Faile to deploy on the Tomcat with rails

So...It's long time before I used this blog,and now,the engine rocks.
Days ago, I've been searching how to deploy the jruby on rails On the Tomcat. But, the I failed.
Here are the steps followed:
1. Download the lastet jruby version,which I've used is 1.20Rc.
2. Gem install rails
3. Rails testapp
4. Gem ActiveRecord
5. Change the enivement.rb,and the mysql adapeter in it.
6. Change the database.yml.
7. Add the goldspike plguin in it.
8. Run the command "jruby -S rake war:standalone:run"

Errors often come out with the "require gem 1.3.1 (you have 1.0.1).

I don't understand.
