You are given a string S of length N consisting only of 0s and 1s. You are also given an integer K.
You have to answer Q queries. In the ith query, two integers Li and Ri are given. Then you should print the number of substrings of S[L, R] which contain at most K 0s and at most K 1s where S[L, R] denotes the substring from Lth to Rth characters of the string S.
In other words, you have to count number of pairs (i, j) of integers such that L ≤ i ≤ j ≤ R such that no character in substring S[i, j] occurs more than K times.
The first line of input contains an integer T, denoting the number of test cases. Then T test cases follow.
The first line of each test case contains three space-separated integers N, K and Q as described in the problem. The second line contains a string S of length N. Then the next Q lines describe the query, where the ith line of them contains two space-separated integers Li and Ri.
For each query, print the required answer in a single line.
Input: 1 8 2 3 01110000 1 4 2 4 5 8 Output: 8 5 7
#include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<string> #include<map> #include<set> #include<cmath> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<cstdio> #define ll long long using namespace std; int main(){ int t; cin>>t; while(t--){ ll n,m,k,a,b; string x; cin>>n>>m>>k; cin>>x; ll y[n+5]={0}; ll sum[n+5]={0}; ll c=0,d=0,r=0; for(int i=0;i<n;++i){ while(r<n){ //这个r很好,大大缩短了时间(以后的i的r只要在前面基础上累加就行了) if(x[r]=='1'&&c<m){ c++; r++; } else if(x[r]=='0'&&d<m){ d++; r++; } else{ break; } } y[i+1]=r; //以每个位置作为开头时的结尾位置 sum[i+1]+=sum[i]+r-i; //这个位置之前(包括这个位置),所有以这些位置为起点的符合条件的子集长度和,即有多少个子集 if(x[i]=='1') c--; else d--; } while(k--){ cin>>a>>b; int left=upper_bound(y+a,y+b,b)-y; //取等于时的最后一个下标,如果没有等于的,取大于的第一个下标 if(y[left]>b) //当这个下标取的是大于的第一个下标 left--; cout<<sum[left]-sum[a-1]+(b-left)*(b-left+1)/2<<endl;//sum的差表示left前(包括)子集总数,后面可以看成C(b-left,2)+b-left(单个点也是子集) } } return 0; }或
int main(){ int t; cin>>t; while(t--){ ll n,m,k,a,b; string x; cin>>n>>m>>k; cin>>x; ll y[n+5]={0}; //不知道为什么写y[100005]就是超时? ll sum[n+5]={0}; //不知道为什么写y[100005]就是超时? ll c=0,d=0,r=0; for(int i=0;i<n;++i){ while(r<n){ //这个r很好,大大缩短了时间(以后的i的r只要在前面基础上累加就行了) if(x[r]=='1'&&c<m){ c++; r++; } else if(x[r]=='0'&&d<m){ d++; r++; } else{ break; } } y[i+1]=r; //以每个位置作为开头时的结尾位置 sum[i+1]+=sum[i]+r-i; //这个位置之前(包括这个位置),所有以这些位置为起点的符合条件的子集长度和,即有多少个子集 if(x[i]=='1') c--; else d--; } while(k--){ cin>>a>>b; ll left=a,right=b; ll mid; while(left<right){ //注意这里没有等于 mid=(left+right)/2; if(y[mid]>b) //这个地方我b写成r,WA了无数次(教训啊) right=mid-1; else left=mid+1; } if(y[left]>b) //这一步很重要(为什么取left而不是mid?) left--; cout<<sum[left]-sum[a-1]+(b-left)*(b-left+1)/2<<endl;//sum的差表示left前(包括)子集总数,后面可以看成C(b-left,2)+b-left(单个点也是子集) } } return 0; }