PSI Probe tomcat监控管理
1 安装配置
2 官方文档
3 操 作
2. 更改tomcat配置
1)进入conf/ tomcat-users-xml去掉一下注释:
<role rolename="tomcat"/>
<role rolename="role1"/>
<user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat"/>
<user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1"/>
<user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/>
<role rolename="probeuser" />
<role rolename="poweruser" />
<role rolename="poweruserplus" />
<role rolename="manager" />
<user username="admin" password="admin" roles="manager" />
Instructionsfor deploying to Apache Tomcat
Updated Mar 2, 2012 by [email protected]
Beforeyou deploy PSI Probe to Apache Tomcat, you must configure the server. This mayrequire you to restart the Tomcat service.
PSIProbe requires four security roles (in order of increasing privileges):
- probeuser
- poweruser
- poweruserplus
- manager - This is the same role required by Tomcat Manager and has the highest level of privileges.
Note: On Tomcat7 (or Tomcat 6.0.30 and above), you can use manager-gui instead of manager.
Thesemust be added to your Realm. By default, roles are configured by editing $CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml:
<tomcat-users> <rolerolename="probeuser"/> <rolerolename="poweruser"/> <rolerolename="poweruserplus"/> <rolerolename="manager"/> <userusername="admin"password="t0psecret"roles="manager"/> </tomcat-users>Thiswill create a user called admin with therole of manager.
Ifyou are not using the default configuration, add these roles as appropriate foryour Realm. Some Realm configurations, such as a JNDIRealm connecting to LDAP,will not require a server restart.
EnableRemote JMX (Optional)
PSIProbe requires remote JMX to collect and display certain pieces of information(memory usage, cluster traffic, connection pools, and active threads). You can enableremote JMX with the following JVM command line option: need the JMX connection to be secured, refer to the Tomcat documentation onthis topic.
Onceyou have completed the configuration steps, it's time to deploy PSI Probe.
Option1: Deploy with Tomcat Manager
1. Start Tomcat if it is notrunning.
2. Open the manager URL (e.g. http://localhost:8080/manager/html)in your web browser.
3. Upload probe.war using the"War file to deploy" option.
Option2: Manually Copy to Server
1. Shut down Tomcat if it isrunning.
2. Copy probe.war into $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/
3. Start Tomcat.
Option3: Fully Manual Deployment
Youcan, of course, unpackage probe.war file andcreate the probe.xml contextdescriptor yourself.
Ifyou do this, understand that PSI Probe requires a privileged context. META-INF/context.xml in probe.war containsan example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Contextpath="/probe"privileged="true"/>Testing
Onceyou have deployed PSI Probe to Tomcat, verify that you can access it in yourweb browser by entering PSI Probe's URL (e.g.http://localhost:8080/probe).
Whenyou are prompted for a username and password, enter the credentials for themanager account you created earlier.
Ifyou have any problems, see our Troubleshooting page.
之后的监控操作 相信没有谁看不懂的,全是视图模式的。