Windows下putty自动登录Ubntu ssh服务器

   [yourname@server]$ssh-keygen -t rsa
   Generating public/private rsa key pair.
   Enter file in which to save the key (/yourname/.ssh/id_rsa):
   Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
   Enter same passphrase again:
   Your identification has been saved in /yourname/.ssh/id_rsa.
   Your public key has been saved in /yourname/.ssh/
   The key fingerprint is:
   e4:9a:47:a7:b4:8a:0b:98:07:b8:70:de:6b:16:2c:0c yourname@server 


   [yourname@server]$cp /yourname/.ssh/ /yourname/.ssh/authorized_keys


      (1)、打开puttygen.exe --> Conversions --> Import Key
      (3)、Save private key->id_rsa.ppk(保存私钥)


   1)、Session --> Host Name (填写服务器地址或者域名)
   2)、Connection --> SSH --> Auth (点Browse选择刚生成的id_rsa.ppk)
   4)、Save Session
   putty -ssh -load session-name yourname@server
   login as: yourname

   Authenticating with public key "imported-openssh-key"


putty.exe [-ssh | -telnet | -rlogin | -raw] [user@]host

 -V        print version information and exit
 -pgpfp    print PGP key fingerprints and exit
 -v        show verbose messages
 -load sessname  Load settings from saved session
 -ssh -telnet -rlogin -raw            force use of a particular protocol
 -P port   connect to specified port
 -l user   connect with specified username
 -batch    disable all interactive prompts The following options only apply to SSH connections:  -pw passw login with specified password
 -D [listen-IP:]listen-port           Dynamic SOCKS-based port forwarding
 -L [listen-IP:]listen-port:host:port            Forward local port to remote address
 -R [listen-IP:]listen-port:host:port            Forward remote port to local address
 -X -x     enable / disable X11 forwarding
-A -a     enable / disable agent forwarding
 -t -T     enable / disable pty allocation
-1 -2     force use of particular protocol version
-4 -6     force use of IPv4 or IPv6
 -C        enable compression
-i key    private key file for authentication
 -m file   read remote command(s) from file
 -s        remote command is an SSH subsystem (SSH-2 only)
 -N        don't start a shell/command (SSH-2 only)
