascript: ' + this.obj + '.o(' + nodeId + ');" class="node">'; 
str += node.name; 
if (node.url || ((!this.config.folderLinks || !node.url) && node._hc)) str += '</a>'; 

//[!--begin--]add by wangxr to append str 
if(node.appendedStr) str += node.appendedStr; 
str += '</div>'; 
if (node._hc) { 
str += '<div id="d' + this.obj + nodeId + '" class="clip" style="display:' + ((this.root.id == node.pid || node._io) ? 'block' : 'none') + ';" style="display:' + ((this.root.id == node.pid || node._io) ? 'block' : 'none') + ';">'; 
str += this.addNode(node); 
str += '</div>'; 

return str; 
// Adds the empty and line icons 
tree.prototype.indent = function(node, nodeId) { 
var str = ''; 
if (this.root.id != node.pid) { 
for (var n=0; n<this.aIndent.length; n++) 
str += '<img src="' + ( (this.aIndent[n] == 1 && this.config.useLines) ? this.icon.line : this.icon.empty ) + '" src="' + ( (this.aIndent[n] == 1 && this.config.useLines) ? this.icon.line : this.icon.empty ) + '" alt="" />'; 
(node._ls) ? this.aIndent.push(0) : this.aIndent.push(1); 
if (node._hc) { 
str += '<a href="javascript: ' + this.obj + '.o(' + nodeId + ');" href="javascript: ' + this.obj + '.o(' + nodeId + ');"><img id="j' + this.obj + nodeId + '" src="'; 
if (!this.config.useLines) str += (node._io) ? this.icon.nlMinus : this.icon.nlPlus; 
else str += ( (node._io) ? ((node._ls && this.config.useLines) ? this.icon.minusBottom : this.icon.minus) : ((node._ls && this.config.useLines) ? this.icon.plusBottom : this.icon.plus ) ); 
str += '" src="'; if (!this.config.useLines) str += (node._io) ? this.icon.nlMinus : this.icon.nlPlus; else str += ( (node._io) ? ((node._ls && this.config.useLines) ? this.icon.minusBottom : this.icon.minus) : ((node._ls && this.config.useLines) ? this.icon.plusBottom : this.icon.plus ) ); str += '" alt="" /></a>'; 
} else str += '<img src="' + ( (this.config.useLines) ? ((node._ls) ? this.icon.joinBottom : this.icon.join ) : this.icon.empty) + '" src="' + ( (this.config.useLines) ? ((node._ls) ? this.icon.joinBottom : this.icon.join ) : this.icon.empty) + '" alt="" />'; 

return str; 
// Checks if a node has any children and if it is the last sibling 
tree.prototype.setCS = function(node) { 
var lastId; 
for (var n=0; n<this.aNodes.length; n++) { 
if (this.aNodes[n].pid == node.id) node._hc = true; 
if (this.aNodes[n].pid == node.pid) lastId = this.aNodes[n].id; 

if (lastId==node.id) node._ls = true; 
// Returns the selected node 
tree.prototype.getSelected = function() { 
var sn = this.getCookie('cs' + this.obj); 
return (sn) ? sn : null; 
// Highlights the selected node 
tree.prototype.s = function(id) { 
if (!this.config.useSelection) return; 
var cn = this.aNodes[id]; 
if (cn._hc && !this.config.folderLinks) return; 
if (this.selectedNode != id) { 
if (this.selectedNode || this.selectedNode==0) { 
eOld = document.getElementById("s" + this.obj + this.selectedNode); 
eOld.className = "node"; 

eNew = document.getElementById("s" + this.obj + id); 
eNew.className = "nodeSel"; 
this.selectedNode = id; 
if (this.config.useCookies) this.setCookie('cs' + this.obj, cn.id); 

// Toggle Open or close 
tree.prototype.o = function(id) { 
var cn = this.aNodes[id]; 
this.nodeStatus(!cn._io, id, cn._ls); 
cn._io = !cn._io; 
if (this.config.closeSameLevel) this.closeLevel(cn); 
if (this.config.useCookies) this.updateCookie(); 
// Open or close all nodes 
tree.prototype.oAll = function(status) { 
for (var n=0; n<this.aNodes.length; n++) { 
if (this.aNodes[n]._hc && this.aNodes[n].pid != this.root.id) { 
this.nodeStatus(status, n, this.aNodes[n]._ls) 
this.aNodes[n]._io = status; 

if (this.config.useCookies) this.updateCookie(); 
// Opens the tree to a specific node 
tree.prototype.openTo = function(nId, bSelect, bFirst) { 
if (!bFirst) { 
for (var n=0; n<this.aNodes.length; n++) { 
if (this.aNodes[n].id == nId) { 

var cn=this.aNodes[nId]; 
if (cn.pid==this.root.id || !cn._p) return; 
cn._io = true; 
cn._is = bSelect; 
if (this.completed && cn._hc) this.nodeStatus(true, cn._ai, cn._ls); 
if (this.completed && bSelect) this.s(cn._ai); 
else if (bSelect) this._sn=cn._ai; 
this.openTo(cn._p._ai, false, true); 
// Closes all nodes on the same level as certain node 
tree.prototype.closeLevel = function(node) { 
for (var n=0; n<this.aNodes.length; n++) { 
if (this.aNodes[n].pid == node.pid && this.aNodes[n].id != node.id && this.aNodes[n]._hc) { 
this.nodeStatus(false, n, this.aNodes[n]._ls); 
this.aNodes[n]._io = false; 

// Closes all children of a node 
tree.prototype.closeAllChildren = function(node) { 
for (var n=0; n<this.aNodes.length; n++) { 
if (this.aNodes[n].pid == node.id && this.aNodes[n]._hc) { 
if (this.aNodes[n]._io) this.nodeStatus(false, n, this.aNodes[n]._ls); 
this.aNodes[n]._io = false; 

// Change the status of a node(open or closed) 
tree.prototype.nodeStatus = function(status, id, bottom) { 
eDiv = document.getElementById('d' + this.obj + id); 
eJoin = document.getElementById('j' + this.obj + id); 
if (this.config.useIcons) { 
eIcon = document.getElementById('i' + this.obj + id); 
eIcon.src = (status) ? this.aNodes[id].iconOpen : this.aNodes[id].icon; 

eJoin.src = (this.config.useLines)? 
eDiv.style.display = (status) ? 'block': 'none'; 
// [Cookie] Clears a cookie 
tree.prototype.clearCookie = function() { 
var now = new Date(); 
var yesterday = new Date(now.getTime() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); 
this.setCookie('co'+this.obj, 'cookieValue', yesterday); 
this.setCookie('cs'+this.obj, 'cookieValue', yesterday); 
// [Cookie] Sets value in a cookie 
tree.prototype.setCookie = function(cookieName, cookieValue, expires, path, domain, secure) {
document.cookie = 
escape(cookieName) + '=' + escape(cookieValue) 
+ (expires ? '; expires=' + expires.toGMTString() : '') 
+ (path ? '; path=' + path : '') 
+ (domain ? '; domain=' + domain : '') 
+ (secure ? '; secure' : ''); 
// [Cookie] Gets a value from a cookie 
tree.prototype.getCookie = function(cookieName) { 
var cookieValue = ''; 
var posName = document.cookie.indexOf(escape(cookieName) + '='); 
if (posName != -1) { 
var posValue = posName + (escape(cookieName) + '=').length; 
var endPos = document.cookie.indexOf(';', posValue); 
if (endPos != -1) cookieValue = unescape(document.cookie.substring(posValue, endPos)); 
else cookieValue = unescape(document.cookie.substring(posValue)); 

return (cookieValue); 
// [Cookie] Returns ids of open nodes as a string 
tree.prototype.updateCookie = function() { 
var str = ''; 
for (var n=0; n<this.aNodes.length; n++) { 
if (this.aNodes[n]._io && this.aNodes[n].pid != this.root.id) { 
if (str) str += '.'; 
str += this.aNodes[n].id; 

this.setCookie('co' + this.obj, str); 
// [Cookie] Checks if a node id is in a cookie 
tree.prototype.isOpen = function(id) { 
var aOpen = this.getCookie('co' + this.obj).split('.'); 
for (var n=0; n<aOpen.length; n++) 
if (aOpen[n] == id) return true; 
return false; 
// If Push and pop is not implemented by the browser 
if (!Array.prototype.push) { 
Array.prototype.push = function array_push() { 
for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++) 
return this.length; 

if (!Array.prototype.pop) { 
Array.prototype.pop = function array_pop() { 
lastElement = this[this.length-1]; 
this.length = Math.max(this.length-1,0); 
return lastElement; 


create database `treedemo`; 
use treedemo; 
create table trees( 
tid int primary key not null, 
pid int not null, 
tname varchar(50) not null, 
isleaf int 
select * from trees; 
insert into trees(tid,pid,tname)values(0,-1,'组织内容'); 
insert into trees(tid,pid,tname)values(1,0,'短信'); 
insert into trees(tid,pid,tname)values(2,0,'彩信'); 
insert into trees(tid,pid,tname)values(3,0,'新闻'); 
insert into trees(tid,pid,tname)values(4,1,'移动生活'); 
insert into trees(tid,pid,tname)values(5,1,'单条滚动点播'); 
insert into trees(tid,pid,tname)values(6,2,'定制'); 
insert into trees(tid,pid,tname)values(7,2,'点播'); 
insert into trees(tid,pid,tname)values(8,3,'房产频道'); 
insert into trees(tid,pid,tname)values(9,3,'农村频道'); 
insert into trees(tid,pid,tname)values(10,3,'数码频道'); 
insert into trees(tid,pid,tname)values(11,6,'幽默笑话'); 
insert into trees(tid,pid,tname)values(12,7,'铃声'); 
insert into trees(tid,pid,tname)values(13,7,'贺卡'); 
insert into trees(tid,pid,tname)values(14,7,'动画'); 
insert into trees(tid,pid,tname)values(15,13,'贺卡1'); 
insert into trees(tid,pid,tname)values(16,13,'贺卡2'); 
insert into trees(tid,pid,tname)values(17,13,'贺卡3'); 
insert into trees(tid,pid,tname)values(18,13,'贺卡4'); 
select * from trees; 
(2)pid 该节点父节点的编号; 
(3)tname 节点名称; 
(4)isleaf 表明该节点是否为叶节点,叶节点为1,非叶节点为0。该字段可根据实际情况增删。 


package com.sx.mas.utils; 
import java.sql.Connection; 
import java.sql.DriverManager; 
import java.sql.SQLException; 
public class DBConn { 
private static final String DRIVER="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; 
private static final String URL="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/treedemo"; 
Connection conn=null; 
public Connection getConnection(){ 
try { 
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { 
// TODO Auto-generated catch block 
} catch (SQLException e) { 
// TODO Auto-generated catch block 

return conn; 

package com.sx.mas.utils; 
import java.sql.Connection; 
import java.sql.DriverManager; 
import java.sql.SQLException; 
public class DBConn { 
private static final String DRIVER="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; 
private static final String URL="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/treedemo"; 
Connection conn=null; 
public Connection getConnection(){ 
try { 
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { 
// TODO Auto-generated catch block 
} catch (SQLException e) { 
// TODO Auto-generated catch block 

return conn; 


package com.sx.mas.beans; 
public class TreeNode { 
private int tid; 
private int pid; 
private String tname; 
private int isleaf; 
public int getTid() { 
return tid; 

public void setTid(int tid) { 
this.tid = tid; 

public int getPid() { 
return pid; 

public void setPid(int pid) { 
this.pid = pid; 

public String getTname() { 
return tname; 

public void setTname(String tname) { 
this.tname = tname; 

public int getIsleaf() { 
return isleaf; 

public void setIsleaf(int isleaf) { 
this.isleaf = isleaf; 

package com.sx.mas.beans; 
public class TreeNode { 
private int tid; 
private int pid; 
private String tname; 
private int isleaf; 

public int getTid() { 
return tid; 

public void setTid(int tid) { 
this.tid = tid; 

public int getPid() { 
return pid; 

public void setPid(int pid) { 
this.pid = pid; 

public String getTname() { 
return tname; 

public void setTname(String tname) { 
this.tname = tname; 

public int getIsleaf() { 
return isleaf; 

public void setIsleaf(int isleaf) { 
this.isleaf = isleaf; 


package com.sx.mas.beans; 
import java.sql.Connection; 
import java.sql.ResultSet; 
import java.sql.SQLException; 
import java.sql.Statement; 
import java.util.Vector; 
import com.sx.mas.utils.DBConn; 
public class TreeDAO { 
public Vector getTree(){ 
Vector vec = new Vector(); 
DBConn dbconn = new DBConn(); 
Connection conn = dbconn.getConnection(); 
try { 
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); 
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from trees"); 
TreeNode treenode = new TreeNode(); 

} catch (SQLException e) { 
// TODO Auto-generated catch block 

return vec; 

package com.sx.mas.beans; 
import java.sql.Connection; 
import java.sql.ResultSet; 
import java.sql.SQLException; 
import java.sql.Statement; 
import java.util.Vector; 
import com.sx.mas.utils.DBConn; 
public class TreeDAO { 
public Vector getTree(){ 
Vector vec = new Vector(); 
DBConn dbconn = new DBConn(); 
Connection conn = dbconn.getConnection(); 
try { 
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); 
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from trees"); 
TreeNode treenode = new TreeNode(); 

} catch (SQLException e) { 
// TODO Auto-generated catch block 

return vec; 


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<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> 
d = new tree('d','../'); 
TreeDAO treedao = new TreeDAO(); 
Vector vec =treedao.getTree(); 
Iterator iterator = vec.iterator(); 
TreeNode treenode = (TreeNode)iterator.next(); 
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d = new tree('d','../'); 
TreeDAO treedao = new TreeDAO(); 
Vector vec =treedao.getTree(); 
Iterator iterator = vec.iterator(); 
TreeNode treenode = (TreeNode)iterator.next(); 


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return "TreeDemo/content_add.jsp?catalogId="+catalogId; 

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