OK6410 PWM



OK6410 PWM_第1张图片OK6410 PWM_第2张图片




GPF14 [29:28] 00 = Input       01 = Output   10 = PWM TOUT[0]  11 = CLKOUT[0] 
GPF15 [31:30] 00 = Input        01 = Output  10 = PWM TOUT[1]  11 = Reserved 






The Pulse Width Modulation function (PWM) uses the value of the TCMPBn register. The timer control logic
changes the output level when the down-counter value matches the value of the compare register in the timer
control logic. Therefore, the compare register determines the turn-on time (or turn-off time) of a PWM output. 
The TCNTBn and TCMPBn registers are double buffered to allow the timer parameters to be updated in the
middle of a cycle. The new values will not take effect until the current timer cycle completes.
A simple example of a PWM cycle is shown in the figure below. 

OK6410 PWM_第3张图片

1.  Initialize the TCNTBn with 159(50+109) and the TCMPBn with 109.  
2.  Start Timer by setting the start bit and manual update bit off. 
The TCNTBn value of 159 is loaded into the down-counter, the output is driven low.
3.  When down-counter counts down to the value in the TCMPBn register 109, 
the output is changed from low to high 
4.  When the down-counter reaches 0, the interrupt request is generated.  
5.  The down-counter is automatically reloaded with TCNTBn, which restarts the cycle.

对于PWM 功能,要用到寄存器TCMPBn,当递减计数器down-counter的值和比较寄存器TCMPBn的值相同时,定时控制逻辑模块就会改变输出电平。因此比较寄存器TCMPBn决定了PWM的输出。




OK6410 PWM_第4张图片


 OK6410 PWM_第5张图片


在TCFG1 (Timer Configuration Register) 中


在 TCON (Timer Control Register)中

OK6410 PWM_第6张图片



