创建表空间、创建用户 sql语句



create tablespace printpro_tblSps logging datafile
'/oracle/printpro_db/print1.dbf' size 5G,
'/oracle/printpro_db/print2.dbf' size 5G,
'/oracle/printpro_db/print3.dbf' size 5G,
'/oracle/printpro_db/print4.dbf' size 5G,
'/oracle/printpro_db/print5.dbf' size 5G,
'/oracle/printpro_db/print6.dbf' size 5G,
'/oracle/printpro_db/print7.dbf' size 5G,
'/oracle/printpro_db/print8.dbf' size 5G,
'/oracle/printpro_db/print9.dbf' size 5G,
'/oracle/printpro_db/print0.dbf' size 5G
 autoextend on extent management local;

create user printpro identified by printpro default tablespace printpro_tblSps;

grant connect to printpro;
grant resource to printpro;
drop tablespace printpro_tblSps;
//grant dba to usertest; 后试试能不能使用这个用户建用户。
//grant connect to usertest; 后看看能不能用这个用户连接到数据库。
//grant resource to usertest; 后看看这个用户能不能建表等。
